Chapter 5

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I went into my closet and looked through my clothes to see what I would wear for the party. My eyes landed on a pair of my black shorts and my white and navy blue stripped tank. I decided to wear that since parties at our house tends to get heated.

I paired my outfit with my silver flats with black lines all over them. I slipped on my silver necklace and put my hair into a high ponytail. I decided to put on my normal amount of makeup like I always do.

 Mascara and eye liner with some lip gloss. I looked into the mirror satisfied with how I look. My shorts made my legs look long and curvier. I sat on my bed after getting ready waiting for the party to get into full swing before I go. That way Jason can't tell me to go get changed in front of everyone. By 7:30 the house was packed with people. Jason invites practically the whole damn school here.

I walk down the stairs and saw Jackson holding three drinks. I walked up to him. "Hey, where are the others?" I ask him. He nods his head over to Shay and Katie who were shamelessly flirting with my brother. Jason looked annoyed but also looked happy to see he was getting some attention.

 "Why can't I be normal and like girls just like all the other guys" Jackson whined. I laughed and said "That's because your gay sweetie." "Yea, yea whatever but there are no other openly gay guys here" he whined. "Don't worry, there's some awesome guy out there for you somewhere and your gonna find him soon" I told him as I pat him on his back. "You have no idea" he muttered. I was about ask him what he meant but let it slide.

 Jackson nods a little reluctantly. He looks down and he sees my outfit. "OMG! Your exposing your legs" he said making it sound like it was a crime. "I know! What do you think?" I ask him. "Mama Mia, you look hot." he practically screamed I laughed.

"Where's Drew?" I ask. "He's out with Terri at the back." Jackson says. Terri is Drew's girlfriend. They've been dating for four months now and I know he's in love with her. He looks at her like she's the only one in this world that mattered to him. I can only wish to be looked at like that. But I knew there was no point in wishing. I'm never gonna have that kind of normal relationship after what happened seven years ago.


I got kidnapped on my ninth birthday when my mom,dad, Jackson and I went out to buy some ice cream. I was walking behind them when I saw this pretty red sun dress in a store window and I stopped to look at it. They never even noticed I stopped walking with them and they went ahead without me.

I was looking at it one minute and the other minute I had a cloth covering my mouth so I wouldn't scream and he drugged me. I woke up in a bed and a man was near me sitting in the chair. I still remember him having these dark manipulating eyes. He looked at me. "Why aren't you a pretty girl" he said. "Wh-wh-ere am I, where are m-my parents?" I screamed. "Who are you, why do you h-have me here? I'm suppose to be with my f-f-family not with you" I spat out.

"Now is that the way you talk to the stranger that was about to let you go" he said. He moved closer to me, I tried to jump off the bed but then I realized I was strapped to the bed. I was scared. He was on top of me now, running his hands up my legs and into the bottom of my sundress. I screamed and kicked and cried for him to let me go and to stop touching me but he wouldn't stop.

Then I heard sirens. He got up looking surprised. "We've got you surrounded. Don't move" I heard them yell. The rest was a bit hazy because I fainted soon after that. I woke up in the hospital after that not remembering what happened in between. I went missing for two days until they found me.

 Apparently the guy had drugged the cloth too much for a child and I passed out. He was waiting for me to wake up and when I did it was just in time because the cops had found me. Some people thought that it was weird for a man that age to be carrying a little girl around. I think I remember them telling me that he was around his fifties.

Some saw him throw me into his van and then he drove away quickly. The cops searched through the security camera's videos and found the license plate of the van he threw me in. It took them forever to find me because the guy drove me all the way to Montreal. That's almost a six hour drive from where we live in Toronto.

Once I got back home from the hospital everyone hugged me and cried. I told everyone that it was fine and that I don't remember a thing and he didn't do anything to me, so they wouldn't worry about me too much. I hate when people worry about me. But when I went into my bedroom that night I locked the door behind and went and sat on my bed and started to cry.

Mom and dad asked me if I wanted to sleep with them and they never let me out of their sight. But I said no not wanting to worry them. I cried remembering everything that happened to me. Until I heard some scratching noise against my window.

I saw Luke standing there. What was he doing here, maybe he thought this was Jason's room and came. I opened the window to tell Luke he came to the wrong window but he just moved me aside and let himself in. He closed the window after he got in.

"Luke, go away before you get caught" I hissed but then he just hugged me squeezing the life out of me in the process. I started to cry harder. "I saw you crying through my window, I came to check on you" he said. I looked outside and surely enough I can see right into his bedroom because his window was directly opposite to mine. Which means he can see into mine. I cried into his chest as he sat me down on my bed.

I pulled away from him to look at the time. It was 9:00. I've been crying for two hours, straight. And Luke's been sitting there holding me for two straight hours as I cried. "Luke you better leave before someone finds you here" I whisper-shout at him. "Not until you stop crying" he said and I realized I was still crying. He laid me down with him and said "Go to sleep. I'll leave when you're sleeping." I nodded and snuggled closer.

I wake up to a hand lying on top of me. "Luke! Luke get up!" I whisper-yell at him. "No mom. I'm still sleepy" he said. I smacked my hand over his mouth hoping no one heard him. "Shhh" I hiss. His eyes pop open. "Princess" he asks confused. Then it all came back to him. "Oops, I must have fallen asleep with you" he said.

 "It's six, you better go" I told him. He nods and gets up opening my window and getting out and he was about to close the window after him before I got there first. "Thanks" I say. He smiles and jumps the fence that separates our two houses and climbs back in through his window. Luckily our house is only one floor, that way he doesn't have to jump from two stories.

(Flashback Ended)

 The same thing happened the night after that and then the night after that. He would always see me crying and he would come over trying to comfort me and end up sleeping there with me. It continued to happen for two weeks until it just became a habit. Now neither one of us can sleep without the other there.

A/N: Heyy guys!! Hope you like it. So I'm going to mention this before I forget. So my sister just published her first chapter and second for her new book. Please go and check that out. I promise you its not cliche. I know her story plot and its really good. So for you werewolf fans out there, I would recomend it. Anyway check that out on janushia20. Its called The Unthinkable Became Believeable. So I decided to update early considering I can't tmrw. I might update again tmrw if i get a chance but don't hold your breaths. Don't forget to Vote/Comment! Love you guys!!

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