Chapter 22: An old friend

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(Your POV)

Jeff was silent as he stared at the wolf-like being, which you guessed was a werewolf considering that she was a human with wolven ears and tail, in wonder. You looked at him and his eyes held a hint of shock, like he just saw a ghost. You wondered why , but when you looked at the female in front of you, your eyes widened in shock as well.

"Your Siren aren't you?" you asked. Her whole body tensed up and when she looked at you, you could practically feel the hate radiating off her as she glared at you, growling in a dark tone.

"How do you know that?" she asked quietly.

'So she IS the missing girl that...' Your eyes dropped a little as you finished your thought. 'The girl Jeff has been looking for.' You felt a little upset when you remembered that Siren was the girl who ran away all those years ago and that Jeff had been looking for her ever since. Yes Jeff had told you earlier that day that he didn't have any feelings for her but you were pretty sure he was lying to make you feel better. You were pretty sure he liked Siren, who you thought had better looks and better abilities than you, and you were pretty sure that the moment he had the chance, he would take her into his arms and never let go.

(Siren POV)

I was waiting for the male to answer me when I heard (Y/N) ask something. When I processed that she asked if my name was Siren, I tensed up before slowly turning to her, my ears down and growling in a deep, dark tone. I felt like she wasn't a threat but if she knew my name and I didn't know her, I felt like I was being watched.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. I watched as her emotions jumped around like a kid in a bouncy house. First, she was feeling happy with a hint of excitement, but slowly, those feelings were taken over by sadness and a bit of worry. She was silent the entire time, which hit the softer side of me. I knelt beside her, making sure that my body language was inviting as a placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, do you want to talk somewhere else?" I asked in a quiet tone. I glanced at the male who was still staring at me. I growled in annoyance.

"Unless you can't do anything useful, leave." I demanded. I'm fine with females, but when it comes to males, especially males who stare at me for no particular reason, I get more than a little pushy to get away from them. Men just reminded me of HIM so I was headstrong on staying as far away as I can from them. Females, however, I had a soft spot for, and it wasn't just because I was bisexual. Anyway, the male seemed to sap out of his state of mind because he quickly nodded and moved out of earshot but stayed close enough to where he could rush in in I decided to kill her.

I sensed a strong sense of protection from the male and I wondered if they were siblings, tho they looked nothing alike, or if they were mates. I shrugged. It was none of my business, so I wasn't going to ask. I turned my attention to (Y/N), who still had a sense of sorrow and dread.

"Hey." I said. "What's wrong?" She was silent for a moment then she took a deep breath and let it all out.

"You asked how I knew your name right?" she asked in a quiet tone. I nodded and she continued. She explained that I was well known somewhere called the Slender Mansion that took up home in forest, popping up anywhere and everywhere. She then explained that I was close to the male who had been staring at me, who I learned was named Jeff. She told me that he and I were practically partners because I was always by his side. She told me of how after a few months with everyone, I mysteriously disappeared without a word and that Jeff had been looking for me.

She hesitantly told me that she had feelings for him and that even tho he assured her that he didn't have feelings for me anymore, she felt like he was just saying that to make her feel better. I sighed and told her what I honestly thought.

"Look, I'm not great in the feely department, even tho I sense emotion." I said, causing her to laugh a little. "I think that he was telling the truth. Yes, he may have had feelings for me in the past but now, I think hes attracted to you more than me." I finished. I sensed her feelings rise and smiled.

"And hey, if he doesn't swing your way and is just playing you, let me know and kick his ass for you." She laughed and finally, she smiled genuinely.

"Thank you for that." she said. I nodded and stood up holding a hand out to her. She took it and I pulled her up, half surprised at how easy it was to lift her. She smiled and we started walking towards Jeff, who was watching (Y/N) more than me this time. I don't think she noticed but I did. He watched her with an intent and longing I hadn't sensed from someone before. He truly use attracted to her, tho I learned not to mess with things like this. I may know that they like or even love each other, but it wasn't my place to reveal it. I'd let them figure it out on their own and if anything happens, I'll help push them in the right direction.

(Jeff POV)

When I realized that Siren was asking me to leave, I knew not to push her so I moved out of earshot but I was now more focused on (Y/N) because I felt like she had something on her mind and Siren always had that therapeutic feel about her. I knew that if she need to say anything to anyone, Siren was the best person to talk to. I made sure that I was close enough to run to them if anything went south because I remembered that Siren was the unpredictable kind of girl, which made her more dangerous. I remembered all the times we went on killing sprees and every time, she always impressed me.

In a way, (Y/N) reminded me of her. I felt bad because when I first met her, I thought she could help me move on, but as I got to know her better, I realized that she was different from Siren. Calmer and more open-minded in a sense. She had more of a open-book approach while Siren was cautious about everything around her. I once asked her why she was like that, but she never answered. Her ears just went down and she walked away. I learned not to mention it around her and we were fine.

I heard (Y/N) laugh and smiled. Seems like they were getting along. After a while, they got up and headed back my way. I looked at (Y/N) and practically drooled. She was still in her Harley Quinn costume and the moon shone of her beautifully, making her glow slightly. I looked like she had a sliver aura around her. Siren also had the sliver aura around her but she was more in the shadows then (Y/N). I wasn't sure if she was doing it on purpose or if it was habit but my eyes never wandered far from (Y/N). Finally, I made my decision. I'm doing it tonight!

(1,436 words)

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