Chapter 4: A new life start

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You and Jeff were back by the fire, sitting in awkward silence. Ever since Zalgo disappeared, you and Jeff barely said anything. Finally, you couldn't take it any more.

"Who the legit fuck was that guy?! Is there something you've been holding me out on? If so, then spill it." you snapped. You hated being left out in the dark, and with the fact that Jeff was your one and only best friend, you felt betrayed in a way. Jeff was surprised you had snapped like that. He's never seen you angry like this before. He looked down at his feet in shame and guilt. He seemed to consider telling you the information you so badly wanted to know. Finally, he sighed.

"I'm part of something called the creepypasta. Its basically a large group of creatures and people who live under the authority of-" Before he could finish his sentence, a tall white male appeared between you two. He was about 9 feet tall so he was a tower compared to you and Jeff. His long arms went past his waist, which was about your height. He wore a black suit. But the weirdest thing about him was that the black tentacles swaying behind his back. His back was to you so he could've just forgotten about you for the moment but you had a feeling he was going to notice your presence soon.

"Jeffery, were the fucking hell have you been?! I've been looking everywhere for you in the mansion and when I finally figured out you were in the woods, I tried get to you before you got into any trouble, but it was a little hard to find your location! Do you know how long it takes before one's had enough of Ben's complaints on one's 'gaming skills'?! Toby thought it was a good idea to play with him since you weren't around but eventually, Ben started complaining about how bad Toby was playing and comparing Toby to you then started to compare the two of you" he somehow said in your head but you had the feeling you weren't suppose to be hearing the conversation.

"Um...boss...I think you need to meet someone." he said, pointing at you. The tall male turned to face you but...he HAD no face! You widened your (E/C) eyes in surprise but you stayed where you were. You tilted your head in wonder as the man asked in your head who you were.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm also Jeff's friend." you said as you reached your hand out to shake the tall mans own.

"Greets, child. I am called Slenderman, but you can call me Slender or sir. A pleasure to finally meet you. Jeff is always talking about you." he mentally said as he shook my hand. You blushed slightly when you realized what he had said. You glance at Jeff to see that he, too, as blushing, if not more than you were.

"In any case, Slender, we have to take her to the mansion. Zalgo is after her for some reason, but I have no clue as to why." Jeff said. You sense the energy around Slenderman darken with anger and annoyance. His tentacles flailed in aggravation. You back away, thinking he was going to lash his anger out on you. Suddenly, the energy was lifted as his tentacles calmed down.

"Alright, Jeff! You don't have to yell at me!" he said facing at Jeff. He turned his attention back to you and sighed. "Would you like to live with me and my household?" he asked holding out a hand for you to grab. You were hesitant but you grabbed his hand. I mean why not. You've been living in the woods for so long, you were dying to be in the company of other. Yes, you hated other human beings, but you had a strange feeling the household of his mansion were different from the people in the town outside the woods. As soon as you held Slender's hand, the scenery changed. Instead of the woods, you found yourself in a living room with a crowd of people staring in your direction. The room was large enough to have a party. The 110 inch TV hung on the wall with gaming consoles connected to it. Several black couches occupied the middle of the room with a large white rug under them. The walls and floors were wooden, giving it a nice, comforting cabin feel.

You released Slender's hand and bolted to hide behind Jeff. You weren't ready to meet so many people so quickly. Jeff was a little shocked to see you like this but quickly got over it as he put a hand on your head to try and give you a sense of comfort.

"Alright children, listen up! This is (Y/N). She will be staying with us for a while so I kindly ask that you treat her with respect just as much as you...somewhat...respect the others. And if I find out that someone has caused harm to her, I will personally punish you." said the Slenderman. His tentacles started flailing like before when he was angry when he said the last sentence. Then as quick as he transported you guys there, he disappeared, leaving you behind Jeff in a very crowded living room.

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