Chapter 9: Breakfast with your new family

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(F/N)=favorite number

You shook your head, snapping out of your state of mind. When you looked behind you to see who had helped, your face started heating up. It was Jeff...that wasn't what made you was the uncovered 8-pack. You looked away before Jeff could notice. Unfortunately, he did.

"Like what you see?" he chuckled. You felt your face brightens even more as you swiftly struggle to get up and off of him, but his strong grip held you down.

"Nope, your not going anywhere. You still owe me for leaving the room without telling me." Jeff said in your ear. Suddenly, from your right, you heard a throat being cleared.

"As much as this is 'cute'," EJ said, using his fingers to air quote cute, "breakfast is almost ready and I'm hungry so can you please move out of the way?" Jeff grunted as he removes his arms from your waist. You struggled to get up but you were unbalanced and fell back down onto Jeff. Not that Jeff had a problem with it. He wrapped his arms back around you.

"I thought you wanted to go get breakfast but I guess I'm too beautiful to resist." Jeff chuckled. You somehow managed to control your blush and glared at him.

"Let go, Jeff." you demanded. He chuckled as he released his arms from your waist, allowing you once again to get up but his time you were able to stay balanced and rushed downstairs to find Slender making pancakes. He turned to you and if he had a face you could've sworn he would've been smiling.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! How did you sleep, my child?" he asked.

"Well, sir! You?" you politely asked.

"Good." he said. He raised the pan with the cakes, "Pancakes?"

"Yes please!" you smiled. You weren't used to this. You've lived in the woods for so long you forgot what it was like to live safely. Out there, you were constantly in danger from predators stumbling across your camp to hunters who shot a stray bullet (it happens more than u think). Slender nods his head then continues to flip the pancakes every once in a while. You looked around the table to find Toby with a plate of waffles, LJ with some type of high sugar cereal, Clockwork with an empty plate so you thought she was also wanting the pancakes. Masky and Hoodie stood in a corner of the room watching you, tho you couldn't really tell due to the fact that their masks were down, but their heads were facing your direction so you thought they were watching you, studying you.

"(Y/N)! I'm giving Clockwork her pancakes first since she asked first but how many would you like?" Slender asked.

"Three, please? And can you add blueberries?"

"Alright." Slender said, turning his attention back to the batter for the pancakes while one of his tentacles went into the fridge and brought out a box of blueberries. You started searching the cabinets for the plates when you felt your shoulder being tapped on. You turned to find Ben holding a plate out for you.

"Morning, Ben! And thanks." you said as you took the plate from him.

"Anything for a beautiful-OW!" Ben said, rubbing the back of his head where Jane slapped him.

"Ben, she just got here yesterday! Cut it out." Jane said under her mask.

"Thank you, Jane." You glare at Ben and slap him. "And that was for hitting on me." Ben rubbed his cheek where you slapped him as he walked away, muttering to himself. Jane glared at him as he left until his was in the living room and approached you.

"Sorry about him. He's perverted. I would advise on avoiding him if you can." Jane said beside you. You glanced at her curiously.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Why not? Us girls have to look out for each other right?" she said, playfully nudging your arm. You looks down sadly.

"I-I've never had sisters or friends so I can't answer that." You couldn't read Jane's face because of her mask but you took a wild guess that she had either a look of sadness or humor. Suddenly, Slender announced that your pancakes were ready and you left Jane's side before she had a chance to say anything. You thanked Slender and sat alone at the table. You were enjoying your pancakes when you felt a presence sit beside you and when you turned to look, you found Nina sitting beside you.

An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now