Chapter 33: A failed promise

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(Siren's POV)

I woke up to the sound of faint moaning coming from down the hall. I had lifted my head to listen and figure out who it was when I heard the sound of Jeff moaning with the female. I growled darkly with anger. How dare he do this to (Y/N)! I felt (Y/N) get off me and allowed me to leave. I immediately head to Jeff's door. I was right. Jeff was fucking the bitch he brought home. I growled and broke through the door, scaring the 2 fuckers. The female immediately backed away from Jeff when she saw me but Jeff radiated anger.

"The fuck are you doing in my room?!" he yelled. I growled and turned human before yelling back.

"How dare you torture (Y/N) like this!!! She has dealt with enough of your bullshit for long enough!!!" He glared at me.

"Why are you even siding with her?! She cheated on me!" he retorted. My growling grew in volume.

"She told you the truth, you fucking idiot! Why would she want to fuck with Ben when she had you?!" I yelled. He clenched his fists.

"Why don't you ask her?" he said. I growled as I walked out the room.

"Don't come crying to me when you realize that she was the one who you truly need." I said as I left. I was still fuming by the time I returned to my room but when I looked inside, (Y/N) was gone. My ears fell and I ran to Slender's room, which was the opposite direction of Jeff's, and pounded on the door when I got there.

"SLENDER!!!" I called out. He opened the door, his tentacles swaying slightly in aggravation.

'What do you want, my child?' he asked.

"(Y/N) is missing!" I said. That got him. He straightened.

'Go find my proxies.' he said. I nodded and eventually, all the proxies were awake and in Slender's office. I didn't stay to listen. I needed to find (Y/N). I went into my room and took a deep breath, trying to pick up her scent. Bingo! I followed her scent to the window and jumped out, turning into my wolf as I fell. As soon as I landed, I ran after her scent, weaving through trees as fast as I could. I felt like I need to find her before something bad happened. I ran until her scent was cut off. I looked down and saw claw-like prints in the mud. Crap! She hid her scent from me! I looked around trying to figure out where to go.

'Siren, (Y/N) is in danger!' Daemon said in my mind.

'Well, where is she?!' I thought in my head. I felt my head be directed in a certain direction and nodded before running that way. I ran until I saw scorch marks on the trees around me. A fire was here but didn't spread? I took a deep breath and instantly knew what happened here. Zalgo was here! Zalgo had my friend! I couldn't believe it. I needed to tell Slender. I teleported back to Slender's office just as his proxies were leaving.

"There's no point in leaving. You won't find her." I said. Slender tilted his head.

'What do you mean, my child?' he asked.

"Zalgo has her." I said. The was a large collection of cursing for the Operator and his proxies.

'Masky, make sure no one leaves the mansion unless I give the go ahead. the rest of you may go' Slender said. Everyone either nodded or bowed with respect and left. I looked around before clenching my fists and walking to a certain killer's room. Jeff and his slut were trying to sleep when I grabbed Jeff by the throat and flung him at a wall. Jeff grunted in pain and I looked at his play toy and grow my claws so I could easily slit her throat. When I was done with her and removed my claws before grabbing him by the throat, lifting him several inches off the ground. I had the height advantage on him so it wasn't surprising. I growled as I looked at him.

"I hope your happy now." I said, my voice a mix of Daemon's demon voice and my own. Jeff tried to claw at my arm as I tightened my grip on his neck.

"W-What do y-y-you mean?" he asked in a stranded voice. I growled and threw him back to his dead slut.

"(Y/N) is now in Zalgo's hands all thanks to you." Jeff's eyes would widen if he still had eyelids.

"W-What?" he asked.

"That's right. The girl you ruined is now under Zalgo's control. And the thing is, she's going to dead. Daemon can't reach to her mind and we have no way of knowing what he will do to her. And guess what? It's all your fault. If you had just LISTENED to your girlfriend, then none of this would have happened! Hell, if you hadn't fucked that bitch, she would still be here!" I yelled, my rage obvious. Jeff's emotions slowly turned depressed and sad and I had to laugh.

"Oh, NOW you're sad that she's gone?! How pathetic can you get?!" I said. I laughed until my stomach hurt. Eventually, I sobered and looked him dead in the eye.

"I hope that one day, you will do something that will get you killed." I said before leaving him. I didn't care about him anymore. All I wanted now was for (Y/N) to be safe. I hoped I had the chance to get her to come back to us. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't lose anyone else. I promised to protect her and she ran away from me. I swore that I would find her and protect her until the day I die.

(Jeff's POV)

After Siren left my room, everything she told me hit me like a bullet. My (Y/N) was...gone? No, she was probably messing with me! She had to be. I looked at the woman I had dragged in here and saw the blood on her throat. That was when the tears came. Other than during hunts, Siren never killed unless absolutely necessary or extremely mad and she was mad enough to cut off my air supply for a while. My hands moved to my hair and I pulled at it. I messed up. I messed up so bad.

My tears finally fell as my mind flashed an image of (Y/N), her beautiful (E/C) shining in the sunlight and her (H/L) (H/C) flowing softly in the wind. I cried harder and the image changed to her standing over me, her scythe in hand bloody and an insane look in her eyes. I didn't want to lose her. I had thought that Siren and (Y/N) were lying, saying that (Y/N) was innocent and the fact that Ben kept away from me didn't help. But now, I guess I was paying for my stupidity. My precious (Y/N) was missing and I had no idea where she was. And I would probably never see her again.

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