Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I felt her blood pouring out smearing against my white fur. I bit down harder and noticed that soon her body went limp.

No one messes with my family. I backed away and spit the witch's blood out onto the ground.

I turned around to see Isaac and Luke still fighting. I was about to run towards them when I felt the witch's presence still there. She wasn't dead.

I turned back towards her to see her muttering something under her breath. She couldn't pick herself back up. I took my paw and slashed her throat making sure that it went deep, killing her for sure. I watched as her body sagged against the ground.

I watched as Luke was now ripping Isaac's neck out. Isaac was dead but Luke just kept taking bites at him kicking him, slashing him with his paw.

I gingerly went towards Luke.

'Luke' nothing he didn't stop.

'Luke, he's dead now' I told him softly but he didn't stop.

'Luke!' I screamed at him. His head snapped towards me and searched around me to see if I was injured. He made his way over to me and his head went into the side of my neck, nuzzling against me.

I soon felt tired against his hold. I let my body sag against him and closed my eyes.

'Take me home Luke' I managed to say through the bond before I went unconscious.


Luke's POV

I sighed in relief as I realized that Lily was okay. Seeing her in her wolf form only led to my wolf being more hornier. Her perfect white fur was so soft against my snout as I nuzzled her neck. I took in a deep breath and her scent hit me instantly calming my wolf down. Her honey lemon scent rolling off of her in waves and I took them in without a fight.

I soon felt her rest against me. She let out deep breaths out whining in between some. I looked over to see if she was hurt only to see that her eyes were closed and I that her presence was slowly fading.

'Take me home Luke' was all I heard before her body went limp. I caught onto her quickly making sure that her body was resting on my back. I ran slowly not wanting to drop her. I was panicking. I couldn't feel her, she was fading. I whined at the thought of something happening to her. I can't lose her not now, I just got her back.

I picked up pace running faster than before. I needed to get to Ian's and get my Princess checked out. What was wrong? My wolf whined at the thought of losing his mate and I blocked him off not wanting to think about the negatives.

Half an hour later I made it to Ian's. If it took me half an hour to get here then how the hell did Princess get to where I was within seconds? It was impossible. The journey takes at least a day with a few brakes in between but this is impossible.

I ran into the house and straight to Ian's pack infirmary. Ian stood there talking to his pack doctor when he noticed me running in.

He met me halfway trying to get Lily off of me but I growled and moved away from him. He held his hands up in surrender and moved back as I growled at him even more. I went towards one of the beds and placed my Princess on it. She was still in her wolf form.

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