Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


He pulled out a letter from the drawer and handed it to me with the envelope. The envelope had Luke’s name written on it in red. The smell that was coming from the letter was revolting. It smelled like old dried up blood.

“Why does it smell like blood?”

“I don’t know but it’s not just anybody’s blood but it’s your blood. I don’t know how anyone got close enough to you to draw that much blood.”

“This much blood? But how? I mean I would have known but I can’t remember.” This amazed me.

“It’s not your blood from recently but from the smell of it, it was probably from when I found you in that building.”

I go on to open the envelope and I pull out a picture. It was a picture of me, a younger version of me, silver chains bound my arms. This didn't surprise me but what did was the girl beside me in that picture. She looked exactly like me except this girl had a darker shade of brown hair and she had hazel eyes. No. This can’t be. I pulled out the letter. 

Remember her? No of course not. How could you remember your own twin when you don't even know your name. Let me tell you. Your name is Lilian Bell Harper. One of two daughters of Laura Celeste Harper and Sven Aiden Harper. That girl beside you is your sister Kayla Anne Harper. Tell your mate to search these names up and you'll get the information you need. You'll get another letter on January 1st. Don't do anything stupid that is if you want to see your sister alive that is.


January 1st that's a week from now. What the hell is this suppose to mean? I have a twin, a sister. I have a sister and she's still alive. I can't believe this. I still have some part of my family left but I won’t anymore if this goes on.

I looked over at Luke. He seemed to be torn.

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“I don’t even have to search these names up to know who they are. They are the Alpha King and Queen and you are one of their daughters. I never believed in that myth that was told from generation to generation in the werewolf community but when I piece this altogether it makes sense, everything makes sense.”

“What do you mean?” It looked like he was trying to work this out while saying it.

“There was a story that once told but I never believed in it. It’s like the story Beauty and the Beast but a really messed up version that is. It was said that a man named Sven Aiden Harper, your father, he was a wolf that fell in love with a human that lived in the woods. Laura Celeste Harper, your mother, was the human who moved into the woods because she got banished from her town. With nowhere to go she had recited to stay in the woods for the time being. That’s where the wolf and the human met. The human grew very fond of the wolf that was her only companion in the lonely forest. The wolf was so in love that he prayed to the Moon to turn him into a human so that he can be together with the human.

 He prayed every night but his prayers were never answered until one night when he came across a Vampire. It was an Original meaning that it was one of the first vampires created. It was indestructible and it was out for blood. The wolf stood as a protector for his love and protected her as much as he could. In the end he was left there broken up but he managed to ward off the Vampire. As he laid there he begged the Moon that he worshiped to save him so that he could protect and love his human, to turn him into a human/werewolf. So that his human side showed her all the love and the wolf side would protect her when danger came near. Fortunately for him his prayers were answered as he changed into a human. He asked the Moon for a pack of wolves like him so that he could lead them to protect the human and other creatures. He had a pure soul so the Moon decided to grant his wish and took him and his pack of wolves as her children. Sven and Laura led there pack with confidence and pride.

They grew stronger as their pack started to widen because of the wolves finding their beloveds and producing children. It wasn’t soon until they had their own set of twins but because for the twins’ safety they left their pack and told some to start their own packs to lead. They remained as King and Queen of the wolves. Of the werewolves. They lived somewhere where no one can harm them and their babies but they looked after the ones that once followed them as their protectors. They stood as the guardians to the werewolves. However there’s always that one wolf in each pack that is thirsty for power and with the number of rogues rising, he decided to rule the rogues. They were slaughtering and killing pack Alpha’s to find out where the Queen and King lived but none gave up the information. The rogues were growing in numbers and anxious to find the King. The one that led them was hungry for power and the Queen. He wanted the Queen to be his mate and he wanted the power of the King but what he didn’t know was that they had twins.

The King couldn’t stand anymore of this slaughtering that he was watching from afar so he decided  to take on the challenge and fought the one that led the rogues, Isaac Rohellio. It  was a fight to the death and one that the King won but since Isaac had begged him to let him go. The King let him off with a warning but that obviously didn't stop Isaac his blood thirst wouldn't end until he got what he wanted. He eventually found the King  and killed him off but he couldn't find the Queen but he was compelled by the power that he didn't notice. Meanwhile the Queen took her twins and went into hiding. The Queen handed her twins off to a couple in one of the packs to the Beta that the King considered as his own family."

My head is spinning. What is with all these surprises? Why I exist is still a puzzle that I need to figure out and I'm getting nowhere. Now I have a twin sister that may or may not be held captive can my life get any more hectic than it already is?

I felt a hand on my arm and instantly I felt tingles run up and down my arms calming down the ranging motions swirling inside of me.

"Doesn't that mean that David and Susan who were my parents before I found out that they weren't and that they were my uncle and aunt are now people that are not even related to me? What is that suppose to mean? Just when I think I found out everything that I figured out everything in my life it just seems that new things just keep popping up about my mysterious life! How am I suppose to live like this not knowing  what's going to happen next!" I screamed

"I promise you that we will get this all figured out. We'll find your sister and whoever the hell that is related to you but you have got to trust me. We are going to continue with our original plans with you starting school today and I'll dig deeper and try to find out if Isaac is still out and about. If he is then he's the one behind all of this."

I nod that's all I can do right now. I feel so numb. I let go of Luke's arm and walked out of his study to our bedroom. I needed another shower. I walked into the bathroom and let the shower run before I got into the warm water. I let the water run down me, trying to soothe my nerves down but it did nothing.  This is my life now and I can't do anything about but just wait.

A/N: I know its almost been a month since I updated but I had exams to prepare for and get over with and now that I am done you can expect updates regularly. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.  I might update again sooner than next Saturday but I am not gonna make any promises. Don't forget to Vote/Comment!

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