Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 

 "Wait the potion thingy you were talking about. I want to see how you really look now" I asked curious and trying to occupy myself so that my mind would stop wandering around to my real parents, the building, the whole thing that I had just learned. 

 Luke took out a bottle and spilled some into the middle of his palm.... 

 I waited staring at the white light that started to emanate from him blinding me in the process. When I opened my eyes I looked into the same pair of green eyes that I've known for my whole life but the person I was looking at looked the same as Luke yet different. He was more muscular than the Luke I know, young yet older, but still devilishly handsome. He has a defined jaw, and his hair is grown out a bit than before but he was still the Luke I know. 

 'Are you done ogling at me?' 

 'What no I was not ogling at you, I was simply looking at what has changed.' 

 'Oh? And what is that?' 

 'Nothing much except for the fact that your voice has gotten a lot more deeper and you look way more

hotter than you did before' I blurted. Stupid mouth, I just added to his already big ego. 

 'Now get out of my head' 

 Luke looked hurt. 'Why, don't you like me talking in your head?’ 

 'No it's not that, it’s just that it feels more intimate.' My voice left out an involuntary squeak at the end.  

'That's because it is' 

 It's getting a bit too hot in here for my liking. I got up and started walking towards the doors of his study. 

 "I'm tired. I'm going to head up to bed. Tomorrow's school right?" 

 "Princess, I decided to transfer you to the school here." 

 "I'm going to a school full of werewolves now?" 


 "Are you going to be there?" I asked. I don't know why but the thought of Luke not there with me scared me. 

 "No, I have a lot of things to do here but I'll make sure that you're fine. Besides your friends will be there with you."

 "Alright. Are you coming up to bed?"

"I've got some paperwork to do but I'll be up there in an hour or so." 


I woke up in the morning to the usual except for the fact that Luke is not 18 anymore but 22 and that I don't have parents anymore. 

 I got up out of bed and went through my usual morning routine. I was in the washroom when I heard movements from outside indicating that Luke was awake. I decided to tease him a little. I walked out in my towel to the closet that Luke and I were sharing to get some clothes. As I walked past, I saw Luke sitting the on the bed tying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. I still can't believe that this is Luke but how can I argue when the proof himself is sitting right in front of me. 

 His eyes widen as I stroll past him. One second I’m walking to the closet and the next I’m spun around and pinned against the wall by Luke.

 “W-what are y-you d-d-doing?” This is not what I had planned. Actually that’s a lie. A small part of me, a very very tiny part of me was hoping that this would happen but that’s only a tiny part of me.

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