Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I now stood in front of the devil himself. I mean now that I thought about it, I’m glad that he got my first kiss rather then that skank’s jerk of a brother who forced a kiss on me while I was drunk.

Luke looked up from his phone and smirked. He knew I only ever came up to him while dance is to ask him for a favour. And that favour usually meant that he had to dance too.

“Need me for something” he asked while smirking.

Oh you don’t know how much I wanted to smack that smirk off his face.

“You could say that...”

“So what do you want me to do now?”

Oh like he didn’t know already.

“Well you see...actually never mind” I said

“Ok then. Come get me if you need me.” He said with a smirk knowing that I was going to come back.

I walked towards Brand and he looked up and shook his head.

“You backed out didn’t you” Jackson and Brandy said in unison.

I nodded. “I can’t do it. There’s no way in hell I’m asking. You guys do it”

“He doesn’t listen to us” Jackson said.

“Oh hell, like he listens to me”

“Actually he does” Brandy pointed out.

“Whatever” I said

“It’s for the team remember” Jackson reminded me.

“Yea I know. Let’s get this over with.”

I walked back up to the demon and stood there in front of him. Luke looked up from his phone and had a smug look on his face. Here goes nothing.

“Have you decided if you’re going to ask me or are you going to bail like last time Princess?” he asked. I scowled at him.

“Yea well it’s not like I want to ask you. I have to because I’m getting pressured into it.” I snapped.

“This is bullying you know” I yelled back to the rest of the crew.

They laughed while Brand and Jackson gave me thumbs up.

I turned back towards Luke.

“Princess, if you don’t need me, I’m going back to my phone.”

“Wait! Well,I,um,...We need you to fill in for Dylan because he’s not here” I said quickly.

“What do I get if I come?”

“What do you want?” I snapped.

“Well when you ask so nicely how can I not ask”

“Are you coming or not?”

“I’m coming but only if you do something for me. You know you have to give to get.”

“And what is that demand of yours?” I snapped again

“Someone’s feisty, your digging your own grave right now you know that”

“Whatever” I said but knowing he was telling the truth.

“If I fill in for Dylan then you have to be my personal slave for one day.” He said smirking.

My jaw almost hit the floor. No way in hell will I be his slave for one day. That means doing whatever he wants me to do. And knowing the little devil himself it will be very embarrassing ones. Not cool.

“No way in hell am I going to do that!” I stated

“Then I’m not coming.”

“Fine, we don’t need you” I said as I turned around and marched over to Jackson and Brand who had tears streaming down their faces from laughter.

“Oh come on, at least he hadn’t asked for a kiss” Jackson said in between his laughs.

“No he didn’t but this is worse” I said flopping down on one of the mats.

“Please if you say yes to him then I’ll buy you chocolate sprinkled doughnuts for a week.” Brand pleaded.

My eyes widened at the thought of my favourite doughnuts.

“Not even chocolate sprinkled doughnuts can make me say yea but since I am getting them for a week you have a deal.”

“Finally, if I thought she would give in that easily I would’ve started with the doughnuts” Brandy mumbled.

I laughed and got up and went up to Luke for the third time.

“Made up your mind yet princess” he asked looking up from his phone.

I sighed and nodded.


“Yea you made up your mind or yea you will be personal slave for a day?” he asked.

“Yea that I will be your personal slave for one day” I said.

“Great! Let’s get dancing shall we?” Brandy butted in desperate for us to start.

“Whatever, but you better pay up” I told Brandy.

Luke just smirked while I rolled my eyes.

After practice I went to take a shower in one of the stalls. After I was done, I walked out to see Jackson and Luke waiting for me. I gave them both the finger and walked to Luke’s car.

I got into the back seat and put my headphones on not wanting to listen to the both of them. I was beyond pissed. Jackson and Luke looked at me and then laughed and continued to talk about whatever the hell guys talk about. Luke kept on looking at me through the rear view mirror but I ignored him and looked out my window.

Once we got home I hopped out of the car and dragged Jackson with me to my room. I locked the door and turned around towards him as he sat there on my bed looking at me as if nothing happened.

“Don’t you give me that baby face.” I told him getting irritated.

“What baby face? This?” He said pointing to his face.

“Never mind” I said as I went back to my closet to get changed.

“But really you should see this video I made Brandy take. It’s awesome.” He said

I went over to him and sat beside him and he pulled out his phone to show me the video. The video looked like two people dancing but I couldn’t see the faces. It was a boy and a girl. It looked awesome actually. The dance showed so many emotions I couldn’t explain. The head two pairs dance was intimate while in the background there were the other dancers. I soon noticed that the two dancers in front were me and Luke and the other lead pair was Jackson and Becky.

“Oh my god, is that our routine?” I asked.

“Yup. Its awesome isn’t it?”

I nodded while Jackson continued on speaking. “I sent it to Luke because he asked for it”

“You did what?” I almost screamed at him.

“Chilax, I only sent it to him.”

I looked back to his phone to see the video but then I remembered I had to ask him something.

“Hey Jackson, why did you leave your phone in Jason’s room instead of mine?” I asked.

A/N: Heyy guys! So I know that I didn't update on Monday like I said I would. I just haven't got the time with school and stuff so I decided to update every Saruday for now. If things get easier over the next couple of weeks I'll start updating on Mondays again. If not you guys are stuck with  Saturdays only.

Anyways how do you guys like my book so far?? I noticed the votes and I love you guys for that. Keep Voting/Comment if you guys like this. Feel free to give me any suggestions on how  I should improve.

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