Thinking | Chapter 30

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...He did it. Erik, without trying, was able to get Labramon to digivolve to his mega level, Anubismon. Anubismon now stood taller then Plesiomon, with a calm and graceful air to him, his shining golden wings barely flapping, but keeping him suspended in the air. The other Digidestined looked with mouths widened in shock, Plesiomon only barely raising an eyebrow at this sudden evolution.
"Hmm, a new evolution..." Plesiomon eyes Anubismon, keeping his calm composure. "Now this'll be interesting."
"Wha...HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Taeka yells, her mouth agape. Erik looks up at Anubismon with a surprised look as well, before regaining a serious expression again. "Anubismon...Take Plesiomon down." Erik says, his voice low and serious.
"...My pleasure." Anubismon speaks in a booming, but calm voice, flapping his wings and getting ready to fight.
"FIN ATTACK!!" Plesiomon slaps at Anubismon, but effortlessly gets smacked away with one hand.
"SHAKING PULSE!!" Plesiomon let's out a more powerful attack, sending Anubismon back a bit, but overall not being affected too bad.
"...My turn." Anubismon sticks out his wings as they start to shine with a golden energy.
"LIGHT RAY!!" He then fires a gold ray from his hands, knocking Plesiomon back as he growls in pain.
"...Now that's some power." Plesiomon says, the two Digimon locking glares for a quick moment, before charging at each other, smacking and attacking back and forth.
"Seriously...How did he do that?!" Taeka asks, still in shock.
"He is a mega level Digimon...Right?" Cora asks, eyeing Anubismon.
"Yeah, he is, look!" Lily shows everyone the Digimon analyzer on her Digivice, which did indeed show that Anubismon was a mega level Digimon. Everyone didn't know what else to do at the moment, besides watching the fight and hoping Anubismon would win, which luckily seemed like it was happening.
"LIGHT RAY!!" Anubismon strikes again, doing even greater damage to Plesiomon, who was now starting to become tired and defeated, breathing heavily.
"I...Will not...Lose to you!!" Plesiomon huffed angrily, now feeling rage build up. "SHAKING PULSE!!" Anubismon blocked the attack with his wings, quickly grabbing Plesiomon by the neck and lifting him out of the water, now leaving him to wiggle around defenseless.
"...You have no choice in the matter." Anubismon's voice boomed, the rings on both arms starting to glow. Then, with all his might, Anubismon chucks Plesiomon into the sky. In a flash, he then draws a golden pyramid in the sky...
"PYRAMID POWER!!" The golden pyramid shape ensnares Plesiomon inside, Plesiomon screaming in pain, as the pyramid shines brightly, staying suspended in the air for a moment...Until it finally dissipates...Taking Plesiomon's data with it. Erik sighs in relief at the defeat.
"...Erik?" A voice calls for Erik's name, him and everyone else turning around to see the source of the voice.
"...Blaine?!" Erik looks in disbelief, seeing Blaine standing before him, wide-eyed, alongside Ryudamon. "I..."
"How did you get Labramon...To the mega level?" Blaine asks, staring up at Anubismon. Erik ignores the question, walking up to Blaine with tears in his eyes...And suddenly hugging him tightly.
"I...I thought you were dead, Blaine." Erik chokes, still holding tightly onto Blaine. "I thought Plesiomon did something to you..."
"Wow, um, I..." Blaine stuttered, surprised by Erik's words. Erik finally lets go of the hug, holding out Blaine's bloody headband. "I saw this on the ground, and I..." Erik stutters weakly, as Blaine stretches out one hand, showing the cut on his palm.
"Yeah, uh, I cut my hand on a rock while we were training, and I used that to stop the bleeding." Blaine says, as Erik hands him back his headband. Erik smiles warmly at Blaine, hugging him once again. "I'm just glad you're ok." He says. The two stay embraced for a short, quiet moment before finally letting go. Anubismon's body then starts glowing...

 Anubismon's body then starts glowing

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