Chapter 31: Misunderstood

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The next morning, you found yourself being held close to Jeff, his arms wrapped around you and the covers tight with his grip. You smiled at his sleeping face. He looked peaceful when he slept. Making sure not to wake him, You removed yourself from his arm and got dressed in one of his hoodies and a pair of jeans that weren't too tight but showed the shape of your thighs. You looked down at Jeff's hoodie smiling before quietly walking out the room and walking down the hall to the stairs. You made sure to check on Siren as you passed her room and found her fast asleep and like your boyfriend, she looked at peace. You smiled and continued downstairs to the kitchen.

You noticed no one was in the kitchen and when you checked the time, you saw that it was around 5:30 in the morning. You sighed with annoyance before looking for a bowl so you could make yourself a bowl of cereal. You were about to our in the milk when you heard someone coming down the stairs. You looked to see Ben walking down.

"Morning, Ben." you said, smiling politely. Ben looked at you and seemed to smirk but you couldn't tell why. You finished making your breakfast and as you put your dishes in the sink, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You smiled, thinking it was Jeff, and decided to do Slender a favor and started doing the dishes from the night before. You smiled whenever Jeff kissed your kiss every once in a while as you did the chore. Soon, you heard steps coming down the stairs.

"Morning." you said, not bothering to look away from the sink. That is until you heard Jeff's voice sound farther away than it should have been. You looked away to see Jeff standing at the bottom of the stairs, his face red with anger. You're eyes grew wide before turning completely around to find Ben behind you, staring at Jeff with a face that practically screamed 'OH SHIT!'

"The hell are you doing, Zelda?! Jeff yelled, causing Ben to immediately let go of your waist. You were too in shock to do anything.

"B-Bro, c-calm down. I-I didn't do anything!" Ben said, putting his hands up in surrender. Jeff stormed up to him and punched him square in the gut, causing Ben to fall to his knees. You could tell Jeff was tempted to kick him but he somehow restrained himself, but his anger didn't fade. He looked at you, and for the first time ever, you were afraid of your boyfriend. He just stared at you for a while before walking up to you. Your legs started to shake slightly as he towered over you.

"I'd like my hoodie back." He said. Your eyes widened, filling with tears as you looked back into his eyes. They were cold and unforgiving. They chilled you to the bone as your chest clenched with pain. Slowly, you took the blood-stained hoodie off and handed it to him. He snatched it out of your hand before storming away from you. By that time, Ben was long gone from the room and had left you alone. You felt your heart race as you slowing slid to the floor before bursting into tears. You wept into your hands, feeling miserable. How could you have been so stupid?! You let Ben get too close and now it cost you the most precious thing you ever got. You cried until you felt arms wrap around you comfortingly. You jumped in shock before looking up to see Siren with her eyes closed, stroking your hair comfortingly.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" she asked softly. You slowly hugged her back and wept into her chest. She didn't mind tho. She slowly rocked both of your bodies back and forth, stroking your hair to try and calm you down. When you ran out of tears to cry, you sniffed and looked at her. Her face shown with concern as she lifted a hand to wipe away a tear that was still on your cheek.

"B-Ben...Ben was doing something a-and Jeff saw a-and-" You were cut off by Siren pulling you back into a hug.

"Shhh~" she said softly. You wanted to cry more but you didn't have it in you. You had run dry.

"I don't know Jeff, but I think you should try and explain what happened." she said. You processed her words slowly before nodding. She helped you stand and when you were ready. She followed you to Jeff's room. Although you've been sleeping in the same room as him for a while, you felt like it wasn't your's anymore. You knocked on the door and waited until Jeff finally opened the door. As soon as he laid eyes on you, he tried to close the door on him but you stopped him by putting your hand on the door.

"Please Jeff...just give me a chance to explain." you said in a quiet voice. Siren stepped up behind you and put a hand on you shoulder, smiling encouragingly. You smiled back and looked at Jeff. He looked at you then at Siren before sighing and stepping to the side.

"5 minutes." he said, his voice cold. You nodded slightly before walking in. He tried to close to door on Siren but she put her foot between the door and the door frame.

"Whatever you have to say, I can hear it." she growled. Jeff looked at her then sighed as he opened the door, allowing her to walk in. She decided to lean on a nearby wall and watch as Jeff walked up to you. You had forgotten his cold eyes and now that they were staring down at you, you shook slightly in fear, your knees trembling.

"S-So I was the first one up and I had decided to have something to eat. Ben came down a little while later and all I said to him was a morning greeting, I swear! After I finished eating, I decided to do the dishes for Slender since he was too tired to do them last night and I swear I thought it was you who was holding me but when you came down, I...I didn't know what to do!" you said. Jeff clenched his fists in anger.

"Well, you seemed perfectly happy with Ben kissing your neck!" he yelled. You looked at him sadly. You felt like he was too angry to process your words. You quickly stepped up to him and kissed him. You thought he would snap out of his anger...but the painful sting on your face quickly changed your mind. You quickly fell to the ground, holding your cheek and tears threatening to fall. You looked up to see Jeff about to slap you again and suddenly, Siren stood in front of you, her tail puffed up like a cat and growling threatening.

"Touch her again and I rip your arm from your body!" she threatened. Jeff seemed frightened of the growling female between you. He backed up and looked away. Siren glared at him before turning her attention to you, offering you her hand. You slowly grabbed it and she pulled you up into a hug. Quietly, she whispered into your ear.

"Go to my room. I'll be there in a bit." She pulled away from you. You looked at her confused but she gently pushed you to the door. You realized that she wasn't going to say anything and decided to listen to her. You walked to her room and sat on her bed. You tried to hold it in but the urge was too strong. The tear poured fro your eyes as your body fell to the mattress, curling up into a ball. You cried until Siren came into the room and pulled you into her lap, stroking your hair as she tried to calm you down. You wept until you grew tired and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now