Dragon Slayer | Chapter 33

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Happy pride month, everyone! This isn't relevant to the chapter, but I made a lil drawing featuring all the canon LGBT+ characters in this story to celebrate and finally show off their flags to everyone <33
I hope you all enjoy!

Happy pride month, everyone! This isn't relevant to the chapter, but I made a lil drawing featuring all the canon LGBT+ characters in this story to celebrate and finally show off their flags to everyone <33I hope you all enjoy!

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"Hey, guys...This is Axel." Erik motions to Axel, who nervously stood behind him, everyone looking at him with varied surprised expressions on their faces. "He's a part of the group now, so give him a warm welcome."
"Uh...Hi, everyone." Axel awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, until he notices ToyAgumon, who walks up to him with a sparkle in his eyes.
"...Axel? Wow, you're really back?" ToyAgumon says, staring up at him in awe. Axel leans down to his level, giving a warm smile. "I sure am. And, um, ToyAgumon..." Axel pauses, looking away nervously. "I'm...I'm sorry about everything I did as the Dark King. I'm not gonna be that person anymore, and I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to make up for my wrongdoings, so...I hope you can forgive me, buddy." Axel stares at ToyAgumon with a nervous look, as he suddenly hops into Axel's arms, embracing him into a hug.
"Oh, Axel...Of course I forgive you! We're best buddies no matter what." ToyAgumon responds, Axel looking shocked in response before tightly hugging him back.
"Thanks, ToyAgumon...You won't regret this." Axel slowly stands up, still holding his Digimon partner as he looks at the group.
"I...hope you can all forgive me as well. I want to do my best now to help you guys out, and help defeat the demon lords." Axel waits nervously for a response from the group, as Lily sniffles, standing up and walking over to Axel.
"Hi, Axel...My names Lily..." Lily introduces herself, looking up to Axel with puppy eyes. "You're gonna help us get our friends back, right? Laylamon kidnapped...My partner Digimon..."
"Wow, um...Yeah, Lily. I'm gonna do my best to save your partner." Axel spoke nervously, as Lily suddenly hugged him.
"...Thank you." Lily squeaked as Axel awkwardly hugged her back, looking up at Cora and Ryudamon.
"...My names Cora. My partner got kidnapped too, so I'm glad you're here to help us." Cora gives a weak smile, and a thumbs up.
"Names Ryudamon. And uh, same thing Cora said." Axel gives a relieved smile, his eyes scanning the woods around him.
"Uh...Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there more of you in the group?" Axel asks. Erik looks at the group, noticing the lack of Taeka and Dracomon. "Well, Ryudamon's partner, Blaine, got kidnapped too. And our group leader Taeka is supposed to be here, but...Uh, you guys know where she is?" Erik asks.
"Well, after you went to talk to her, she ran in that direction." Lily says, pointing to a random direction in the woods.
"You guys mind if I go talk to her?" Axel asks. "...Alone?"
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Taeka sat on a stump in a small clearing in the woods, her head facing the ground as Dracomon sat next to her, awkwardly picking at the grass. The two sat in silence for a while, Dracomon looking up to Taeka with a worried expression.
"...Taeka, are you ok? You haven't said anything in a while." Dracomon asks, but Taeka doesn't respond or move a muscle.
"Try and remember...Where my strength comes from..." Taeka whispers under her breath to herself, repeating the words that Erik had told her earlier. "Man, what was Erik even talking about?"
"Your crest powers, Taeka! What was the name of the crest on the Digi-egg that we use to armor digivolve to Allomon?" Dracomon asks. Taeka looks away for a moment, thinking.
"...It's the crest of courage. I feel anything but courageous right now though." Taeka grumbles, resting one hand on her head.
"...Maybe Erik should be the leader of this group instead of me." She mutters.
"What?! Hey, don't think like that!" Dracomon snaps at her.
"Come on, you know I'm right!" Taeka snaps back. "I mean, he's so much smarter and cooler, and courageous then I am! He even got Labramon to digivolve to the mega level before I could do the same for you!"
"NO!! I KNOW YOU'RE WRONG!!" Dracomon screeches, Taeka reeling back from surprise. Dracomon then tries to calm down, taking a deep breath.
"...You wanna know how I know I'm right?" Dracomon lowers his voice, Taeka finally looking up at him with a tired, but attentive look.
"...I know the Digital World gave you the power of the crest of courage for a reason. That's cause with your courage, you've been able to get through any fight or obstacle, no matter how tough or impossible it seemed!"
"But...What about now? I don't know how to get through this situation..." Taeka says.
"That's cause you gotta remember your real courage, and the reasons why you fight in the first place!" Dracomon confidently responds. "Remember back when we fulfilled that prophecy by jumping off that building? Nobody else was there to help us at the time, but you still had the courage to do it, and that courage was what helped me digivolve to ultimate for the first time!" Taeka starts to smile a bit, rubbing the back of her neck. "Heh, I guess that was pretty cool." She says.
"Yeah! And remember both the times I've armor digivolved to Gargoylemon? You thought both those moments were going to go bad, but everything turned out fine!" Dracomon continues.
"Er, I guess so..." Taeka responds.
"Taeka, you just gotta remember every courageous moment we've ever had together! All of those moments, no matter how tough they seemed, we've always been able to eventually get through them! And this time won't be any different."
"Wow, Dracomon, I..." Taeka looks down at Dracomon, with a slight sparkle in her eyes.
"He's right, you know." Axel's voice suddenly cuts through the conversation, alerting Taeka as she suddenly stands up, looking at him and ToyAgumon.
"Woah...Aren't you..." Taeka looks at Axel with a surprised expression.
"Yeah...Axel. Your friend Erik brought me here, so I'm a part of the group now." Axel looks away for a moment, looking nervous. "But uh, I couldn't help but listen to what you two were talking about, and...Uh, I think Dracomon's right. When I was the Dark King, I remember how strong of a leader you were to the group, and you always being able to avoid or get past any chaos I caused."
"See? He used to be our enemy, and even he's complimenting you on your strength!" Dracomon says. Taeka looks down, silent for a moment, before a small smirk starts to form on her face.
"Heh...I think I'm starting to realize it now. You know what else I've been missing?" Taeka says.
"What is it?"
"Not only did I lose my courage, but I also forgot the real reason why I stay courageous in the first place..." Axel, ToyAgumon and Dracomon all look at her curiously, with cocked heads.
"...It's because of our friends. I don't just stay courageous because of our friends...I stay courageous FOR them. If I don't first, then nobody else will...
...Every single person and Digimon that fights back the evil as well...They're not just our teammates...They're our friends. And if we don't stay courageous and fight, then all our friends, and both our worlds will be gone forever!!" Taeka's voice rises with more and more determination, a soft, orange glow starting to form on her Digivice.
"You're both right. I can't just mope around anymore. From now on, whatever enemy that comes through and hits us...We're just gonna get back up and hit em back twice as hard." Taeka pounds her fists together, a new, freshly determined look on her face as she confidently walks towards Axel.
"Axel...Thank you for joining the group." She says. "Let's do our best to finally defeat Laylamon and get our friends back, alright?" Axel stares at her with a surprised look, before regaining his composure...Nodding in agreement.
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"You must know a bit about the demon lords, seeing as you were with Belphemon for so long, right?" Erik asks, looking at Axel.
"Yeah, Belphemon's a bit of a chatter box, so he's told me a bit more then he probably should've. And the thing is..." Axel pauses, looking down at ToyAgumon. "Until ToyAgumon has the strength to digivolve back to ExTyrannomon, I can't do much fighting wise, but hopefully my knowledge of the demon lords will be helpful enough." Axel looks in another direction, scratching his chin as he thinks for a long moment.
"Alright...I think I have a good enough plan. Every day, there's a specific time at night that Laylamon calls her 'down time', where she goes to the top of her tower and refuses to be disturbed. This will be a good time to plan a sneak attack, since it's also the time where most of her army members are asleep, besides a few guards. If Taeka has a smaller Digimon that can fly to the top of the tower, then she can fly to the top of the tower and get Laylamon's attention. The garden has no guards at this time, so everyone else can sneak in through there, and as long as you're quiet you should also be able to get to the top without any distractions. Then, as long as the plan works out well without distractions, we should all be able to fight Laylamon at the top of the tower without any distractions." Axel pauses, looking above at the pitch black sky, which would've made it impossible for them to see if it wasn't for the lavender colored moon lighting up the sky.
"It's too late and too dark outside to do this right now, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow, the second the sun goes down." Axel looks back down at the group, facing Taeka. "Taeka, does Dracomon have a smaller and more powerful Digimon that can fly to the top of the tower?" Axel asks, Taeka scratching her chin in thought.
"Well...Coredramon isn't powerful enough, Wingdramon's too big, Allomon can't fly...And..." Taeka voice trails off.
"...Taeka, I hate to say it, but Gargoylemon's the only one who fits the role perfectly." Erik says.
"...Gargoylemon?" Taeka winces, just hearing that name.
"Well, if Gargoylemon can fit the role, then our plans pretty much good to go." Axel says.
"Yeah, well the only problem is that Gargoylemon is unpredictable, and doesn't really listen to orders." Erik chimes in.
"...Oh. Well, if Taeka can try and find a way to control him, we should hopefully be fine." Axel says.
"Hey...If we have a plan now, can we go to sleep?" Lily asks, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Everyone nods in agreement, setting out their sleeping bags...Except for Taeka, who stood there frozen, sweating nervously.
'I have to...Use...Gargoylemon?
Man...I'm getting nervous again.'

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