Erik meets Labramon | Chapter 2

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The next day...

"Thanks a lot for the help again, Erik. We can take it from here." An older man says to a younger kid, Erik. They were at a small animal rescue center, taking care of a small black puppy they just rescued. "It's no problem, David. Call me if you guys need anything else!" David takes the puppy into another room.

"Oh gosh, look at that! Isn't he so sweet?" Erik turns around to see a group of 3 girls making googly eyes at him. "He's so good at taking care of the animals, what a cutie~" Another girl flirts. "Oh, uh, thanks ladies, I appreciate it." Erik says bashfully. One of the girls waves playfully at him. "Call me~" She says. "Uh, do I know you?" Erik asks.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!" All the girls laugh loudly and exaggerated. "Oh, he's so funny!" One of the girls giggle. "Yeah, haha, so funny..." Erik says quietly.

"Alright then, we'll see you later Erik! Byeeee!" The girls all wave goodbye to Erik, walking out the front door and giggling to themselves.

"Dang, kid, that's the 5th group of girls this week!" A young man sitting on a chair behind the front counter sat up. "Heh, yeah, guess I'm pretty popular..." Erik says, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's like that all the time at school, too..."

"Nice. Have you gone out with any of them yet?" The man asks. "No, not yet. So far there's way too many to choose fro-"

BRIIIIIIIIIING!! Suddenly a telephone on the counter starts ringing. "Hold on a second." The man picks up the phone, chatting with someone for a minute. After some time, he finally puts the phone down. "Sounds like someone found another stray dog. Said it had pink markings or something? Poor thing probably has an infection."

"Oh geez, poor thing..." Erik says. "Yeah, I should probably get the others and tell them-"

"Actually, wait a minute!" Erik stops the guy. "You think I could go out there, and...Catch the dog myself?"

"Really? All by yourself?" The man asks. "Yeah, I've always wanted to see if I could go out there and catch a stray by myself." Erik says.


"Come on, I swear it'll be easy! You don't even need to tell the others, I can worry about it." Erik says, walking into another room. After a minute or so, he comes out of the room with a small backpack. "What's the street they said the dog was on?" He asks. "Uhhh, it was Smith's street." The man says.

"Alright, that's not too far from here! I can go get the dog and be back in less then an hour." Erik says, walking to the front door.

"Oh, um, alright! Thank you Erik, we really appreciate it. Call us if you need any help!"

"Alright, see you later!" Erik waves goodbye, hurriedly walking out.

Sometime later...

'Ok, so if I turn right here...' Erik turns around a path, finally finding the street sign, 'Smith's street'. 'Alright, here we are! Just gotta find that dog...' Erik thinks to himself. Erik walks down the sidewalk, scanning back and forth between the buildings for the dog. Finally he stops when he hears a rustling noise in a small alleyway. He quietly peeks around the corner, and sees the dog, with a long pink tail, digging in a trash can. 'That must be him...' Erik quietly pulls out a leash from his bag, slowly creeping around the corner to approach the dog. Just when Erik was about to approach the dog, it popped out of the trash can, turning around to face Erik.

 Just when Erik was about to approach the dog, it popped out of the trash can, turning around to face Erik

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