Chapter 19: Costumes

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After you had that little fight with Daemon, you heard a knock on your door. You turned to the door.

"Hello?" you called. You heard the muffled voice of Jeff and smiled before telling him to come in. He slowly came in, head low like he was a dog waiting for a scolding.

"What's up?" you asked, smiling softly. His face had a sense of sadness and shame as he sat at the foot of the bed. His fingers fidgeted nervously with the thick covers on your bed. His blue eyes stared down at the ground, never staying in one place for long. He looked...uneasy. You waited for him to start until he finally sighed.

"I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Siren and Daemon earlier. It's just...I strongly miss her and Daemon and I are...ok I guess." You heard Daemon chuckle. You mentally scolded him as you reached a hand out to touch his shoulder. He flinched slightly when you touched him and looked at your smiling face. He grabbed your hand and smiled back before quickly pulling your hand back, pulling your body towards him. When you were close enough, he planted a firm but gentle kiss on your lips. You were so surprised but melted into the kiss. He let go of your hand and put it behind your head, deepening the kiss.

After a while, you both pulled away for breath, your foreheads connected, staring into each other's eyes. Then you pulled away from him, feeling like you shouldn't be with him. He looked confused, a hand slightly outstretched to you.

"What's wrong?" he asked. You shook your head.

"T-This doesn't feel right!" you said. "Don't you like that other girl, Siren?" you heard a slightly shake in your voice and you mentally cursed yourself. He sighed and shook his head.

"That crush is long gone. Don't get me wrong! I'm still gonna look for her but only to make sure she's unharmed." He paused for a moment. "Unlike everyone else in the mansion, I know her past. She...hasn't had the best childhood growing up. Kinda like your's but more screwed up. Trust me, I'm serious when I say that I now only see her as a close friend and co-killer." he said, causing you to giggle into your hand. He smiled when you laughed.

"You know, your giggle is adorable." he said. You blushed and hid your face slightly.

"T-Thank you." you stuttered. You felt his eyes burn into the back of your skull and when you turned to look at him, he had moved closer. You were surprised at how silently he moved then remembered that silence and stealth was required for what he did for a living. He crawled a little closer to you and you backed up slightly, though a part of you wanted him to crawl right on top of you. He started crawling more when a knock sounded at your door. He froze and glared at the door. You glanced at it and quickly rushed over to open it to find Jane and Clockwork at your door, Clock smiling like a little kid who just got their hands on a truck-load of candy, holding something behind her back.

"Oh! Hey guys! What's up?" you asked, eyeing the arm behind Clock.

"Do you not know what tonight is?!" Clock asked excitedly.

"" They gasped in surprise.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ITS HALLOWEEN TONIGHT!!!" Clockwork yelled. Your eyes widen when your mind flashes back to the last Halloween night you spent with your parents. You were dressed as Jasmine from Aladdin that night. Your eyes misted up a little but you quickly wiped them away.

"C-cool!" you said. Clock nodded in agreement.

"And me and Jay came up with a great idea!" You noted the gleam of mischief in her eye, making you feel slightly uneasy.

"A-and that would be...?" you asked.

"It's a surprise! Just wait you'll love it!" Jane said. She looked at Clockwork and nodded before Clock walked into your room. You were about to tell her to get out when she came out dragging Jeff by the ear, him cursing at her. Jane watched for a bit then took your arm and brought you into her room. It looked a lot like your room, but had a calmer feeling to it. In the farthest corner of the room was a dresser-looking type of furniture with a mirror on top. She brought you to the spin-able stool in front of it and pointed at it, telling you to sit. You sat down and she got to work. She took a nearby hair-brush and started brushing through your tangled hair, trying not to hurt you. She took your hair and put them up in ponytails, one hanging on each side of your head. After she was finally done, she grabbed a temporary blond hair spray (if your hair is already blond skip this).

She started spraying your (H/C) hair, making it a nice palish blond color before setting it down. You were about to get up when she grabbed two more hair sprays, one pink the other a light blue. She sprayed the tips of the ponytails a different color before finally turning you around to look at her. Her mask was still on so you didn't know what her face was like, but she nodded and leaned behind you before pulling away, black mascara in hand. You weren't sure if you should've allowed her to apply the makeup onto you, but she started before you could protest. After she finished applying the mascara, lip stick, lip gloss, and a bit of blush on you, she turned you around and when you saw yourself, you gasped. You looked almost exactly like Harley Quinn from the movie Suicide Squad, which you watched with Ben, someone named Candypop, and Toby a few hours earlier. You stood up and was about to touch you face when Jane lightly slapped your hand.

"No touching!" she said and walked towards a closet a few feet away. You watched as she rummaged around her closet before finally pulling out a costume bag. On the front was a picture of Harley Quinn. She tossed it to you and exited the room. You stared at the bag then started putting it on. After you were done, you yelled at Jane to let her know that she could come back. When she did, she nodded appreciatively at you.

"It suits you, (Y/N)." she said. You blushed slightly with embarrassment and thanked her. She nodded and told you to follow her. When you both got to the bottom of the stairs, you nearly tripped on your own feet. Jeff was sitting on the couch, his hair now dyed almost emerald green and dressed in a tux. When he turned to look at you, you sucked in a breath. The makeup on him as a 10/10! He looked exactly like the Joker and the pale skin and cut-out smile added greater detail to the makeup. He saw you and you saw a hint of blush creep into his face. You smirked and closed an eye as you stuck your tongue out slightly. The blush became more obvious and he had to look away to hide it. You smiled.

'This'll be fun.' you thought. Little did you know that the night was gonna be a night to remember.

(1,248 words)

An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now