Chapter 17: The missing wolf

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After he called you his, you spent the rest of the day in your room trying to figure out how to process it, which turned out to put you farther behind instead of pulling you forward. By the time Slender called for dinner, you still had no idea how to handle the situation. You head downstairs and sit beside Clockwork with Jane on her other side. Sally sat on your right, LJ messing with her as he playfully held a teddy bear above her head and out of reach for her. Jeff sat a few seats down between EJ and Ben, chatting and laughing with them while occasionally stealing glances at you. At one point, Clockwork noticed and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, you may not know me well but I advise you to steer clear of him. He's...had an unfortunate girl fall for him a few years back and all of a sudden she left." Clockwork said and you could hear concern in her voice. Jane nodded.

"She was really cool! Which is kinda weird considering her past but she was so kind and protective of anyone in the mansion, especially Jeff and the younger ones, like Sally and Lazari." she said.

"Who's Lazari? And who was she?" you asked, your curiosity peaked.

"Oh! Lazari is one of Zalgo's daughters we met several years ago tho she like to spent most of her time with Sally or by herself, be it outside the mansion on inside. Anyway, the girl from before was named Siren Nightshade, tho her killing name was Siren the Killer. She was actually a werewolf who lived most of her life in fear or alone in the woods. Jeff thinks we might run into her when the mansion moves, but so far, we haven't seen her." Jane said.

"Moves?" you asked confused.

"Oh! The mansion basically teleports to different forests for several reasons: one is so that we don't kill an entire town and bore everyone and two to keep everyone in the mansion safe from being found out about by humans. In other words, it protects us and keeps us entertained." Clockwork said. You nod in understanding.

"So what happened to that Siren girl?" you asked. Jane and Clockwork shrugged.

"That's the thing tho. She left without a word. She was always good at disappearing so when she vanished, the entire mansion searched for her 3 times to make sure she wasn't hiding and when we couldn't find her, Jeff wasn't happy. he bolted out the door like the mansion was on fire and didn't return for 3 or 5 days." Clockwork said. Jane snickered slightly at the part about the mansion on fire but didn't say anything.

"So...she's dead?" you asked a little too hopeful. Either they didn't hear it or ignored it, because Jane and Clockwork just shrugged.

"She's strong as hell so it's highly unlikely she's dead. And with her demon, she was even more powerful." Jane said, a hint of envy hidden in her voice. You tilted your head.

"She had or has a demon?" They nodded.

"I think she once told me that his name was Daemon." Clockwork said, sending a shiver to run down your spine.

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An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now