Mountain protector | Chapter 34

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"You heard that too, right Xiaomon?" Erik looks up towards the tower, where he could've sworn he heard the sound of an explosion.
"Yeah, I heard it too! It sounded like a big, fiery explosion!" Xiaomon chimes in.
"Seems like there's a pretty big fight going on. I hope everyone's ok..." Erik says, worriedly staring up at the sky. The two silently stare up at the sky for a while...
"Woooooooohhhhhh..." Until they hear the sound of yelling above them, sounding like it was falling towards them, getting louder and louder...
"WAAAAAUUUUGHHH!!" Until they see Terriermon falling from the sky, suddenly crashing roughly into a nearby tree. "ERIK!! HELP ME!!"
"Wha-Gummymon, is that you?!" Erik calls for him, running towards the tree Terriermon landed in.
"Yeah, I Digivolved and became Terriermon, but that's not important right now! Can you please catch me?!" Terriermon yells, Erik hurriedly standing below him and stretching out his arms, as Terriermon falls out of the tree, landing in his arms.
"Terriermon, are you alright?! What happened up there?" Erik asks. Terriermon breathes heavily, giving a heavy sigh before finally speaking.
"Whoa, whoa! Slow down, Terriermon, I can't understand a thing you're saying." Erik says. "Just calm down, and take a deep breath." Terriermon stops talking, taking some slow, deep breaths...Then finally explaining everything that happened: With the fights, with Laylamon, and Barbamon. When Terriermon finally finished, Erik sighed with worry, looking up at the sky.
"So, you have no idea what happened to the others...Or where they crashed to?" Erik asks.
"No, Barbamon's attack made it impossible for me to see!" Terriermon says. Erik keeps his eyes fixated at the sky, a concerned expression.
'Man, it's too high up, I wish I could've seen where they flew off too...' Thoughts of worry flow through Erik's head, as he thinks more and more of what could've possibly happened to everyone in the group.
"Everyone...Please be ok."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lily and Lopmon lay unconscious in the middle of some rough, rocky mountain terrain, looking pretty banged up.

"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Lily and Lopmon lay unconscious in the middle of some rough, rocky mountain terrain, looking pretty banged up

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Meanwhile, an unfamiliar Digimon walked down the mountain pathways, looking back and forth between the landscape...Stopping in his tracks when he saw the collapsed Lily and Lopmon.
"...What the..." The Digimon kneels down at the two, cocking his head curiously. "A human...? What's she..." the Digimon carefully looks at the two...
...And freezes when he sees Lily's Digivice, laying on the ground next to the two.
"A Digivice! That means this child's a Digidestined..." The Digimon quickly looks at the two's wounds, carefully lifting up one of Lopmon's ears...Noticing that the data on the edge of her ear was fuzzy, almost like it was starting to disintegrate.
'This Lopmon's pretty damaged, her data's even starting to fade away...' The Digimon carefully picks up the two, cradling one in each arm. 'They need help. This Digimon could die without aid, and I can't leave a Digidestined alone like this...' The Digimon takes long leaps through the rocky terrain, carefully and quickly navigating through the mountainside until he reaches a downward slope, with a small house dug into the sides of the mountain. He quickly walks in, going to a smaller bedroom as he carefully sets the two down on a soft bed, sitting on the floor next to them.
'You two...Please be alright.'
Sometime later...
"Ugh..." Lily groaned, her eyes slowly opening, sitting up as she looks around at her unfamiliar surroundings. "Wha...Where am I?" She suddenly notices the Digimon next to her, looking in confusion. "Who are you?" She asks, scooting away nervously.
"H-hey, don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Quite the opposite in fact." The Digimon says. "My names Silphymon. I just saw you two knocked out in the mountains, and you both looked pretty banged up, so I brought you both back here to help you rest."
"Really?" Lily turns around and suddenly notices Lopmon laying next to her. "Oh no, Lopmon! Lopmon, are you alright?! Please wake up!" Lily gently lifts up one of Lopmon's ears, noticing her fuzzy data.
"Oh no...Silphymon, is Lopmon dying? What's wrong with her?!" She asks, fear in her eyes.
"Lopmon's pretty damaged, and she's used up a lot of her strength." Silphymon says. "She's gonna need some medicine to help her, but otherwise, as long as she rests, she should be fine."
"Oh, alright..." Lily says worriedly looking down at her.
"Er, if you don't mind me asking..." Silphymon says. "What exactly happened to you both? You two look pretty banged up, you must've been in a pretty tough fight."
"Yeah, we were..." Lily says. "Me and my friends all fought Barbamon, and he used a really powerful attack on us. I have no idea where the rest of my friends are...Have you seen them at all, Silphymon?"
"Goodness, you fought Barbamon?!" Silphymon looks shocked for a moment, before regaining his composure quickly. "I have no idea where the rest of your friends are, but I might know a way I can find them. My master, GrapLeomon is out in the world right now running some errands. If you tell me your friend's names, I can call him and see if he can find the others. How's that sound?" Silphymon asks, Lily looking up at him and starting to feel a bit more hopeful.
"Ok...That'd be nice. Thank you, Silphymon." Lily says, listing off the names of everyone in the group.
"Alright, I'll be right back and make this quick." Silphymon says, before leaving the room. Lily sighs, looking down at Lopmon with worry, gently stroking her forehead.
"Oh Lopmon, please be ok..." Lily speaks quietly. "You're my bestest friend, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you...I care about you so much..." Lily rests her head on the bed next to Lopmon, her eyes starting to droop a bit...
...But she slowly lifts herself back up, noticing a faint, pink glow coming from her necklace.
"Hm?" She carefully lifts up the heart shaped gem on the necklace, looking at the glow.
"Alright..." Silphymon walks back into the room, snapping Lily out of her thoughts. "I just called GrapLeomon, and he's going to look for your friends right now." Silphymon states.
"Yay, thank you so much Silphymon!" Lily exclaims, suddenly embracing Silphymon, who blushes slightly, hugging her back.
"Yeah, um..." Silphymon lets go of the hug, looking back towards the door for a quiet moment. "Listen, I have some important errands to run. I've gotta pick up something somewhere, then I'll go to the pharmacy for some medicine for Lopmon, so if you don't mind..." Silphymon tries to walk out of the room, but is stopped by Lily grabbing ahold of one hand.
"Silphymon..." Lily looks up at Silphymon, with wide puppy eyes. "I wanna come with you, cause I don't wanna be alone, but I also feel bad leaving Lopmon alone...Do you think she'll be alright by herself?" She asks.
"Hey, it's no worries, she'll be fine." Silphymon insists. "My house is pretty secure and protected here, so no Digimon will come in here and hurt her. Besides, maybe a bit of alone time might just be what she needs to get better. But hey, just to be sure, do you wanna leave a note and some food for her while we're gone?" Silphymon gives a reassuring smile, Lily nodding in response. The two then grab some food from the fridge, as Silphymon writes a note, setting them both next to Lopmon as they head out of the house.
"Ok...We'll head to the hardware store first." Silphymon says.
"Alright, let's-Whoa!" Lily is suddenly lifted up by Silphymon, who hoists her onto his shoulders. Lily wraps her arms around Silphymon's neck in a tight grasp, as Silphymon suddenly jumps high into the air, leaping back and forth between the rocks, slowly hopping up to high grounds, until the two reach a hardware store, next to some other smaller buildings in a smoother pathed area. The two walk into the store, nearly colliding with another Digimon.

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