Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"I'm never out of my league" I said as I leaped out of my chair. Isaac moved out of the way quickly. I saw him change into his wolf and I soon felt the rush of air around me. My canines were growing out, my claws elongating, my back arched over as my bones started cracking. My eyes changing into my wolf ones. Soon I was on all fours. I let out a growl and Isaac had returned one of his own. He started to run out of the building and I followed him out. He probably thought he was luring me out but it was the other way around.

He won't be alive for long, I'll make sure of that.


Lily's Pov

I couldn't sleep. Shay was awake with me. Both of us not uttering a word. She was lost in her own thoughts and so was I. I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't go to sleep knowing that Luke was out there fighting. I was restless. He needed to come back, for the baby, for me. I needed him, he was my life source.

I shook away those thoughts. He was coming back. He promised me that he won't ever leave me. I know he will be fine. He's Luke. He knows what  he's doing. I just need to have a little faith in him. But I can't help myself if I worry. I'm scared.

I started to feel nauseous. I got up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom and straight to the toilet. All of the food I ate earlier making their appearance.

Shay was at my side right away. She rubbed my back soothingly while helping me off of the floor and guiding me into the bedroom making me sit on the bed. She went back inside the bathroom cleaning things up before coming back to get me so I can brush my teeth.

I stared at myself in the mirror and found a few traitorous tears escaping from the depths of my eyes. I couldn't help but remember Luke. When I puked everything out at the party he was the one that helped me get cleaned up and took care of me. I need to stop worrying. Its bad for the baby but I can't help it. Everything I do reminds me of Luke and of how much I want his arms around me, kissing me, telling me his ridiculous perverted jokes.

I quickly clean myself up and wash off my hands before heading off to bed. Shay looks at me knowingly and she smiles at me. I haven't told her about me being pregnant. I wanted Luke to know first but I guess our baby had other plans.

I sat down on the bed and Shay pulled me into a hug excitedly squeezing me a bit too tightly but I laugh it off and hug her back.

"I can't believe it! I'm gonna be an aunt! Finally some happy news" she says letting go of me and staring into my eyes.

I just nod my head at her and she squeals again. Shay was about to say something before the door busted open slamming against the wall making the drywall crack leaving a gigantic hole.

We both look up to see Ian standing there with a panicked look across his face while his eyes scan the room. Once he figures out that there is no danger his eyes dart over to Shay and I see them soften immediately. Shay looks away quickly a hurtful expression outlining her beautiful features. Ian stares at her, his eyes holding a certain intensity that I felt like I was intruding by watching the two of them.

I got up to leave so that they could talk when I felt a hand on my arm, holding me in place. I turn around to see that its Shay. Her eyes pleading for me to stay with her. I nod my head. As much as I want to give them time to talk, I know Shay is not ready to face him yet whatever the reason is. It will only make it worse if she says something she doesn't mean too.

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