Vademon's castle | Chapter 24

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It had been atleast a day since the group left the Gomamon's village, since they knew they still had some work to do with taking down the last few structures the Dark King had up. They were trekking through the woods for a while under they found something...A castle.
The castle was perched atop a cliffside, that was actually closer to the Gomamon village then they thought. The castle was a decently small size, and it had two dark towers connected to each side of it. They were also a couple different Digimon species guarding the outside of it, and the group was hiding in the bushes, trying to find a way to get in.
"Taeka, do you see anything up there?" Cora calls to Taeka, who had climbed up a tree with Dracomon to scout. The two then carefully climb down when Cora calls, softly landing in the grass.
"Eh, not really much we couldn't see down here..." Taeka mumbles, pulling out her Digivice.
"But look here..."

'DexDorugamon: Champion level, Virus

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'DexDorugamon: Champion level, Virus. Ghost Digimon that was experimented on in search of further Digivolutions, said to look like a Dorugamon beforehand. Attack is Cannonball, where it fires a large iron sphere from its mouth.'
"Two of these Digimon were flying around the main castle area." Taeka says. Everyone looks to the castle area, also analyzing the Digimon on the ground.

 Everyone looks to the castle area, also analyzing the Digimon on the ground

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'Fangmon: Champion level, Data. Demon beast Digimon that lives deep in the heart of forests, preying upon innocents who lose their way. Most powerful attack is Blast Coffin, where it blasts a large stone coffin from its mouth, which can sometimes trap opponents.'
There were multiple Fangmon circling around each of the dark towers, two protecting each of them.
"Hmm...It looks like they have one type of Digimon to patrol the air, and another type for the ground." Lopmon states.
"Which means there's no way to sneak past them..." BlackGabumon mumbles.
"No choice but to fight them then." Ryudamon says.
"They're only champions, we can take them!" Labramon proudly adds.
"...You guys think the Dark King...Or, um, Axel, is in there?" Cora asks, eyeing the castle.
"I don't think so." Blaine says. "With how big this guy is around here, you'd think his main hideout would be bigger and more...Protected."
"True." Erik adds. "And besides, the Dark King did say that he had more then one structure left."
"Guess we'll just have to take this castle down, and whatever's in it!" Taeka says, pounding her fists together.
"Alright guys, so here's the plan." Taeka turns to everyone. "I think three of us should fight the Fangmon, one of us will fight the two DexDorugamon, and the last person should sneak into the castle to see what we find...And when we're done with all that, we'll start destroying the dark towers, then the castle! Now who volunteers to sneak in?"
Blaine responds by slowly raising one arm. "Is it ok if I sneak in?" He asks.
"Ooh ooh, and can I fight the DexDorugamon?" Lily asks. "Lopmon can armor Digivolve to Pteramon and fight them both!"
"Cool with me! You guys ready to go?" Taeka asks, everyone nodding I agreement.
"Yeah, come on BlackGabumon, let's show those Fangmon who the superior wolf is around here!" Cora says confidently.
"CHAAAAARGE!" Immediately everyone runs towards their enemies, ready to attack. Lily and Blaine charge to the front door, but the DexDorugamon defensively land in front of them, fangs bared.
"Alright Pteramon, use your super laser attack!" Lily cheerfully commands.
"LEAF SHURIKEN!!" Both the attacks knock the DexDorugamon on their feet.
"Go, Blaine! We got this!" Lily says.
"...Thanks, Lily!" Blaine and Frogmon quickly run to the front door and open it before the DexDorugamon can get back up, quickly slamming it shut.
Blaine and Frogmon looked around the room, which was pretty dimly lit. The area appeared to just be a short hallway, with two doors on each side of the room...And one, bigger door at the end. Luckily they didn't spot signs any other Digimon around.
Blaine motions to Frogmon quickly, pointing to one of the doors to look inside. They both carefully walked to the door, listening for a moment before creaking it open.
...The room appeared to be a kitchen. The only thing that was odd was the fact that most of the cabinets were opened and emptied, almost as if someone was leaving the place in a rush.
"Huh, nothing much here." Frogmon says. "Might as well take any leftover food though, before we knock this place down." Blaine nods in agreement as the two grab whatever few pieces of food was left, stuffing it in Blaine's bag and tiptoeing out. This time they motion to a door across from them, walking over and opening it...
...Only to reveal another empty room, only accompanied with couches and a table in the middle of the small area.
"...This is weird. I thought there'd be more here then this." Blaine says.
"Me too. I wonder if those Digimon are protecting this place just cause...Something important is in here?" Frogmon asks.
"Maybe. Let's look around then before we go." The two look around, but don't find much. The only places they could really look in was underneath the couches and couch cushions, and they found nothing.
"Hm...Alright, let's look in the next room." The two sneak out quietly again, still on their guard, creaking open the next room...
Finding yet another empty room, this time a bedroom. The two started to look carefully around...
"Hey! You find anything yet?" Lily suddenly pops in the room, surprising everyone.
"Lily! You scared me..." Blaine says.
"Sorry about that..." Lily says. "Pteramon is out there fighting so I thought I'd come in here and look around too."
"Well, we haven't found much yet." Frogmon says. "There's no one else here either."
"Ooh, can I help look?" Lily immediately starts to help, drawing her attention to a taller object that was covered with a sheet, in the corner of the room. Lily yanked the sheet off, revealing...
"What the? Vademon?" Underneath was what appeared to be a wooden statue of Vademon, that looked like it was handmade, everyone looking at it in confusion.
"A Vademon statue? This must be...His castle, then." Blaine says.
"Well that explains why this place is abandoned then." Frogmon adds.
"Ewww, Vademon is so ugly looking!" Lily says, scrunching up her nose.
"Ha, you're right! The statue really captures his ugliness, doesn't it?" Frogmon laughs.
"Heh, yeah, kinda egotistical too that he made someone carve a statue of himself, isn't it?" Blaine adds. The three laugh at the statue for a moment, until they look across the hallway, at one more door. They tiptoe to it, creaking it open...
...To reveal a small bathroom. And like the kitchen, the few cabinets were opened and empty. The three checked everything to be sure, but found absolutely nothing.
"This doesn't make any sense!" Blaine says, sounding a bit agitated. "Why would those Digimon protect this place if there's absolutely nothing useful in here?"
"There's still that one big door, right?" Lily asks, pointing to it out in the hallway. "Whatever they're protecting has to be in there!" Blaine takes a deep breath. "...Yeah, you're right. Let's check there, then we'll go."
"Ooh, I hope there's treasure in there!" Frogmon says as the three carefully walk to the door, which stood over three times the height of the other doors. Blaine took another deep, careful breath before thrusting open the heavy door...
Revealing a huge, empty room with nothing in it but a large chair sitting at the end...

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