Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

 We have been at the mall for an hour and we still haven't found a dress to Petricia's liking. Our last option was to go to J'adore. We needed a long white dress for the ritual. I was looking around when I stumbled upon a dress. It was exactly what we were looking for. It was elegant, but simple. Petricia came over to me and looked at the dress I was staring at.

 "Oh hunny, you have got to try that on. It will look perfect on you." she grabs the dress of the hanger and tosses at me while pushing me into a dressing room.

 I took the dress of its hanger and slid it on. It fit me perfectly, It  was fit around my chest and it flowed out until my feet. It had gems going around beneath my chest, and there were thin straps with a sweetheart neckline.

 "Come out sweetheart, I want to see it" Petricia says after a few minutes.

 I walk out and stand in front of her.

 "Oh my... Darling you look beautiful." She had tears swimming in her eyes. She hugs me tightly an I hug her back ignoring my skin crawling. She is the closest to a mother figure that I have in my life.

 "You are gonna get this for sure. Go take that off and I'll pay for it and then we can go home and start to get you ready"

 I nod and walk back into the dressing room and change. We pay for the dress and head home. I was starving and decided to head to the kitchen to make a snack. When I walk in I see Shay hiding in the corner and looking out the window. What the..?

 I walk up to her and tap her on her shoulder, she jumps up and spins around and glares at me. "Hey what you looking at?" I ask her and look out through the window to find Luke talking to some guy that I haven't seen before. But I can feel the power radiating off of him which means he must be a high rank.

 "Who's that?" I ask Shay.

 "He's the Alpha of the Black Knight pack. I have never seen him around here before though, even at the pack gatherings. Why haven't I seen him before?" She says.

 I look at her only to find her staring at the other Alpha. What's wrong with her? "Why does it matter that you haven't seen him around before?"I ask curious at the way she's acting.

 "It doesn't matter. I-it's just that I haven't seen him before, t-th-that's it" she says while turning a shade of pink. Oh my god, I never thought that I would see this day coming Shay Peterson is blushing and stuttering.

 "He's actually cute" I say and Shay nods.

 "And muscular" I say and Shay nods

 "And you find him attractive" I say and Shay nods before turning to me with wide eyes.

 I smirk and quirk an eyebrow at her. "So you find the Alpha attractive eh?"

 "NO I did not s-say t-that!" She says and stomps her foot.

 I burst out laughing. "Awe that's cute you find the big bad Alpha cute."

 She was about to say something when she turned around and sprinted off into the other direction. I turn around to find Luke and the other Alpha heading towards my direction. I remember that I'm not suppose to see Luke before the ceremony so I head off into the direction the Shay sprinted off to.  I over hear both Alpha's talking when I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I jump and turn around to find Shay behind me.

 "Whatcha up to?" she asks while smirking.

 "Very funny but I had to hide because I'm not allowed to see Luke before the ceremony." I say

 "Oh ya I forgot about that" Shay says

 "What are you doing here?" I ask in return

 "Well, it's a funny little thing, you see I didn't want to be caught ease dropping so yea I ran this way" She says looking everywhere but me. Something is up with her.


 "Lily? Where did you go?"

 Oh crap I totally forgot about Petricia.

 "Yea I'm coming" I call out and run up the stairs to Petricia with Shay running behind me.

 "I'll come with you" Shay calls out. "Hey did you perhaps overhear that Alpha's name?" Shay asks while catching up to me.

 "I think it was Ian. Why?" I ask.

 "No reason, just curious"

 "Uh huh. Curious are you?"

 "Oh Lily! There you are! Come we only have an hour."

 I walk into the room only to find the dress on the bed, all sorts of makeup out and white orchid flowers out. It's going to be a pain full one hour.


 An hour later I am completely transformed. I am freshly showered and I am in my dress. Petricia did my hair into a side braid with the orchids in them. Shay did my makeup to a minimum as per my request and I am grateful for that.

 "Oh dear you look so beautiful. Now I understand why Luke calls you Princess. I think you are gonna make me cry again." Petricia says while coming behind me in the mirror.

 "Wait why does he call me Princess?" I ask

 "Ask him, he'll tell you. And I guarantee that you will laugh at his silly reason" Petricia says

 "It's time for the ceremony to start. Let's head downstairs shall we?" Shay says while guiding Petricia out of the room with her.

 "Oh and remember no shoes, flats or heels. Got it?"

 "Wait why?"

 "By being barefoot you are showing that you will do anything for this pack, for your future pack. That you will be loyal, and that  you will love and care for them like a mother hen." Shay explains quickly before walking out the door.

 I take deep breaths in and out before I head out the bedroom. Don't trip. Don't trip. I tell myself as I walk out the house. I walk along the path of dirt barefoot as members of the pack are standing, aligning the pack each member holding a white candle that is lighted. Members are aligned until the front where Luke is standing with Jason, Jackson and the other Alpha, Ian, standing behind him. Shay, Katie, and Teri  are already standing there on the side where I am suppose to stand. I take steps towards where they are standing. I walk carefully and try to watch my step but I can't take my eyes off Luke. This is it. I am going to be a member of this pack, as one of their Alphas, as a loving and caring Luna.

A/N: Picture of the dress on the side. Hope you liked it. I know it's a short update and I will try to make the next chapter I post a bit longer. Don't forget to Vote/Comment!

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