Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jackson instantly stiffened. "Well you see, When I went to your bedroom after you threw up it was locked. So I just went into Jason’s to go put my phone down before I lost it." He said.

I nodded knowing he was right because Luke locked the door after I got into bed.

"Jackson! Lily! Get down here and help us clean up so we can order pizza and watch a movie." Jase yelled.

"Alright we’ll be down there in a minute" I yelled back.

"Jackson go down without me. I’ll be down in a minute after I call Shay to tell her about our plans."

"Alright" he said while leaving my room.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Shay’s number. After two rings she picked up.

"Hey Lil, what are the two hotties doing?"

I rolled my eyes. "The idiots are fine."

"Hey! Don’t go around calling my husbands that"

"Shay you can only have one husband and have an affair with the other"

"Then I’ll keep Jase as my husband and Luke as my sex buddy"

I don’t know why but I felt a sudden sting in my heart. It’s like my heart was being stabbed with a knife. What the hell is happening to me?

"Earth to Lily...are you still there?" She said snapping me out of my daze.

"Yea, I'm here"

"Good, I thought I lost you for a second" Shay said sounding relieved.

"Uh no, I just called to ask you if you're free tonight."

"Sorry Lil not tonight. My parents are out on a date so I have to babysit my brother."

"Oh that's alright. Call me if you need any help, okay?" I said.

"But I do want to see my husbands. Say hi to them for me, will you?"

Again I felt my heart being ripped apart. Seriously what the hell is happening? I need to make an appointment with my doctor to see if I have any brain damage.

"Yea sure. I'll talk to you later." I said.

"See ya" she replied beofre hanging up.

I ended the call and headed off towards Jackson, Jase and Luke. What was wrong with me. I've been getting these weird feelings about Luke lately. Don't tell me I actually might like Luke. No thats not it. It's more than that. Can it be that I like like him. No it can't be. It's Luke we're talking about. I've known him practically my whole life. No no no. This can't be happening. I don't like Luke, I mean I can't like him right? I'm probably going have to schedule that appointment sooner than I thought. For all I know I can have brain tumour. 'You're don't have brain tumour' someone said. What the hell, did I just hear a voice in my head? I must be going crazy.

I walked towards the boys and my eyes drifted off to a pair of green eyes. Our eyes met and my heart started thumping in my chest. He gave me a heartbreaking smile. I ignored him and walked towards Jason. "Shay can't come, so it'll just be me, Jackson, Luke and you." I said. "That's great actually. Whenever she's here she's always flirting with me." Jase said while shivering in disgust. I laughed but didn't say anything back. I know he hated it whenever Shay came over but I guess it’s not only him that hated it, Luke did too. I couldn't help but notice the way that Jackson stiffened at Jason's comment. What is up with him? Is he having the hots for my brother? Oh my god he's having the hots for my brother! How did I not notice this before?

The bell rang and I ran over to it to get it. It was the pizza guy. He was actually pretty cute. I smiled and reached for the pizza boxes. Those idiots! They ordered four boxes of freakin pizza! I rolled my eyes. They were such pigs. They ate a lot. They can eat a 10 dinner feast by themselves. I’m surprised at how they are still not huge. I mean Jase and Luke had a six pack and all but this is ridiculous. Jackson more like had a four pack but he’s well on his way.

“Hey, wait your Lily right?” the guy asked me.

“Yea. How do you know me?” I asked now curious.

“Well your Jackson’s friend right?” he asked

“Yea, I am. How do you know him?”

“I’m Seth. He’s in my English class.” Seth said

“Oh” I said but noticed the tinge of red creeping its way up his neck when he mentioned Jackson. Awww! He likes him.

“Hey Jackson, can you come here for a bit?” I yelled over at the three boys who were now whispering to each other. Boys and their gossiping.

“Yea what’s up” he came towards me and I just pointed over to Seth. Jackson followed my finger and saw Seth. His face lit up like the sun when he saw him. Maybe I was wrong. He probably doesn’t like Jason.

I went to go put the boxes down on the counter and turned around to find Luke trying to look for a movie. I went and sat beside him only to find that he had all the horrors laid out in front of him.

“You’re not going to pick one of those are you?” I asked now scared.

“Of course I’m going to pick one out of these.”

I groaned. I hated horrors. They scared the shit out of me. I wouldn’t be able to do anything by myself when I watch them. I can’t even go to the washroom without leaving the door open or making Jason or Luke stand outside.

Luke laughed and put one of the disks in. I glared at him. But before I can say anything I heard a big thud like someone being rammed into the wall. I turn around to see Jason holding up Seth by his neck while Jacksons trying to get Jason to let go. What the hell happened?

A/N: Heyy guys!! Hope you guys liked this chapter. It is edited but if there are any mistakes that you find dont mind them. Don't forget to Vote/Comment!

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