Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I waited for Luke to go on. I still couldn’t believe what they were saying. But I wanted to know everything.

“Jase you start explaining” Luke said. Jason looked at me and then to Luke. Luke only nodded and Jason came and sat beside me.

“Lily this might be hard for you but let us finish explaining and if you have any questions ask us after okay” Jase said. I only nodded.

“Mom and dad are werewolves too. Mom was a part of the Dark Moon pack and dad was the Beta of the Blue Knights pack. Mom and dad met at a party that was held for the two packs to see if they can find their mates in the other pack. Many did and mom and dad were one of them. Mom left the Dark Moon pack and came to the Blue Knights pack with dad. They bonded and completed their mating. They had me two years later and then you. Dad was best friends with the Alpha. They were more like brothers rather than best friends. Luke here is the son of the Alpha. Luke and I were born on the same year. We always played together including you. We knew our parents were wolves and so did you. But after you got kidnapped, you came back forgetting everything. You knew who all of us were but you couldn’t remember what we are. We tried telling you many times but each time you would black out. When we took you to the pack doctor to do some scans and testings on you your results always came up as unresponsive. Your brain refused to acknowledge your childhood as a werewolf. The pack doctor said it might have something to do with your kidnapping because you only remember certain parts of it but not everything that happened. You didn’t go missing for two days Lily but a month. Whatever happened in that month is what caused you to forget everything but we don’t know what and neither do you. We tried to get you to remember but nothing worked, you either blacked out or went into a coma for two days. Your brain couldn’t handle the information that had to be processed so it refused to remember everything. After a while mom and dad stopped trying to get you to remember. We all decided it was best if you didn’t know because you couldn’t handle it. Mom said we’ll tell you everything when you were ready but you never were. At least not until now.”  Jason said finishing off the story.

I was starting to get dizzy. I knew that I couldn’t remember things from my childhood like everyone else but that never bothered me. I just thought it was normal for some people not to remember most of the things that happened when they were little. I went missing for a month? How is it possible that I don’t remember my own childhood or the kidnapping? What was happening to me? I don’t understand half of the things Jason just told me.

I nodded as all three of them were watching me for my reaction. Luke and Jason seemed to sigh in relief that I didn’t black out.         

“What are mates?” I asked noticing that Luke referred to Jason and Jackson as mates but most of all wanting to stray away from my past and the questions that were not yet answered making me feel light headed.  

“Every werewolf has a mate. A mate is someone who completes you; they are the other half of your soul. We, werewolves feel incomplete without our mates. Mates are made for each other. They are the only ones that can make you feel complete. When a werewolf finds his mate he feels the need to protect her, to make her happy, to be there for her. They can’t stay away from each other. Your mate is the only one that can make your heart break and make you happy.” Jason answered while looking at Jackson.

“So Jackson and you are mates?” I asked wanting to make sure that they were.

Jason just nodded. “So were you gay before this or after you found out that Jackson was your mate?” I asked wanting to know if my play boy of a brother was actually gay.

“I wasn’t before I found out Jackson was my mate.”

“If you’re not gay then how come Jackson’s your mate?” I asked now getting confused.

“We don’t get to choose our mates; the moon goddess is the one that picks out our mates, she’s the one that created us and our mates for us. Our mates are chosen for us before we even enter this world.  Some wolves choose to reject their mates but they can’t resist the bond that pulls them together. The pull is always going to be there but it’s your choice whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.” Jackson said.

I nodded still trying to process this. My mind was all a big pile of mush right now. “Show me” I said.

“Show what princess?” Luke asked.

“Show me your wolf form.” I said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yea I’m sure”


Luke walked into the next room and came out after a minute in his wolf form. I gasped. He was huge and beautiful. He had dark brown fur and the tip of his tail looked like the dark shade of brown was fading out to be a bronze like shade. He has the same bright green eyes that seemed to look through me every time I look into them.  

“Your, your beautiful” I said trying to come up with words that actually made sense.

“He’s bigger than other wolves but that’s because he’s the Alpha. He’s stronger and more powerful than us and the other Alphas.” Jase said answering my silent questions.

I went over and touched his fur. The tingles shot up my arms almost instantly. I gasped. The tingles were always there but now it feels as if electric is flowing through me. “How come he’s stronger and more powerful than the other Alphas? Aren’t they older than him?”

“Yea they might be older but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are stronger or more powerful. We are one of the biggest packs in the world. In fact we are ranked number one as of now. All the other Alpha’s fear Luke even though he is younger. Truth be told Luke is known to be brutal and harsh not the soft funny perverted side he shows to you only.”

“What do you mean by only to me?” I asked while stepping back and turned towards Jase as Luke went back into the other room.

“Uh, umm well you see that’s another conversation for another time not now.”  Jase said.

I was confused but I let it go... for now...

“Where did he go?” I asked.

“He went to change back into his human form and he had to change in the other room unless you wanted to see him naked” Jason said while trying not to laugh at my now pink cheeks.

“How come I don’t have a wolf?” I asked

“That’s because your wolf is not ready to come out yet. She will choose to come out to you when you are ready.” Luke said while walking in.

“When you shift for the first time is when you will be connected with your wolf. She will be there to help you and to help you find your mate.”

“Can I talk to her?” I asked

“You can’t have a conversation with her if that’s what you’re asking but you can feel what she’s feeling and she will definitely let you know her feelings whether you like it or not.” Jackson explained.

“Ok” I said nodding.

“Is there anything else I should know?” I asked.

All three of them looked at each other before turning to me again. Luke looked to Jase and Jackson and they just nodded at him before leaving Luke and me alone in the room alone.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Well you see now that you know about us being werewolves I thought that I shouldn’t keep this from you either. You deserve to know this even though your wolf is not out yet. Maybe she will come out after this if there is an after.” He said starting to get me anxious.

“What is it Luke? You’re starting to scare me” I said starting to panic.

“Don’t panic, just here me out until the end, ok princess?”

“Alright, I’ll try”

“I’m not going to beat around the bush here so I’ll just come out and tell you. Princess, you are my mate...”

A/N: I updated! Hope you guys liked it. Don't forget to Vote/Comment! 

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