Chapter 23: Lustful attack

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(Your POV)

The 3 of you talked for a good portion of the night, talking about anything and everything when you heard a twig snap nearby. Everyone turns their heads towards the sound. Siren was growling when Liu stepped out of the shadows, his face blank as usual. He looked at Siren and nodded in greetings like he's seen her everyday and looked at you and Jeff.

"Boss has been looking for you two." he said.

"Oh shit." Jeff said. He looked like he wasn't ready for the scolding you and him were about to get. Siren looked at you both confused.

"Who is this 'boss' and why am I sensing slight fear from you both?" she asked. Liu chuckled.

"They should be. He's bout ready to blow a fuse." he said.

"Considering the effect he has on electronics, I don't doubt it." you said. Jeff chuckled and looked at Siren.

"Wanna come? I'm sure everyone in the mansion would love to see you again." he said. Siren looked a slightly paler when he said mansion but shook her head.

"No it's best I don't come. If you truly know me, you should know I'm not a people person." she said.

"But I need your help with something!" you said. Siren glanced at you, confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked. You sighed. You were really hoping that this conversation could have been had in private but you looked at her, your eyes pleading.

"I need help with Daemon." When you said his name, her eyes widened in shock.

"How...why...?" She seemed to be processing your words when she sighed and looked at you.

"As much as this will bring back memories, I'll help but after that I'm out ok?" she said. You smiled and nodded in agreement, wondering what she meant about the memories part of her sentence. You decided to ask later, thinking that she wasn't gonna tell anyone when she was so unsure of the people around her. She smiled and turned into her large black wolf and lowered herself to a crouch and looked at you expectantly. You tilted your head in confusion. Siren leaned her head forward so that her nose touched your hand.

"Get on." she said. You heard her voice in your head, stepping back in surprise then nodded as you carefully climbed on her back, making sure not to pull any hairs. When you were on her back you heard her voice again.

"Settled?" You smiled and nodded before you felt her body get up. You looked around at Jeff, who was pouting slightly but he soon shrugged and moved to her side to be close to you. You giggled slightly and felt Siren walk, following Liu into the woods. Everyone was silent as they walked. You actually jumped slightly when you heard Siren's voice in your head.

" do you know you have Daemon in your head?" You remembered Nina's knife embedded in your side and Slender's voice telling you about Daemon. You sighed.

"It's a long story." you finally said. You couldn't see her face so you couldn't tell what she was thinking. Eventually, You saw the mansion through the trees and smiled. When you reached the front porch, Siren stopped and crouched down for you to get off. When you did, she straightened and turned into her human form. She stared up at the large building and grimaced slightly. You put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and you felt her body tense up quickly at your touch. Her head snapped at you, ears back and growling but when she realized that it was just you who was touching her, she calmed down.

"S-sorry." she said, her ears down in when you thought was shame.

"Hey it's ok. I didn't know you didn't like being touched. That was my fault." you said, removing your hand from her shoulder She smiled at you.

"It's fine." she replied before looking back up at the mansion, taking a deep breath, and stepping up to the front door which was open because Jeff and Liu had already gone inside to leave you both alone. Siren walked inside and looked around at the inside in shock, surprised at the soft wooden-cabin look compared to the abandoned look from the outside. You looked and saw everyone in the living room, still in costume and eating the candy they gathered. Sally was going around asking everyone how their trick-or-treating went and everyone would nod and return to their candy or give some to her. You noticed Siren looking at you in amazement.

"This is beautiful!" she exclaimed. Her voice turn some of the heads in the living room, which was across from the front door, widening eyes in shock, amazement, and some had fear in their eyes. Siren didn't seem to notice as she wondered a little farther away from you and the door. Everyone was watching her as she traveled to the kitchen. You started to hear a built-up of static and saw Slender walk down the stairs. He just have sensed her presence because as soon as his foot touched the ground, his head snapped in her direction. At the same time, Siren looked at him, her head tilting to one side in curiosity. He must have said something in her head because she flinched like she was electrocuted, tho you were sure it wasn't because she was scared. Her eyes were widen with slight surprise and when she calmed down, which didn't take long, she nodded and seemed to carry on a mental conversation.

You smiled, feeling like you did something good and put your bag of candy on a nearby table and head up to your room, ready to hop in the shower.

(Jeff POV)

I watched (Y/N) as she walked in with Siren and finally head upstairs. I waited a while then told Liu to hold my candy and that I was tired and head upstairs but instead of going to my room, I stopped at (Y/N)'s room. I knocked politely and waited for her to answer. After a minute or two, I heard her shower go off and smirked slightly. Using the skills I mastered over the years, I quietly opened the door and slipped into her room, quietly closing the door behind me and making sure it was locked. I walked to her bathroom door, undressing as I moved, and stopped when I saw her. She was just undressing, still unaware of me standing at her door. The mirror was already fogging up as the hot water heated up the room. I waited until she was fully undressed then silently walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Hey it's just me." I whispered in her ear. I noticed that as soon as I spoke, her neck darkened and it traveled up to her head and I'm sure her face was blushing like crazy by now. She slowly turned to me and I was right. Her face was completely red. I chuckled.

"You good?" She tried to speak but it was like she just couldn't form the words. I saw her eyes trail down my body as she realized that I was naked like her, which really didn't help her face much.

"W-w-what a-are you d-doing here?!" she finally managed. I smirked and put my hand behind her head and pulled her close, planting a form but gentle kiss on her lips. I felt her arms wrap around my neck as she moved her body closer to mine, molding them together. I moved my hand down to her thighs and picked her up. She instantly wrapped her legs around my waist and the kiss got a little rougher. We pulled away from each other, needing to breath. She looked down at me, her beautiful (E/C) eyes staring into my own. I smirked.

"Let's get started~" I said.

(1,427 words)

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