Ogudomon rises, fight for the Digital World | Chapter 38

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"Heh, Digidestined, it's nice to finally see you all again..." Barbamon smirked down at the group, who only glared back at him. "...Although I am a bit surprised you all decided to march onto our territory."
"Shut up, Barbamon! I'm the one speaking now." Taeka snapped at him, her voice turning to a low growl. "Were not scared of you anymore, and we came over here to finally take you out!"
Lily worriedly looks down at Kokomon, who had somehow Digivolved back to Lopmon, standing confidently. She then looks around Barbamon, eyeing the whole rocky land. "Where's Lucemon?" Lily asks, raising her voice.
"Why don't you look around, and take a guess?" Barbamon growls. Everyone carefully looks around, until they finally spot a gigantic, raised hole in the land.
"Not like it matters where Lucemon is sleeping, you won't get close to him anyways." Barbamon snaps his fingers, and in an instant, Daemon, Belphemon, the two Ghoulmon, and LadyDevimon land next to him.
"Wha...Belphemon, how'd you get here?!" Taeka asks, shocked.
"Look up." Belphemon snarls, smirking. Everyone looks up at the ceiling...To realize there wasn't a ceiling at all. Despite supposedly being underground, they could clearly see the sky above them.
"...Oh. Wait a minute, are you saying we seriously could've just flown here this entire time?!" A look of annoyance crosses her face, before shaking her head, quickly regaining her composure. "Doesn't matter. Your numbers don't scare us, we'll still take you out no matter how many of you are here!"
"Barbamon..." Crescemon hisses, suddenly stepping forward, pointing her weapon at Barbamon. "I'm taking you out for what you did to Laylamon, and I don't care if I die in the process."
"You came here for her?! SERIOUSLY?! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Barbamon cackles loudly, his voice nearly shaking the walls. "Oh, this'll be interesting...I wonder if you all really think you'll be able to defeat us."
"I don't just think...I KNOW." Taeka hisses, her and Dracomon looking back at the group.
"I don't care who you all fight, but..." Taeka turns back around, glaring at Barbamon and pounding her fists together. "...Barbamon is mine."
"Alright..." Daemon suddenly yanks his cloak off, revealing a different form.

" Daemon suddenly yanks his cloak off, revealing a different form

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"Let's dance." They all raise their claws, ready to attack.
"NOW!!" Taeka yells, everyone's Digivices glowing simultaneously.
Chaos ensues as Digimon suddenly tackle and charge at one another, separating everyone into their own battles. Slayerdramon charged at Barbamon, Anubismon at Belphemon, Cherubimon at Daemon, and Mummymon, ExTyrannomon, and Crescemon all charging at LadyDevimon and the two Ghoulmon.
"LEGENDARY DRAGON BLADE!!" Suddenly, Hisyaryumon also comes charging in, attacking the Ghoulmon, as he flies close enough to the ground for Blaine to hop down.
"You're not fighting without me." Blaine nods to Axel and Cora, who nod back.
"HEAVEN'S JUDGEMENT!!" Cherubimon strikes at Daemon, doing a good amount of damage. Everyone else fights their own fights, varying degrees of winning and losing that was impossible to fully keep track of all at once.
"DARK INFERNO!!" Barbamon unleashed gigantic fires at Slayerdramon, who managed to swiftly dodge each one, but it got slowly more difficult over time.
"Slayerdramon, remember that Barbamon has both Beelzemon, and Laylamon's data, so his attacks are extra strong!" Taeka calls.
"DARK INFERNO!!" Barbamon suddenly strikes again. Slayerdramon, who didn't have enough time to dodge, blocks the attack instead with his sword, only getting barely burnt.
'This is difficult...' Slayerdramon huffed to himself, already feeling sweaty and a bit tired. 'How am I supposed to get close to him with getting burnt to a crisp?'
"Hahaha, you really think you can defeat us?!" LadyDevimon cackled, staring down at Crescemon and ExTyrannomon, who only glared back at her. "DARKNESS WAVE!!" LadyDevimon releases a bunch of bats, but Crescemon blocks most of them with her weapon, also protecting ExTyrannomon.
"SNAKE BANDAGE!!" Suddenly Mummymon comes through, using his bandages to tie LadyDevimon to the ground, unable to move.
"Let's...All attack at once!" Mummymon states. "Finish her off together!"
"DARK ARCHERY!!" Crescemon fires dark energy arrows from her back, all the attacks finishing off LadyDevimon and poofing her to dust. ExTyrannomon and Mummymon quickly turn their attention then to Hisyaryumon, who was clearly struggling with the two Ghoulmon.
"He needs our help, let's go!" ExTyrannomon says, he and Mummymon running over. Crescemon doesn't move, instead turning her attention to the Slayerdramon and Barbamon fight, quickly hopping over to the two.
"ICE ARCHERY!!" Crescemon fires icy arrows at Barbamon, who barely feels anything from it.
"HA!! You really think your attacks will do anything to me?!" Barbamon cackles.
"Crescemon, you gotta be careful, you're still only an ultimate level Digimon!" Slayerdramon warns.
"I don't care." Crescemon hisses, aiming her weapon at him. "He's the one I really want revenge on."
"DARK INFERNO!!" Barbamon fires at Crescemon, who gracefully dodges the attack.
"LIGHTNING SPEAR!!" Cherubimon fires at Daemon, hitting him directly in the chest.
"OW!! Ugh...SLASH NAIL!! SLASH NAIL!!" Daemon slashes mindlessly, Cherubimon gracefully dodging the attacks.
"GOLDEN RAY!!" Anubismon fires at Belphemon, not doing much since he blocks it with his arms. Belphemon suddenly then rushes forward and grabs Anubismon, slamming him to the ground.
"LIGHTNING HORN!!" Belphemon thrusts his head into Anubismon over and over again, doing a great deal of damage. Erik has no idea what to do, looking around nervously, until Blaine notices what's going on from afar.
"Hisyaryumon!" Blaine calls to his partner, pointing towards Belphemon and Anubismon, as the two suddenly rush towards them to help.
"LEGENDARY DRAGON BLADE!!" Hisyaryumon slashes at Belphemon, causing him to let go of Anubismon, as Blaine protectively steps in front of Erik.
"Back off, Belphemon! I'm letting you hurt him anymore!" Blaine yells.
"HA!! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU, YOU'RE STILL ONLY AT THE ULTIMATE LEVEL!!" Belphemon cackles, grabbing Hisyaryumon with both arms, tightly squeezing his body.
"GIFT OF DARKNESS!!" Belphemon slashes powerfully into Hisyaryumon, sending him flying and crashing into some rocks...Reverting back to Ryudamon. Ryudamon, however, doesn't seem very phased by it, only immediately standing back up.
"WHAT?! HOW ARE STILL ABLE TO STAND AFTER THAT?!" Belphemon stares, wide eyed and shocked.
"We're stronger then you think, Belphemon..." Blaine hisses, glaring up at Belphemon. "The Digital World is relying on us to take you out, and if you think we're going to go down that easily, you got another thing coming!!" Blaine's Digivice and katana suddenly then start glowing brightly.
"EXPLOSION EYE!!" "EXPLOSION EYE!!" Both the Ghoulmon fire at Mummymon, as he slams back into the ground, reverting back to BlackGabumon.
"No!! Come on BlackGabumon, you gotta get back up!" ExTyrannomon nudges him, trying to lift him up.
"BlackGabumon come on, you can do it!" Cora cheers for him, Axel also adding into it. The three all cheer for BlackGabumon's name, as he slowly tries to stand up.
"Come on, BlackGabumon! If you don't get up now, the demon lords are gonna win, and shroud the whole Digital World into darkness! You have to get up!!" Cora cries out, as her Digivice, and the tag and crest around her neck start to glow...As BlackGabumon finally stands up.
...Simultaneously, then, both Blaine and Cora's Digivice's explode into rainbow colors, light enveloping BlackGabumon and Ryudamon's bodies...

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