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Lily's Pov

8 Months Later...

I  looked down at the dress I was wearing. I couldn't really see much of  myself thanks to the baby in my stomach. I looked like an elephant and  felt like one. I sighed and went towards the mirror. My hair was out in  loose waves while my dress went all the way down to floor. It was a  casual summer dress.

Stupid baby belly...

None of my clothes fit  me. I had to resort to wearing dresses lately. At least I didn't look  like an elephant with this one on. My hand automatically went to my  stomach. You better come out soon, my sweet. I don't think I can handle  becoming bigger than this.

'Your not an elephant Princess' I heard a chuckle near me.

"I know I'm not an elephant, I look like a close relative to them" I answered.

I  felt huge arms wrap around my stomach and Luke nuzzling his face into  my neck where my mark was. He kissed it and I had to hold back a moan.  Stupid sensitive pregnancy hormones.

"You're not that big you know comparing to some of the other women." he tried to lighten my mood up.

"Doesn't stop me from feeling like one" I grumbled.

"You look beautiful no matter what" he said laughing.

His laugh definitely cheered me up.

"That's because your my mate, of course I will look beautiful to you" I said while turning around in his arms.

My  hands wrapped around his neck while his hands wrapped around my waist  pulling me in as close as he could. Which wasn't close enough thanks to  my stomach. I looked down and held back a chuckle that was making its  way up my throat. This looked so awkward.

I looked back up to watch Luke watching me amused.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing you just look beautiful carrying my baby?" he said

I blushed, my cheeks turning pink. His corny remarks still make me blush and it always will.

He  leaned down and pecked my lips before getting onto his knees to peck my  stomach. I had to let go of his neck but I held onto his shoulders. I  was about to turn around to go to the washroom thanks to my small  pregnancy bladder but stopped when Luke grabbed onto my hand.

It  took me a little longer than normal to turn around thanks to my stomach.  I probably looked like a penguin, waddling around. I put my hand  underneath my stomach while I turned around as fast as I could with my  one hand still in Luke's hold.

When I turned around I saw that Luke  was still on his knees except now he was holding a ring out. My eyes  went wide and I no longer had to pee.

"I know this is a bit too late  to ask but it's better now than ever, right? Princess I know we are  technically married but I just want to make it official since our baby  is going to be in this world soon. You know I will always love you no  matter what as long as I'm alive. You were always the one for me. I  don't think I can say the same for you though. You hated my guts before  but now you love my guts and the additional abs of course." he laughed  before continuing.

"I've never loved someone as much as you, and I can't imagine my life without you. When I'm with you I feel complete and I know that we are truly meant to be. I want to grow old with you. I  can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. I want to  watch our kids grow up and find their mates. I want them to look up at  us and hope that one day they will find mates like us. I want that, and I  want that with you.We have so many memories together and I want to continue creating memories with you for the rest of our lives. I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots  growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children  sprouting like seedlings around us I  wish I could give you the world, but this ring was all I could afford.  Would you give me the honor of becoming my wife? Yes or Yes?"

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