Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I open my eyes slowly. The back of my head hurts badly. My eyes open to find my hands in chains. I tried yanking on the chains but I knew it was pointless. I felt a slight burning sensation around my wrists but they were bearable. The chains, they were made out of silver. Silver is suppose to be the downfall to werewolves but I can't seem to find feel any pain except for the slight pain. I look around and find that I am with 4 other women. They all look at me in pity. I look at each one of them and find that all of them have burns all over them. Bruises were scattered all over them. Dried blood sticking onto them.

I see a little girl lying down in the dark room on the cold cemented floor. Blood flowed out of her non stop. She was only about 6 year old. I tried calling out to her but my voice came out hoarse. It was stuck in my throat and unrecognizable.

I tried mind linking Luke but I didn't feel his presence. I tried calling out but all I heard was the darkness that drenched my brain. I was alone and Luke wasn't here to protect me.

I cried out. My head felt like it was about to explode. It felt like someone was trying to snap something deep within me. The other women looked at me with pity in their eyes. I didn't need that. I can get out of this. I have to get out of this. I calmed down trying not to panic. That's when I heard it. The tapping from the recorder. It sounded familiar. I try to rack my brain but nothing came up.  I was met with complete darkness.

Again I heard the tapping. It was like someone was trying to talk to me. I listened closely straining to hear the soft sound of fingers hitting the ground. I try to put the tapping in place. Maybe it meant something. I closed my eyes and blocked out all the other sounds and focused on the tapping alone. That's when it made sense. The tapping, that's why it sounded so familiar. I used to communicate with Kayla, my sister, when we were in here alone. We communicated through the soft thundering of fingers hitting the ground so that the guards didn't know what we were talking about.  I tapped back, but making sure it was quite. I waited for a reply but nothing came for a few minutes. I heard the quick paced taps against the floor beneath us. I strained to hear. I smiled in relief knowing that she was ok. I wanted to see her.
 I was jumping with joy until I heard heavy footsteps making their way down. I internally wanted to go hide in a corner but held my head up and waited for his arrival. I didn't know what he wanted but one thing was for sure, I was gonna figure out what his plans were.


Luke's Pov

 I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere. I woke up on the ground in our bedroom with a letter lying on my chest. I panicked and got up to see if my Princess was alright but I couldn't find her. I looked over at the letter that was just moments ago lying on my chest but now it was abandoned on the floor.


I warned you, didn't I? I can't believe you trusted my word to not harm your mate unless I got what I wanted. What I wanted was her, you bastard. I need her and her sister so I can drain their blood. I need it to become more powerful. Some Alpha and mate you are. I thought you were powerful and smart but you slipped up. You slipped up bad. I guess werewolves really do turn into idiots as soon as they meet their mates. I'm sorry to have to say this but I'm not going to give you false hope. YOU are NEVER going to find her. GO find yourself another mate boy because you are never going to see her again.

I scrunched up the letter and threw it at the wall. I couldn't stand. How could I've been so stupid. Because of my stupidity my mate, my Princess is now in danger. Damn it! I looked at everything, every little detail but I missed the big picture. I punched the wall. I kept jabbing multiple hits at the now broken wall. I felt like I was being deprived of the air. I couldn't breathe. I can't live without her. She is my angel, no one can replace her. I sank to my knees. Tears finally broke against the barrier I had put up and flowed down my cheeks non stop. I couldn't help it, they just wouldn't stop no matter how much  I tried to stay strong for me, for my pack, for her, I couldn't. I was a pathetic piece of shit but I was her pathetic piece of shit. I'm going to find her. Isaac may be smart but he didn't know the power that mates had. He may be planning ahead but he had no idea how far I would go for my Princess. 

I called Jason and Jackson over right away. I needed to find her and I couldn't do that unless I had help.

10 minutes later Jason and Jackson were at our house. I quickly explained everything to them while they eagerly listened and took this new piece of information in. We alerted the pack and soon I had my best fighters and trackers with me. I was going to find her and it didn't matter how much it cost me.


Lily's Pov

I was finally able to see the face that has caused me so much grief, pain and chaos. Isaac. He smiled at me and I held back a growl. I did not need to aggravate him.

"Its so nice to see how far you've grown up. It makes me so sad that I wasn't there to see yo grow but that's all right. I had the privilege of watching your sister grow up into a beautiful young woman."

I resisted the urge to snort at that. I just nodded my head.

"I'm so glad that you didn't forget how to behave around me. You would make such a good daughter in law. I'll keep that in mind. You and your sister could've ruled this world along with my two boys. But that would be impossible now, I only have one boy. The other one your mate killed. Your mate, that stupid Alpha put his hands on my own, my family." He smiled down at me and pointed to someone behind him.

Out of the dark stepped out a tall figure. I couldn't see his face yet but I can tell that he would be strong. He stepped out a bit more and I can make out his face. His copper colour hair and brown eyes was all that stood out. He looked nothing like Isaac. I felt unshed tears start to burn. I looked down, not wanting  Isaac to see that he had gotten to me.

"You know luck really is on my side. I would have never thought that what I craved for would be my enemy's precious mate. Everything just worked out. The one person that I wanted to hurt the most is now hurting. I couldn't have asked for any better way for this to play out. He's now suffering and I am getting what I always wanted. Power. Don't expect him to come and save you. That pathetic little Alpha has no clue where you are. There is no way he would be able to save you. Just accept your fate with open arms, it will be a lot easier." He laughed and walked away.

The guy, his son, gave me a look of sympathy before walking away with his father. I heard a series of tapping. I listened to it and caught what Kayla was trying to say. I tapped back telling her that whatever she was panicking about will not happen. Luke will come get us but until then we had to play along and figure out his tactics. That way we can help Luke find us.

Kayla started tapping again. I listened in. 'I am panicking but its not about me. I've been in this hell hole for awhile. I'm worried about you and your baby.'

Baby? What was she going on about. I sent back a quick reply telling her that there was no baby. She tapped back telling me that I was pregnant but I wasn't far along, about a week or so. 'You're making no sense', I tapped back. This was ridiculous. If I was pregnant I would know right?

'How do you know?' I tapped back.

'It's apart of our gifts as the Alpha King and Queen's daughters.'

'You mean that I'm pregnant. That there is a life inside of me, growing inside of me. A baby.' I replied, whispering as the reality of her words hit me.

'Yes' she replied back one final time before she stopped tapping.

I couldn't believe this. I'm carrying Luke's child, my child. Our baby. Tears started flowing out of my eyes and this time I didn't try to stop them. I let them flow down. I cried, I cried for my unborn child, for my future, for my sister, for the women that I was with, but most of all I cried for my mate, my love.

A/N: Sorry just realised I didn't update today. I have gotten so much votes and comments  lately its amazing. My reads and votes have grown quite a bit over a week and I can't thank you guys enough. I love you guys and I hope my story is to your liking. I am so happy just looking at my stats, its amazing. There are so many new readers I got recently and I just want to say a big thanks to them and my old readers because you guys gave my book a chance. And a huge thanks to those who have voted and commented on my book. It truly means al ot and motivates me to write. This chapter is a really sad one. It broke my heart to write this but I made it. Anyways I'm gonna stop my blabbering. Hope you all liked this chapter. Please don't forget to Vote/Comment!

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