Chapter 31

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A/N: Important note at the end, read it please.

Chapter 31

I woke up when I felt my body being shifted. My eyes opened to see that Gabriel was back to his human form, the moon shining brightly. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"We are past my father's territory. I thought we could get some rest before we can start to run."

I nodded. "Were you running the whole time without any breaks?" I asked noticing that it was still dark.

He nodded. "I know my way around our territory. I took some short cuts. He reached over to his knapsack and pulled out a sandwich.

"Here, eat this. You must be tired." I was about to argue with him saying no before he interrupted me.

"You are feeding yourself for another life right now. It's not right to leave that life to starve because you're not hungry" He said

My eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"Kayla told me" was his simple reply before he looked away. I noticed how his eyes lit up at the mention of Kayla.

"Do you have a mate?" I blurted.

He looked stunned before nodding at me slowly.

"Is it Kayla?" I asked softly.

He nodded and I noticed how his eyes filled with pain.


"Does she know?" I already knew the answer but I asked anyway.

He shook his head, his head hung low. "She doesn't know. She deserves someone better not a bastard child of the one who kidnapped her, tortured her. I couldn't protect her. All I could do was reduce the amount of torture and make sure no male went near her while she was unconscious. I didn't know it when I was young but I knew for sure when my mom told me about mates when I was 16." his voice shaking lightly at the end.

"How does she not know, the pull of the mate the bond, she would have noticed." I said

"I used a potion to mask the mating call" he replied.

"Gabriel look at me", he does and I resume. "Your taking away her mate, her choice in this. It's her who needs to decide, you need to give her that chance. You are depriving her from her mate, her happiness. That's not fair to her. She knows that you are nothing like Isaac. You did something to protect her even if you couldn't fully, you did do something and trust when I say she will be glad to know that her mate was watching over her through everything she went through. That he was there with her protecting her. You need to give her a chance" I said.

He looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe" he said his eyes glazing a bit telling me he's lost in his thoughts.

"How come you got me out of there instead of Kayla? If you knew you could have gotten out of there, why didn't you do it sooner?" I asked snapping him out of his daze.

"I couldn't escape with Kayla before. We would have gotten caught. Besides there was no where we could go if we had escaped. We would have been rogues out here. Staying there was safer for Kayla then coming out here and dying with me. At least that way I could provide for her. My father had left all the responsibilities of the prisoners to me once I was old enough. He didn't know what happened to them until you came. He started checking up often. I would have taken Kayla but what good would that do. We would still be rogues out here. If I got you out of there, you would be able to communicate with your mate more clearly that way he can get there faster" he finished off.

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