Chapter 25: Questions

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The next morning, you awoke to the sound of a camera clicking. You slowly turned your body to find Jane, Clockwork, Toby, and Siren at the door. Siren was the one holding the camera with a sly smirk on her face. You glared at them and flipped them off. They laughed and ran off downstairs before you had the chance to get up and get your scythe.You turned your attention to Jeff and smiled. You leaned over to kiss his forehead then got up to go to the bathroom. You remembered that you still needed to take a shower so you turned the water on and did your business. When the water was hot enough, you just hopped in.

After you were done, you dried off and quietly walked back into the main room. Jeff was still asleep so you got dressed in (F/C) tank top and jeans with small rips here and there. You walked out the room and as you were passing the open door to Jeff's room, you saw his hoodie laying on the bed. You smirked slightly and walked in to slip the hoodie on. It smelt of blood but you felt warm. You head back out and down the stairs to the kitchen to find the group that was at your door chatting. When you walked in, their attention turned to you. You felt uncomfortable but walked to where the cereal was like you were fine. Siren must have sensed your emotions because she watched you with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Guys, leave her alone. She doesn't need anyone poking into her personal life with Jeff." she said with authority. The others sensed her dominance and returned to talking to each other or to their food. You glanced at Siren gratefully and she smiled in return. You got yourself a bowl of cereal and was pouring milk into the bowl when Jeff came down, his torso exposed. You blushed as you turned your attention back to your food. You were about to move to the table when you felt arms wrap around your waist, a warm breath on your neck.

"You do know this is mine right?" Jeff's voice said near your ear, causing you to blush more.

"Y-yea s-so?" you asked. He chuckled and kissed the back of your neck softly.

"Looks good on you." he said before lowering his voice.

"Let's people know your mine~" You blushed a deep red and you heard Siren sigh.

"Look, I'm happy for you both but (Y/N) and I need to train so we'd appreciate it if you let us go?" she said, her voice bored. Jeff sighed and let you go. You were still blushing but Siren's voice calmed you down, reminding you that you weren't alone.

"Thank you." she said before walking towards the back of the house were the training grounds were. You followed, excited about spending time learning about how to handle Daemon and his possible powers. You noticed a corner of Siren's mouth twitch up and you smiled. When you both reached the grounds, she didn't stop until she was standing in the middle of the field. You tilted your head in confusion and stood behind her before she turned to you.

"Ok. The first thing we need to do is start communicating with him, tho I have a feeling you already have that covered?" You nodded and she nodded.

"Good, then the next thing we need to do is harness a hint of his power. Being the rightful heir to the throne of hell, he's a lot more powerful than that bastard." Her voice was low on the last part and you grow a little curious about why that was. She shook her head like she was removing herself from a thought and returned to you.

"Anyway, what you need to do is think of the things that anger you most. For example, I have major anger issues so I have a long list of things that piss me off. One of them is seeing a friend...or relative hurt. If I think about that and hold my hand out, this happens." She held her hand out and slowly, it started smoking until a small flame started in the center of her palm then suddenly blast into a giant inferno, never singing or burning the trees around them. You jumped back in surprise and fear as the flames danced higher. You saw her close her hand and the fire disappeared like it was never there. You slowly stood up in shock. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly like she was trying to calm down.

"You must be very protective of your loved ones." you said. She looked down at the ground, her ears low.

"...Yea...but that's not what I was thinking about." she said sadly. You furrowed your brows with concern.

"Then what pisses you off that much?" you asked. You were sure she wouldn't reply like the night before but to your surprise, she actually looked up at you.

"...Can I trust you to keep this a secret if I tell you?" she asked. In front of everyone, she acted and looked tough or at least in control of her emotions like she did in the kitchen, but in front of you wasn't that woman who was standing composed in the kitchen from before. The woman before you was weak and scared, afraid of everyone and everything around her. You knew the feeling but you were sure she had it worse than you. You took a deep breath and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Of course. I can tell your dying to tell someone so you can tell me if you want." you offered. She seemed to consider then nodded.

"But not here. Too easy for someone to hear." she said. You nodded in understanding.

"Take us wherever you want." She said at you and used her powers to teleport you to a clearing with a small creek running through it. You smiled.

"It's beautiful here." you said. She nodded and moved to the edge of the water, sitting down at the edge.

"Let me tell you about a girl who was so innocent until she saw someone dear to her die in front of her eyes."

An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now