Legend of the Digidestined | Chapter 36

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"RYUDAMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO...TYLOMON!!" Tylomon wastes no time jumping into the water, immediately circling around Leviamon as he readies an attack.
"HA!! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO SWIM FASTER THEN THAT!!" Leviamon growls, swimming after Tylomon as the two practically swim circles around each other.
'Come on Tylomon, you got this.' Blaine thinks to himself, carefully watching the fight in anticipation.
"TORPEDO ATTACK!!" Tylomon fires at Leviamon, who shakes off the attack like it was nothing.
"HYDRO WAVE!!" Tylomon spins his tail wildly, creating a water tornado. This attack doesn't do much though, only barely moving Leviamon, and causing him to hiss in anger.
"...MY TURN." Leviamon snarls, an electric power forming in his huge jaws. "SHELL SHOCK!!" Leviamon whacks Tylomon with his electrical jaws, sending Tylomon flying, slamming into some rocks underwater. Tylomon quickly shakes the rubble off of him, but now before Leviamon corners and traps him, widening his jaws around Tylomon, so he's surrounded by nothing but sharp teeth.
"HAHA, SAY GOODBYE TYLOMON!! YOU'RE ABOUT TO BECOME MY LUNCH!!" Leviamon cackles maniacally, slowly starting to close his jaws.
'Oh god, no no no...' Blaine stared in horror. He wanted to help Tylomon, but knew he couldn't, for Blaine was practically an ant, being compared to a skyscraper with Leviamon's size. All he could do was stand and watch, frozen with fear as he covered one eye with one hand.
"...FRAGARACH SLASH!!" Then, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Slayerdramon flies into the scene, his slicing attack hitting Leviamon right in the eye, causing him to roar in pain, allowing Tylomon to swim away.
"WOO!! Nice shot, Slayerdramon!!" Blaine turns around to see Taeka yelling, running towards him.
"What the...Taeka, where'd you come from?!" Blaine asks, in shock.
"Oh, you know...Just around." She says. "I was just walking around here and heard some fighting going on, and it looked like you two needed some help!" Blaine looks away from Taeka, awkwardly rubbing his arm.
"Blaine, are you alright?" Taeka asks.
"Yeah, I just...This is a bit embarrassing. I've been trying so hard to defeat Leviamon on my own, and I just can't seem to do it, no matter how hard me and Tylomon try..." Blaine states.
"Hey, there's no need to feel embarrassed about it at all!" Taeka says. "...But hey, we're all a team here, and there's no need for any of us to fight these kinds of battles alone as long as another of us is still standing." Taeka gives a reassuring smile, laying on hand on Blaine's shoulder.
"...Yeah, I guess you're right." Blaine says, with a light smile. "Let's take out Leviamon together."
"Heh, now you're talking." Taeka says, smirking as the two look towards the water. "We're gonna need a good plan though if we wanna defeat him."
"Well, Leviamon fights underwater, so..." Blaine says. Taeka is silent for a moment, thinking.
"...Ooh, I got it then!" Taeka sprints towards the edge of the water, Blaine following behind.
"HEAVY ANCHOR!!" Tylomon cuts off Leviamon by firing an anchor at him, the attack barely missing him, flying like a boomerang.
"...Less talking, more fighting." Tylomon growls, suddenly turning and swimming away. Leviamon turns his huge body around, following Tylomon. Tylomon does a bunch of spins and turns in the water, making it difficult for Leviamon to follow due to his giant form, only angering him more and more. This allows Tylomon to get Leviamon closer and closer to the land slowly, without him realizing.
"...FRAGARACH SLASH!!" Slayerdramon slashes at Leviamon, sending him back a bit.
"Now, Tylomon!" Slayerdramon calls. Tylomon positions himself, making sure to hit accurately this time.
"...HEAVY ANCHOR!!" Tylomon fires, the gigantic anchor flying and hitting Leviamon right in the eye, sending him flying up into the air...Slayerdramon then, while Leviamon is midair, grabs his tail, swinging his around with all his might...And throws him, sending Leviamon crashing onto the ground.
"URRGHHH..." Leviamon growls, standing back up. "GET...BACK...HERE!!" Leviamon tries to chase after Slayerdramon on the ground, but ends up moving slower then a turtle, making little-to-no progress.
"DRAGON'S SWORD!! DRAGON'S SWORD!!" Slayerdramon slashes at Leviamon rapidly, multiple times, Leviamon unable to dodge any of the attacks, only falling down in pain.
"HEAVY ANCHOR!!" Tylomon leaps out of the water and strikes Leviamon, who's legs collapse, huffing in pain and exhaustion.
Blaine and Taeka watch in anticipation, as Taeka takes one of Blaine's hand in hers, the two nodding at each other.
"ARGHHH...DAMMIT..." Leviamon weakly grumbles. "THIS CANNOT...BE...HAPPENING!! ARGHHHH!!" Leviamon roars in anger, his jaw opening as wide as possible.
"...Time to finish this." Slayerdramon growls, feeling great power well up in his sword. "TENRYU TORNADO!!" Slayerdramon charges forward, slicing into Leviamon...Right through the middle of his jaw. Slayerdramon is unseen for a short moment, as he goes inside of Leviamon's body, slicing right through his entire body...And out from behind his tail. Leviamon stands completely frozen, making a disgusting, loud gagging and gurgling noise...
...As his body splits in half, immediately poofing to dust.
"...Yes, WE DID IT!!" Taeka cheers happily, hugging Blaine tightly, who couldn't help but hug her back.
"...Guys, I think they're over here!" The two suddenly then heard what sounded like Cora's voice, everyone turning around, seeing the rest of the group running towards them.
"Taeka!!" Lily runs excitedly towards Taeka, leaping to her and hugging her tightly. "I'm so glad you're ok!"
"See? Told you guys Blaine would be here." Erik says, smirking. "And it helped lead us to Taeka too!"
"Heh, guess you know me too well." Blaine says, smiling.
"Were you guys fighting a Digimon?" Axel asks.
"Heh, we sure were." Taeka says. "Me and Blaine just defeated..."
"Leviamon!" Dracomon finishes her sentence, him and Ryudamon walking up to everyone. Everyone reacts with shock, before their expressions quickly turn to happiness.
"Wow, that's amazing!" Lily says cheerfully.
"Yup! No demon lords will keep us down or apart!" Taeka says, giving a thumbs up.
"YEAH!!" Everyone cheers in unison. Taeka looks around, suddenly then noticing GrapLeomon and Silphymon.
"Uh, who are you two?" Taeka asks, pointing to them.
"Oh, those two are GrapLeomon and Silphymon!" Lily says. "Silphymon's my good friend and helped me a lot!"
"Yeah, and GrapLeomon helped save me from some Digimon that tried to attack me." Erik says.
"Ohhhh, alright. Nice to meet you two then!" Taeka says, the two nodding to her.
"...Hey, Ryudamon, are you alright?" Blaine asks, looking down at Ryudamon who was breathing heavily.
"Yeah, I just...I've never used that anchor attack so many times in a row before." Ryudamon. "It kind've...Took a lot out of me."
"All of you must be pretty tired." GrapLeomon says. "Should we all find somewhere to rest?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too..." Taeka says. "Come on guys, let's find somewhere to rest and eat, then we can talk about our next plan too!"
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"Er...This is all we have to eat?" Taeka asks, looking at the food they had in confusion. Everyone sat in a circle, looking down at a pile of odd shaped fruits, of various shapes and colors.
"Yeah, Axel's the only one who has food left." Erik says. "The rest of us have ran out since we got here."
"Yeah, and me and ExTyrannomon can get more if we need to." Axel says, picking up one fruit and taking a bite.
"Eh, anything's better then starving to death." Blaine says, grabbing a fruit himself. After a moment, everyone finally obliges, grabbing a piece for themselves.
"Hey, it's so awesome how you two defeated Leviamon!" Terriermon chimes in cheerfully.
"Heh, sure was!" Taeka says, smirking. "Me and Blaine sure were pretty awesome!"
"Yeah, but I think you were the one who did most of the work." Blaine says, a light smile back.
"Aw come on, don't sell yourself short! We couldn't of done it without Tylomon's awesome anchor attack!" Taeka states.
"Yeah, we all kicked butt!" Dracomon says, excitedly raising his hands in the air.
"Hey, Lily, you should tell Taeka what you did as well." Erik says, smiling at her. Taeka looks at her little sister, head turned with thought.
"Hm? What'd you do, Lily?" Taeka asks, a wide smile forming on Lily's face.
"Heehee...Me and Lopmon finally got to the mega level, and defeated one of the demon lords, Beelzemon!" She states happily.
"WOAHH, REALLY?!" Taeka gasps in excitement, with a wide eyed expression.
"Yeah, her mega level is named Cherubimon!" Lily states. Taeka quickly grabs her Digivice, looking up Cherubimon in it, and gasping in excitement.
"Woah, so that's why Lopmon's in her fresh form right now!" Taeka states, Lily looking down at the tiny, sleeping Conomon in her lap. "That's...So...AWESOME!!" Taeka hugs Lily tightly, the two both giggling happily.
"How many demon lords are left now that we have to fight? Four of them?" Cora asks.
"Hmm, if Leviamon, Laylamon, and Beelzemon are out now, then..." Taeka counts her fingers, thinking. "That makes only...Barbamon, Daemon, Belphemon, and...Lucemon. So four left now."
"Stupid Barbamon absorbed Beelzemon's data though when we defeated him." Lily huffs, crossing her arms in annoyance. "And he has Laylamon's data too!"
"Man, and I thought Belphemon was annoying." Axel huffs.
"Either way, it's still pretty amazing how you all defeated three of the demon lords." GrapLeomon says. "You're all pretty powerful Digidestined, I have to commend you all for that."
"Aw, thanks.." Taeka says, everyone smiling. The group eats in silence for a short moment, before Taeka's face suddenly goes serious, looking like she was in deep thought about something.
"...You know, the term Digidestined, I keep hearing us called that, but..." Taeka turns to GrapLeomon, deep in thought. "I don't really know what it means exactly, or anything else about it, like, you know...What exactly does it mean, and the history behind the name, or whatever..."
"Ah, well, the exact meaning of a Digidestined is either a human child, or a Digimon thats put together with one another to form a bond that's used to speed up the process of Digivolution." GrapLeomon states. "All Digidestined are also given a Digivice, which also aids in the process of Digivolution."
"Hey guys, remember when we went to Palmon's village a while back, and there were a couple other Digimon that also said they were Digidestined?" Erik asks.
"Yeah, those two were Gabumon and Batamon." Blaine states.
"Oh yeah, they also said that there were tons of other Digidestined around the world!" Labramon says.
"Ooh, GrapLeomon, Silphymon! Do you know how many other Digidestined there are?" Lily asks excitedly. "And if you know any of them, can you tell us about them?"
"There's at least hundreds, or thousands around the world, but I don't know any of them..." Silphymon says.
"Same, I only know you kids personally, but...I've heard about other important Digidestined from other times." GrapLeomon says. "There was a first ever group of Digidestined who's partners became the Digimon Sovereign, who all used to protect the Digital World. They defeated an evil group of Digimon known as the Dark Masters. Then there was also another group that defeated Apocalymon a long time ago, and an Ordinemon a few years back. They were the first Digidestined to wield the powers of the crests. I think the Gabumon and Batamon you were talking about was a part of that group."
"The crests...Wait a minute, aren't the crests the symbols that were on the Digi-eggs we collected?" Erik asks.
"Yeah, and our Digivices, and sometimes our items glow the same as the crest colors when we achieve new Digivolutions." Cora adds.
"You kids must all be using the powers of the crests too, then." Silphymon says.
"Yeah, but the only crest we know the name of is the crest of Courage, the orange one me and Taeka use." Dracomon says.
"If you open up your Digivices and show me, I can tell you the name of each of your crests." GrapLeomon says. Everyone but Axel, pulls out their Digivices, showing GrapLeomon various crests on their Digivice's screens.
"...Taeka, you have the crests of Courage and Light. Lily, yours are Love and Belief. Erik, yours are Friendship and Kindness. Blaine, yours are Sincerity and Reliability. And Cora, yours is...Darkness."
"Woah...That's so cool..." BlackGabumon says in awe, staring at the tag and crest hanging on Cora's neck.
"Honestly, I may not know much about the other Digidestined out there, but all that I know is that this group in particular is specifically, and specially powerful." GrapLeomon states. "Most Digimon, and Digidestined can't reach the mega level, and sometimes even the ultimate level, so seeing you kids do so very easily is very special."
"Heh, so we're special Digidestined? Guess we're just awesome like that." Taeka smirks.
"It's kind've weird to think about, since we all used to be just normal kids before this all happened, but..." Erik states. "Is this our purpose as Digidestined? To save the Digital World from evil Digimon?"
"Precisely." GrapLeomon responds. "Nobody knows how it all happens, but the bond you Digidestined make with your Digimon give you all the powers to defeat evil Digimon that are capable of destroying both worlds...Powers that most other Digimon can't achieve."
"Well, if that's the case..." Taeka stands up confidently, noticing that everyone was finally finished eating. "Then our purpose right now...Is to defeat the demon lords and finally save the Digital World!! Who's with me?!" Taeka's short speech gives everyone confidence, all standing up, strong and ready.
"Hey, isn't there still one last demon lord we haven't encountered yet?" Axel asks.
"Yeah, that one is Lucemon!" ExTyrannomon says.
"I remember when I was with Laylamon..." Blaine states. "That she said something about Lucemon still being asleep."
"That's right, Lucemon is supposed to be the last demon lord to wake up, and they were all planning to finally fuse into Ogudomon once Lucmeon awakens." Silphymon states.
"Where would we find Lucemon then? So we can prevent him from waking up?" Lily asks.
"Hmm..." Axel crosses his arms, looking down in deep thought. "I think...Belphemon mentioned to me once about a place named Hellscape. It's where he was planning to go to after he awakened...And he also said it's where Lucemon rests as well." Axel states.
"Correct, and...Thats also where Barbamon, and Daemon's towers rest as well." GrapLeomon says. "If you can all march there, then you'll be able to corner Belphemon, Daemon and Barbamon...And hopefully take those three out all at once, before Lucemon awakens. Then he won't be as much of a threat to you all."
"That's perfect..." Taeka says. "We'll just have one big battle, and we can finally end all of this!" Everyone looks between eachother, nodding with confident gazes. "GrapLeomon, you know where we can find Hellscape?"
"Actually, yeah, coincidentally, there's a tunnel right in this area that will lead you two it." GrapLeomon stands up, motioning everyone down a short path, that eventually leads them to a small opening, in the sides of a mountain.
"This tunnel will lead you to Hellscape. It's deep underground, and they're will be a lot of lava, and aggressive Digimon down there, so be careful." GrapLeomon states.
"Also, one more thing before you all go..." Silphymon adds. "I want you all to be extra careful of Barbamon. He maybe still have the durability of one mega level Digimon, but the fact that he's absorbed both Beelzemon and Laylamon's data means he's got the strength of three. So be cautious." Everyone nods in understanding.
"Of course. You two, thank you so much for-"
"NOT SO FAST!!" Taeka is cut off by the sudden loud roar of a familiar voice, turning around to see...Belphemon, who suddenly landed roughly right in front of them...The two Ghoulmon also landing next to him.
"AH, LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE, ITS AXEL..." Belphemon smirks down at Axel, who only glares back at him. "NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN, OLD FRIEND..."
"Shut up, Belphemon! I know your tricks, and I'm not gonna fall for your lies anymore!" Axel snaps at him.
"Yeah, and we're not afraid of you anymore!" Taeka yells. "Were much stronger then the last time we saw you!"
"Belphemon...I am not going to let you hurt these children!!" GrapLeomon growls. "CYCLONE TURBINE!!" GrapLeomon charges at Belphemon...But is quickly stopped when Belphemon effortlessly stops him with one paw, grabbing onto him tightly.
"...DUMB MOVE, KITTY CAT. GIFT OF DARKNESS!!" Belphemon slams GrapLeomon to the ground, slashing powerfully right through his chest...GrapLeomon then slowly stands up, frozen in horror as he looks at the huge, open gashes that made a big hole in his chest.
"GrapLeomon, NO!!" Lily cries out in worry.
"EXPLOSION EYE!!" "EXPLOSION EYE!!" Both the Ghoulmon strike at GrapLeomon...
...Immediately poofing him to dust. Everyone stands, frozen in horror and fear of what just happened.
"...You kids need to get out of here. NOW." Silphymon turns to the group, voice cracking and body shaking with fear.
"NO!! We're not gonna let you die too!!" Erik cries out in fear. Silphymon turns around for a moment, noticing Belphemon raising his claws.
"I'll be fine!! Belphemon can't get you guys in there, and I can distract him! Just go!" Silphymon pleads.
"Silphymon, there's no way you can take on three mega level Digimon on your own!" Blaine says. "They're going to kill you!" Silphymon doesn't respond, only looking up and down for a short moment, before taking a deep breath.
"...You leave me no choice then. STATIC FORCE!!" Silphymon suddenly attacks inches away from the group, sending them stumbling close to the entrance of the tunnel.
"What the heck?! Silphymon, what do you think you're doing?!" Taeka asks, in shock.
"...Sorry, but it's the only way." Silphymon mumbles. "STATIC FORCE!!" Silphymon attacks closely again, this time knocking everyone off their feet, falling down a long slope into the tunnel...
"STATIC FORCE!!" Then, Silphymon strikes at the top of the mountain, making a landslide of rubble fall down...
...Covering the tunnel entrance.

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