Believe in me | Chapter 13

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(Art is NOT mine, made by Askauzen on Deviantart.)

Everyone who saw it couldn't believe it, despite it happening right in front of their eyes. Erik was somehow able to make Seasarmon digivolve to his ultimate level, Caturamon. Now, Caturamon stood defensively between Sandiramon and his friends, refusing to budge.

"...You're not gonna hurt my friends anymore." Caturamon growls at the surprised Sandiramon. Caturamons tail then starts to form into a hammer made of light energy. "...TREASURE HAMMER!!" Caturamon whacks Sandiramon with his tail right in the face! Sandiramon was caught very off guard at first, before his face twisted into rage. Then, Sandiramon spit out a lance made of light, similarly to Caturamon's tail.

"...TREASURE LANCE!!" Sandiramon strikes Caturamon with the lance! The two start going at it, going back and forth with their weapons of light.

"...How'd you get him to Digivolve to ultimate, Erik?" Cora asks.

"I...I don't know." Erik was just as surprised as everyone else. "I just..." Erik tries to think hard, looking down at his bracelet, which was still glowing bright pink. "Hmmm..."

"WHAT?! Are you kidding me?!" Vademon's mouth was wide open, looking just as shocked as everyone else. Ginryumon took this distraction to slip out of Vademon's grasp. "BOUJINHA!!" Ginryumon tackles Vademon, knocking him back. "Sangloupmon, come help me!" Ginryumon calls. Sangloupmon quickly follows, ready to attack Vademon. "Dammit, just screw off already!!" Vademon growls furiously, carelessly firing at the two.

"Shut up Vademon!" Ginryumon spits.

"Just admit that you're done for!!" Sangloupmon growls. "DRAIN SLASH!!"

"AGH!!" Sangloupmon strikes Vademon powerfully, knocking him back. Vademon was shaking with rage, his face twisted into pure anger.

"...NO!!" Vademon fires right at Sangloupmon, knocking him back! Vademon then pulls out another of those cube items, his fist shaking. "I will NOT lose to the likes of you...Inferior....URGH!!" Before anyone can attack him again, Vademon presses the cube, once again disappearing into thin air.

"God, what a wimp..." Erik grumbles, rolling his eyes.

"For once, I actually agree with you..." Blaine adds, crossing his arms. Everyone looks over at Caturamon and Sandiramon, who were dueling with their light weapons, almost as if they were swords.

"...Should we help him?" Sangloupmon asks, watching the fight.

"...Nah, I think he's got this." Cora says. She was right, Caturamon seemed to be overpowering Sandiramon pretty well, almost knocking him back multiple times.

"GO CATURAMON!! You got this!!" Lily cheered for Caturamon, still clutching the weakened Lopmon in her arms. Everyone repeated after her, chanting Caturamon's name and cheering loudly.

Then, soon after a few hits, Caturamon finally knocked Sandiramon's weapon out of his grasp, the light weapon dissipating into the air. Sandiramons jaw dropped in shock. The giant snake then started to scoot away from Caturamon, who slowly walked towards him intimidatingly.

...Then, without warning, Caturamon leaped high into the air!

"HOWL OF THE HEAVENS!!" Caturamon let out a supersonic howl, knocking Sandiramon flat on his back! Caturamon then spun his body fast, aiming the light hammer at Sandiramon.

"TREASURE HAMMER!!" Caturamon's hammer pierces right through Sandiramon's body, cracking the hard shell on his back! Sandiramon hisses loudly in pain, his body slowly starting to dissipate. The giant snake Digimon wiggles and howls in pain until he finally vanishes into thin air.

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