Chapter 2: The strange boy

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        After about an hour or two, you were about to nod off to sleep when you heard a twig snap in the not-to-far-off distance. You snapped up to scan the area. You probably shouldn't have heard it but it was a quiet night and you had excellent hearing. The fire was still going so you could see deeper into the woods compared to if the fire was out, even with the full moon being above you. You were about to shrug it off and go back to sleep when you saw a flash of white dart through the trees.

"Who's there?" you called out with a growl. Suddenly, you fell back in surprise as a teenaged boy appeared before you. His face was ruined in a way. His beautiful deep blue eyes would've had you on your knees before except of the fact that he had no eyelids. His skin was pale white like snow. His pitch black hair hair went past his shoulder and was wild. He wore a white hoodie with black jeans. The odd thing was that his hoodie was covered in fresh blood. Sticking out of one of the pockets, a knife handle showed. But one of the creepiest things about him is that there was a smile craved into his face. The longer you looked at his face, the more you found it handsome and unique in a way.

"!!!" he said, yelling the last word. He grabbed the knife and tried to stab you but she was too fast. You grabbed his arm and kicked him in the balls while using your legs as a thrust to launch him away from you. He grunted as he flow but only for a second. When he landed on his feet, he was going to charge you again, but not before realizing he didn't have something that he should have.

"Looking for something?" you asked, waving his knife around, taunting him. The boy growled as he charged you. You widened your (E/C) eyes in surprise. 'He's either very stupid or very insane to even consider charging someone with a weapon,' you thought. 'Then again, he is covered in blood' The knife was traded back and forth between the two teenagers (doing this cuz i can't write fight scenes worth shit). After a very exhausting 15 minutes, you and the boy stood your grounds, sweat gleaming off your foreheads in the firelight. You knew that the two of you couldn't continue this for much longer, so you decided to do something desperate. Using all of your remaining stamina, you charged The smiling boy and some how managed to send him flying but you weren't paying any attention to the thing he was heading towards. He was heading straight towards the animal hospital!!! With no more stamina and him speeding in that direction, you had to do something that you hated revealing.

Slowly, but surely, the boy started to freeze in midair. When he finally stopped, he was less than a foot away from crashing into the hospital. You moved him closer to you and released him from the spell. The boy instantly landed on his head, causing you to giggle. When he got up and stopped rubbing his head, he glared at her.

"What the actual fuck, bitch. No one has ever fought me, and survived. Except my boss. But he's a little different." the boy said, half talking to you, half talking to himself. You may not have lived among humans in a long time, but you knew cussing when you heard it. And when the boy called you a 'bitch', you got extremely pissed off.

"Excuse me?! Why are you calling me a bitch when you were the one who attacked me for no fucking reason?!?!" you yelled Then you thought of something completely unrelated to the situation: the hospital. You bolted for the little clinic and checked and double checked the patients to make sure they were unharmed. When you came back out, you found the smiling boy sitting by the fire trying to warm up, like the fight never happened. You found this aggravating but a small part of you found it kinda hot.

"Alright, now that I'm done in there, you better have a damn good as to attack me out of nowhere." you said, pointing your index finger at him. He didn't yell back or try to attack you again. All he did was laugh a little and smiled even wider.

"Heh, aren't you just adorable. Cursing at a killer." he said

"You think that;s suppose to scare me. If anything, it makes you look stupid because you got your ass beat by a girl who lives in the fucking woods." you said, but in your head you said, 'If anything, it makes you seem even hotter'. He smirked at you, like he could read your thoughts.

"Heh, your cute when your mad. Since I'm tired and felling generous, I'll tell ya a little about myself. My name is Jeffery Woods, but most people know me as the infamous Jeff the Killer. I'm 15 and I'm beautiful and if you say anything bad about me or my face, I'll make you go to sleep." he smiled. In the back of your mind, you were kinda 'fangirling' (i guess) but want you said was:

"Damn! Hardcore." Before you knew it, you and Jeff were talking about their pasts for about a hour or so into the night. He asked you about her family and why you hated humans. As a response, she pointed at the animal hospital, telling him that most of her injured were caused by humans and that your family was perfect from what she could remember before the fire. When you threw the question back at him, he just said that his family was ok before they tried to kill him.

There were times when you would look at Jeff for a long period of time and her heart would do a flip or some kind of crazy gymnastics move that made her look at something else, anything other than the sinister face that had captured your heart. No, you had never fallen in love with another human before, but you had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn't completely human. You knew you liked, or even loved, Jeff by paying attention to the way your heart skipped and if you thought about him too much, your daydreams would become very heated, causing your face to grow hot.

Around midnight when the the moon was as high as it could go, you yawned. Jeff took notice and chuckled.

"Hey, how about you get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow. That ok with you?" Jeff asked. You yawned again as you nodded. The smiling killer covered you with your blanket before patting her on the head and leaving. You smiled at him and told goodnight. You barley saw him run back into the woods before you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Wow! I thought it would take me longer to post this chapter, but hey we're all grateful, right? Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to post the rest of the chapters asap but for now, stay safe. Later

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