The Digital World | Chapter 15

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(Sorry if this chapter is too long or confusing ;-;)

They had no idea how to explain how it felt. They felt like they were gone, nonexistent for a moment... Then they suddenly came to be.

Everyone was now sitting in some tall, dark grass, surrounded by some surprisingly tall trees. They weren't in the park anymore.

Now they were in the Digital World.

"Woah...Are we finally here?" Taeka asks in awe, standing up to look at the trees.

"Yup. We're finally in the Digital World." Ryudamon says. "I have no idea where we are though."

"Wow, this is amazing!" Lily said excitedly, looking around. "I can't believe this worked!"

"Yeah, it would've been pretty bad if it didn't..." Blaine says.

"Um...Guys?" Erik had his eyes wide open, fixed on something behind him. "Look behind you..."

"Ok, but I don't see what..." Taeka froze when she finally saw what Erik was looking at.

"...WHOA!!" Nobody saw it until they turned around, but they all had the exact same reaction.

A giant house was behind them. But not just any big house. It looked like an ordinary family house, but it was MASSIVE. It was tons and tons of feet tall, and it looked like it belonged to a giant. It even had giant pink flowers and bushes decorating the front of the yellow colored house.

Everyone looked like ants compared to it.

"It's the Giga House." Ryudamon says. "I've always heard of a giant house in the middle of the woods somewhere, I've just never seen it before."

"Wha- What kind of giant Digimon lives there?!" Blaine worriedly asks.

"I don't think any, actually..." Labramon says. "But at the same time I've never went inside, so I wouldn't know, heheh..."

"...Cora? What are you looking at?" BlackGabumon asks.

"The sky...Why is it getting dark already?" Cora asks, her eyes fixated in the sky. She was right. Everyone looked up, and noticed that the sun was already setting.

"...What? That's weird, it was only morning when we left, why is the sun already setting?" Blaine asks.

"Maybe it's like we're in a different time zone?" Erik asks. "If we're in a completely different world, or area, it would make sense that the sun would be just setting, instead of rising."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense..." Cora says.

"Is it just me...Or does it feel kinda...Weird?" Dracomon says, shivering a little. "I don't know how to explain it, but it feels kinda cold and dark..."

"Yeah, I kinda feel it too..." Ryudamon says, looking up. "I don't know what the Dark King is doing here, but he could be doing something that's upsetting the balance of the Digital World. Could also explain why it's getting dark so early..."


In the distance in the woods, they could hear a loud howl, almost sounding like a wolf.

"...We need to find somewhere safe to stay for the night." Ryudamon says.

"Aw man, I don't like this..." Erik whimpers. Everyone looks around, trying to find somewhere to go.

"...Why don't we just go inside the house for the night?" Taeka says, pointing at the big house. Everyone is silent for a moment, thinking of the idea.

"...Might as well, it's not like we have anywhere better to go..." Lopmon says.

"Alright then, let's go!" Taeka hurriedly dashes towards the front door, everyone following. "Hey, wait for me!" Dracomon calls.

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