Chapter 11: Training is a pain...

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You were standing on the backyard a good 8 feet away Jeff, wielding your scythe and him his knives. In the back of your head, you thought of this some kind of Western-cowboy standoff. You just stared at him, waiting for him to make his move. Earlier, you had agreed to start with practicing your defense first before moving on to offense so you just stood there, your guard high and the grip on your scythe strong.

You had been standing there watching him for a 2-3 minutes when you noticed his hand twitch before he suddenly charged. You waited for the perfect moment before bringing your scythe up to deflect the blades and pushed him back. Adrenaline was running through you as he straightened and looked at you, smirking.

"Good job, (Y/N)! Now lets see how you fare with a sneak attack." He disappeared suddenly. Your eyes widened as you looked around you for the smiling killer. You couldn't find him for another 3 minutes before a twig snapped behind you. As you turned, Jeff tackled you to the ground before kicking your scythe out of your hand. You struggled underneath him until you realized he either purposely decided to keep your legs movable or not but you didn't hesitant to knee him in the groin as hard as you could. He groaned and fell off you, holding him balls in pain.

"G-good j-job..." he managed through moans of pain. You smirked to yourself, proud with the fact that you immobilized a trained killer tho you were pretty sure he was going easy on you.

"You good?" You joked. He tried to glare at you.

"You kicked me in the fucking balls what do you think?" he growled. You just giggled with him flipping you off. After about 5 minutes, he finally got back up and stood up straight. He glared at you as his smile widened slowly. You had a feeling he was gonna start taking your training a little too seriously and that caused you to put your scythe up in defense. He crouched down, knives at the ready and insanity started dancing in his eyes.

'Shit!' you thought as he charged you, faster than before. You were barely to block his knives that were aiming right for your chest. You backed away as he jumped back a few feet, studying you for weak spots. You backed up slightly but cursed at yourself because you back was against a tree. Jeff smirked slightly and walked towards you, gripping his knives tightly. As he got closer, your eyes started to fill with fear but your straightened, ready for whatever he was gonna do. Before long, he was staring down at you. When you looked into his eyes, you couldn't tell what his emotions were. Too quick to follow, he raised his arm and stabbed the tree, just inches away from your face, causing you to flinch slightly.

But he didn't kill you. Instead, you felt chapped lips crash into yours. Your eyes widen with surprise but close as you slowly kiss back. Your mind was mush after he pulled away, still smirking.

"" You mumbled random shit as he chuckled.

"You good there, (Y/N)?" Before your could answer, however, you screamed in pain and agony, crumbling to the ground as your hand moved to your side and felt something sticking out. As you looked, you almost screamed in pain again as another knife appeared higher and deeper then the other. Before you blacked out, all you can remember as insane laughter as Jeff yelled for help.

An interesting twist in fate(Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now