Heart of kindness | Chapter 12

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(Art is NOT mine, made by rudereiindeer on Deviantart)




Taeka had her eyes squeezed shut from the light, but when it finally faded away, she couldn't believe her eyes. Dracomon had finally digivolved to his ultimate form, and she was awed at how massive the once small dragon Digimon had gotten. Wingdramon was around the size of the buildings, and he was able to stay afloat it the air despite not flapping his wings. Taeka had her eyes squeezed shut from the light, but when it finally faded away, she couldn't believe her eyes. Dracomon had finally digivolved to his ultimate form, and she was awed at how massive the once small dragon Digimon had gotten. Wingdramon was around the size of the buildings, and he was able to stay afloat in the air despite not flapping his wings.

"...You ready to fight?" Wingdramon asks, his voice calm but somehow echoing loudly at the same time.

"...Uhhh...Yeah..." Taeka mumbled quietly, still in awe.

"...Alright, then hold on tight." Taeka grips Wingdramon tightly as he flaps his wings powerfully, creating a powerful force of air, before finally taking off.

Meanwhile, the two MetalGreymon were wrecking havoc throughout the city, one of them slashing and clawing at buildings, and another chasing Turuiemon and Ginryumon through the streets. Blaine and Lily only watched from faraway in horror, not sure what to do.

"Dangit, they're going to destroy this whole city! What do we do?!" Blaine ruffled his hair in annoyance, with clear worry in his voice. Lily silently watched the MetalGreymon attacking the building, thinking...

Then suddenly, Wingdramon flies into view, tackling one of the MetalGreymon! The giant dino Digimon falls over from the tackle, landing hard on the ground.

"Whoa, look!" Lily points to Wingdramon, Blaine looking at him in awe, then pulling out his Digivice.

'Wingdramon- Ultimate level- Vaccine. Powerful dragon Digimon with greatly developed wings that allow it to fly at high speeds. Main attack is Blaze sonic breath, where it blasts a scorching fast blast of fire.'

"I think that's Dracomon! He digivolved again!" Lily said, hyped.

"What, really?" Blaine continued to look carefully at the giant dragon Digimon, and sure enough, he could barely see Taeka riding on Wingdramon's back.

"Wow...She really did it..."

"BLAZE SONIC BREATH!!" Wingdramon blasted powerful blue flames directly at the MetalGreymon, the giant Digimon roaring and falling back in pain. The other MetalGreymon that was chasing Turuiemon and Ginryumon stopped when he saw this, and ran over to attack Wingdramon, slashing at him with a metal claw. "WING BLAST!!" Wingdramon gracefully dodged the attack and flapped its wings powerfully, the force knocking the MetalGreymon down. "BLAZE SONIC BREATH!!" Wingdramon blasted its blue flames again, this time hitting both the MetalGreymon at the same time.

"Wow, he's so powerful!" Lily says in awe.

"Yeah, it looks like he's got this fight just fine..." Blaine continues watching the fight, Wingdramon still easily fighting the two.

"...What should we do then?" Turuiemon interrupts the silence when her and Ginryumon suddenly appear behind the two. Lily and Blaine look around the city, trying to think.

"...Look! Over there!" Lily points to a faraway building at Vademon, who seemed to be watching the fight. "You two can go attack him!"

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea..." Blaine says, looking over at Vademon. "I know you guys are only champions and he's an ultimate, but just do your best, alright?"

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