Three deadly sins: Sloth, Wrath, Envy | Chapter 27

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A day later...
It had been a day or so since the group encountered the Dark King at his castle. Now they no longer had to worry about the King, since he'd since gone back to their world, but now they had something else to worry about...Belphemon. They had no idea where he even went, or what he was even doing...But they knew it wasn't good. Since then the group found MasterTyrannomon and Gummymon, and rested up at his home in a small village known as the Dramon village. They felt physically better now, but still had so many thoughts and questions raising in their heads...And it didn't help that Blaine was also still separated from the group, trying to look for Belphemon on his own.
Now, everyone sat in MasterTyrannomon's big, stone house, in varying spots, a heavy silence filling the room. Taeka was looking down at a piece of paper, with scribbles of notes all over it.
"Taeka...What are you writing down?" Dracomon asks, curious.
"Ugh, I don't know..." Taeka grumbles. "I was trying to write down strategies on how to defeat Belphemon, but I've come up with nothing, so...I've just been scribbling on this paper nonstop." She holds the paper up, which was definitely covered with mindless scribbles on it.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Lily was sat down, slumped against the walls.
"Lily, are you ok?" Lopmon softly asks.
"Um, I..." Lily's voice was soft, barely above a whisper. "I know he was a bad guy, but I keep thinking about what happened to the Digimon that ExTyrannomon turned into. I didn't see what happened to him after the castle was destroyed. And..." Her voice lowered even more. "I really hope...Blaine is ok. I don't want Belphemon to hurt him or Ryudamon." Lopmon was silent for a moment, trying to figure out how to comfort Lily.
"Well...As long as he has Ryudamon with him, I think he should be fine." Lopmon says.
"Im a bit more worried about whoever Belphemon was trying to find." Erik adds.
"Hey! You guys think that since Belphemon is one of the seven great demon lords, he could be trying to find the other demon lords as well?" Labramon asks.
"Hm...That actually would make a lot of sense." Lopmon says.
"Argh, this is so annoying!" Taeka grumbles in anger, furiously messing up her hair. "I thought fighting the Dark King was annoying, but now we have to fight one, and possibly even more mega level Digimon, when we don't even know how to get our own Digimon to the mega level?!"
"I know, I thought defeating him would be the end of our journey, but now...It just seems like we're only getting started with the worst of it all." Erik says worriedly.
"How long has it even been since we came to the Digital World?" Cora asks. "I'm sure our parents are all getting worried sick for us by now."
"If time flows here the same way it does in your world..." MasterTyrannomon adds. "Then it should be the 15 of September."
"Woah, it's already been like a month since we came here?" Erik says, surprised. "We left sometime during the beginning of August..."
"Yeesh, that means we've already missed a bit of school..." Cora adds.
"Man, as much as I like not going to school...This is even worse then homework!" Taeka groans, slamming her face on the table. "MasterTyrannomon, is there any way you can help us?!"
"Unfortunately, there's not much else I can do." The big Digimon says. "I have no way for myself to digivolve to the mega level, and I have to stay here to protect my village...So the rest of this has to be up to you all." Taeka responds with a groan, slamming her face on the table again.
"I mean, best thing we can do for now is go find Belphemon, and just use armor Digivolution like we were before." Erik says. "Then we can also make sure Blaine is ok, and see if he's discovered anything useful yet too."
"That would be best, but we still have no idea where Belphemon went." Lopmon adds.
"He's a pretty big Digimon, I'm sure others have seen him around before." MasterTyrannomon says. "Just ask any of the more friendly Digimon if they've seen Belphemon flying around at all."
"...You know what?" Taeka suddenly stands up with determination, crumbling her note into a ball. "You're right! There's no use moping around here doing nothing, let's go our there and find Belphemon right now!"
"Yeah, that's the spirit Taeka!" Dracomon says happily, confidence now starting to rise up in everyone.
"Hey, um..." Lily speaks up for a moment. "When we go out, maybe we can look at the mountains we crossed over first? They're pretty high up, so we have lots of space to look around, plus we could maybe look at those ruins again...Maybe they could help us find a way to Digivolve normally again?"
"Ooh, that's a great idea, sis!" Taeka agrees happily, already ready to walk out the door. "Let's go, right now!"
"Hey, you coming with us, Cora?" Erik turns to Cora, who hasn't moved yet.
"Oh, um actually..." Cora looks down at Tsumemon, who was asleep in her arms. "I need to get Tsumemon to Digivolve back into BlackGabumon before I can fight again, so I thought I'd stay here for now. Don't really wanna get in the way is all, if that's fine."
"Cool with us, we'll see you later then!" Taeka quickly waves goodbye, as the rest follow, leaving the house.
"Aww man, I wanted to come and fight too!" Gummymon whines. The second they leave, something immediately pops into Cora's mind.
'Wait a minute...It's already September...
...Does this mean I've missed by 12th Birthday?'
Sometime later...
The group hiked back up the mountains, finding the entrance to the ruins once again. They carefully looked around the skies for any sign of Belphemon, but to no avail, so they went inside the ruins to continue looking at all the writings, but they forgot one problem...The writings on the walls were still written in the ancient digital language, and nobody knew how to decipher it.
"Man, I can't read this!" Taeka grumbles. "Do any of you guys know how to read this?" She asks, looking down at the Digimon.
"No, sorry Taeka...Most Digimon don't know how to read this language." Dracomon mutters, looking at Labramon and Lopmon, who both shake their heads.
"I wish we brought MasterTyrannomon with us, he's the only one who knows how to read this." Erik says.
"Man, I do NOT feel like walking back down and up the mountain again." Taeka groans.
"Well, let's keep looking around, just in case there's something hidden around here we haven't seen yet." Erik says. The group keeps looking around, where Erik notices Labramon poking at an indent in the wall.
"Erik, over here!" Labramon points to the indent, Erik walking over to inspect it.
"Hmm, was this here before? Looks like there might be something behind this." Erik and Labramon pushed the indent, which budged only a bit.
"You guys, over there! I think there's a room behind this." Erik calls to Taeka and Lily, and Lopmon and Dracomon who run over to help push, finally using enough force to push the stone door to the side, revealing a smaller, hidden room.
"Whoa! We haven't seen this place be..." Taeka speaks, but freezes when she looks up at one of the walls, everyone freezing as well when they saw it.
7 smaller drawings depicting different kinds of Digimon, all formed in a circle, with a bigger, more detailed Digimon drawing atop them. Each of the Digimon drawings also appeared to have their own writings underneath each one.
"Hey, isn't that one Belphemon?" Lily asks, pointing to one of the drawings, which definitely looked like him.
"Woah, it does look like him." Erik says. "Wait a minute..." Erik points to each drawing, counting them out loud. "Are these supposed to be all seven great demon lords?"
"If that's the case, then who's that Digimon up there?" Taeka asks, pointing to the bigger drawing.
"I don't know, but..." Erik looks carefully at the written text, which surprisingly wasn't written in the ancient digital language, but instead normal English text.
"Hey, looks like we can actually read this." Erik says, reading the text underneath Belphemon's drawing out loud.
'Belphemon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of sloth. After staying in a thousand year slumber, Belphemon will finally rise from its sleep, turning into its rage mode. It's most powerful attack is Gift Of Darkness, where unleashes a slash attack from its claws, clad in the flames of hell.'
The second Erik spoke those words, everyone's Digivices lit up, the same words starting to type themselves into the Digivice's analyzers like magic.
"Woah, how'd that happen?" Erik says, in awe.
"...These writings just might be what we need." Lopmon says.
"Ooh, can I read the next one?" Lily says, pointing to the next drawing, depicting a slender, humanoid Digimon with bat-like wings.
'Laylamon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of lust. Thought to originally be an Ophanimon that fell from heaven, it attracts opponents with its bewitchingly lovely appearance, before falling to their death. It's most powerful attack is Razor Nail, where one slash from its Mystic Claw will corrode anything it touches.'
The second Lily spoke the words, the same thing happened, the text appearing on their Digivices once again.
"...I'll read the next one." Taeka says. The next drawing depicted a crocodile-like Digimon.
'Leviamon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of envy. A ferocious and gigantic Digimon that sleeps in the depths of the net ocean, it possesses gigantic jaws that could guzzle down even the Digital World. It's most powerful attack is Shell Shock, where it chomps down with its gigantic jaws.'
...The same thing happens again.
"Ooh, I wanna read next!" Labramon excitedly says. The next drawing depicted a humanoid Digimon, holdings guns in both hands.
'Beelzemon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of gluttony. A Digimon with a cruel and merciless personality, it rides its trusted motorcycle, the Behemoth. It's most powerful attack is Double Impact, where it fires both of its shotguns at once.'
"...I'll read the next one." Lopmon says. The next drawing depicted a beast-like humanoid Digimon, with big wings and claws.
'Daemon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of wrath. Once said to be a Seraphimon that raged with fury, it was deleted to the dark area, vowing to get conquer the Digital World for revenge. It's most powerful attack is Flame Inferno, where it attacks with an extreme temperature hellfire that burns up the opponent without a trace.'
"...I'll read the last two" Dracomon says, his voice serious. The next drawing depicted another beast-like humanoid Digimon with a long beard, carrying a staff.
'Barbamon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of Greed. Residing in the den of demons, it's obsession with all treasure in the Digital World will lead it to kill for even the smallest piece of treasure. It's most powerful attack is Pandemonium Lost, where it unleashes an extremely high-temperature explosion that burns everything up without a trace.'
...The last drawing depicted what looked similar to Lucemon, but taller and with more wings.
'Lucemon Chaos mode: Ultimate level, Virus. One of the seven great demon lords, representing the sin of pride. The strongest of the demon lords, Daemon is planning to revive it, where it'll then turn into its chaos mode. It's most powerful attack is Dead Or Alive, where it produces a powerful orb that confines the opponent, giving a 50/50 chance of being either completely annihilated, or suffering great damage.'
"...Wow." Everyone took a moment to take in all of the information they just learned. Taeka looked up at the last drawing, which was much bigger and more detailed then the others, depicting a creepy beast-like Digimon, with seven legs, almost making it look like a bug or spider.
'...I knew to know who that Digimon is.'
'When two or more of the demon lords combine their strength, Ogudomon will be born. An Ogudomon formed with the powers of all 7 demon lords will be an unstoppable force that will cause the downfall of both the Digital World and the Human World.'
"...Whoa. I didn't know Digimon could combine their powers like that." Erik says.
"Yeah, it's called DNA Digivolution." Lopmon says. "It's when two or more Digimon combine their data to create an entirely new Digimon that's more powerful then the original."
"Combine their...Wait a minute..." Erik starts thinking, remembering something that Belphemon said when he was first awakened.
'Once I get to the others, then I'll really have all the power that I need!'
...Then something clicked in Erik's head.
"Belphemon's looking for the other demon lords so they can all form Ogudomon." He says, his eyes widening at the realization.
"Woah, you really think so?" Lily says.
"Yeah, remember how Belphemon said he was going to look for the others? He must have meant the other demon lords..." Erik says, his voice serious. "They want all seven of them together to become the most powerful form of Ogudomon they can possibly be."
"Man, you're right." Taeka says.
"But Lucemon's text said that it still hasn't been revived yet, do we still have time before that happens?" Lily asks, her voice filled with worry.
"I wish I knew the answer to that." Lopmon says. Tension starts to rise in the group, Erik started to even feel a bit lightheaded.
"...I need some fresh air." Erik says, quickly walking out of the cave with Labramon following.
"Hey, you alright Erik?" Labramon asks.
"Yeah, I just needed to think for a bit." Erik says. "That was kindve just... A lot to take in at once."
"So, you guys read all that too?" Another voice startles Erik, until he realizes it came from Blaine, who was casually leaning against the cave entrance, of course with Ryudamon next to him.
"Blaine! Man, I'm so glad you're ok." Erik says.
"Hm? Were you really that'd worried about me?" Blaine says, surprised.
"Of course, it's been over a day since we've seen you." Erik says.
"...Well, I'm fine, don't worry." Blaine responds. "Did you guys read all the text about the demon lords and Ogudomon?" He asks.
"Yeah, we just did." Erik says. "I'm guessing you've read it too?" Blaine nods his head yes.
"Yeah, I've just been waiting here for you guys to find it too." Blaine responds.
"Have you seen Belphemon or any of the other demon lords yet?" Erik asks.
"Just Belphemon, I saw him quickly fly over these mountains just a short moment ago." Blaine says, pointing to one direction. "He went that way."
"...Thanks. Can you come back to the group now?" Erik asks, but Blaine was silent for a moment before answering.
"...Not yet. Me and Ryudamon still gotta train, and also figure out how to get to the mega level. But we're gonna be at the nearby Rocky Beach if you guys need us." Erik looked a bit disappointed by Blaine's answer, but he nodded in agreement. "Alright, just stay safe, ok?" Blaine nods in response, ready to walk away, but he stops in place.
"...One more thing." Blaine says.
"...I think the Digimon should be able to Digivolve normally again." Blaine says, walking away as Erik and Labramon look at each other in confusion.
Sometime later...
The group continued hiking through the mountains, towards the direction Blaine pointed Erik to. Surprisingly, it wasn't that long before they found Belphemon, who was with a few other Digimon. The group now took cover behind some rocks, ready to attack.
"Alright guys, you ready?" Taeka whispered, everyone nodding in agreement. Taeka and Dracomon then proceeded to climb on top of the rock, directly facing Belphemon.
"Hey, Belphemon!" Taeka confidently shouted at the giant Digimon, who barely raised an eyebrow at her.
"Hey, Daemon look, there's those kids I was telling you about!" Belphemon cackles, as Daemon turns to the group.

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