Ebemon's last stand | FINALE

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"I...Can't see!" Lily and Lopmon walked into the living room, after just waking up, but the room was pitch black, unable to see where she was going. But for some reason, she could hear what sounded like...Whispering. From multiple people, in the kitchen.
"Where's the light switch?" Lopmon asks. Lily touches her hand on the walls, until she can finally feel the light switch underneath it. "I think I found it!" Lily says, as she switches on the lights...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Taeka, Dracomon, and both their parents suddenly scream aloud from the kitchen, Lily gasping with genuine surprise.
"Wha-What the heck?! Is today really my Birthday?!" Lily asks, eyes widened as she turns to the calendar on the wall next to her. The date: October 5th, was circled with red marker, which read: LILY'S BIRTHDAY.
"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! Yayy!!" Lily giggles happily, running to everyone in a group hug.
"Here, this is for you!" Taeka walks to the counter, picking up a cupcake and happily handing it to Lily.
"Sorry honey, but that's all we could get with all this Digimon stuff going on." Her mom sighs, eyeing the cupcake. "But we promise to throw you a party once everythings back to normal, and get you a bigger cake."
"Ooh, yeah! I wanna invite our friends too!" Lily say, happily taking bites of her cupcake.
"Lily, if you don't mind me asking..." Lopmon steps next to her. "But what exactly is a Birthday?"
"Oh, it's like a day you have each year to celebrate you becoming a year older!" Lily says. "Like, since October 5th is my 9th Birthday, it means I'm 9 years old now!" Lopmon nods in understandment, as Taeka looks at the clock, which read: 11:34 AM.
"Oh man, we gotta leave now or we'll be late!" Taeka points to the clock, as Lily hurriedly scarfs down the rest of her cupcake, the two grabbing and putting on some jackets and waving bye to their parents.
"Bye girls! Good luck with your fighting today!" Their dad says, as they open the door, leaving and quickly closing.
"Come on, everyone..." Taeka says, as they all run. "Let's get to Blaine's house...Before..."
"Hey! Lily!" A voice suddenly calls to them, as they run past a house. The Digimon duck behind the two, as they turn to where the voice was coming from.
"Jake! Is that you?" Lily asks. They turn to the fenced backyard next to their house, and see a little blond haired boy, who was Lily's best friend, sitting atop the fence.
"Lily! I almost forgot to say but Happy Birthday!" Jake calls. "Do you know what the heck is going on with all the monsters on TV? It's kind've scary, but also a little cool!" Jake rambles, as Lily and Taeka nervously step away, trying their best to hide Lopmon and Dracomon.
"Uh yeah, and I totally have no idea what they're called!" Lily nervously lies. Jake stares at them silently, squinting at them.
"...Where the heck are you two going? Mommy and daddy say we're not supposed to go anywhere!" Jake asks, the two sweating nervously.
"It's, uh...Kind've hard to explain..." Lily lies.
"Woah, look at! It's a squirrel!" Taeka lies, pointing in a random direction behind Jake.
"Huh? Where-WOAH!!" Jake suddenly falls off the fence, a loud thump as he lands into his backyard, now out of sight.
"Uh, is he ok?" Lopmon asks.
"Yeah, but uh..." Taeka says, her and Lily scooping up their partners and walking away. "Let's just get outta here...Before he sees you two!"
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Knock knock!
Blaine opens the door to his house, as Taeka and Lily quickly run inside.
"We're not...Too late, are we?" Taeka huffs in an exaggerated manner.
"Nah, you're here on time. Everyone else is here." Blaine says, as he leads them to a small living room, everyone sitting in different spots, as well as Commandramon being there.
"Hey! Taeka, Lily, Axel has something cool he wants to show you!" ExTyrannomon pints to Axel, who was sitting on the floor, a computer on his lap that was plugged into a nearby outlet. The two sisters sit on the floor next to him, as Dracomon and Lopmon plop onto the couch.
"Look, I found an easier way for us to track Digimon!" Axel smiles, excited as he pulls out a wire, connecting one side to his Digivice, and the other into his computer. Suddenly then, a big map pops up on the computer screen, a big map of the cities, that had various colored dots scattered around the map.
"Whoa! Is that a map of New York?" Lily asks, in awe.
"Heh, sure is. When I connect my Digivice to my computer, it greatly improves the use of the Digimon tracker, and allows us to see all the cities around us, and any Digimon and their locations." Axel explains. "The dots are the Digimon, and their colors represent their levels. For example, white dots are rookie level Digimon, or any level below that. Yellow dots are for champion Digimon. Orange is for ultimate. And red...That's for mega."
"Whoa..." Lily traces her finger on the computer screen, pointing to all the different dots. For the most part, all the dots were either a yellow, or orange color. "It's mostly champions and ultimates!"
"Well...For the most part." Axel frowns, his face turning serious. He unplugs his computer from the wall, moving it to the coffee table, so everyone could see it. "First off, you see this area right here?" Axel points to a spot on the map, with 6 white dots, and one orange. "That's where we are. And..." He scrolls the map, until he finally finds a spot...With two red dots.
"There's...Two megas in that spot." Blaine says, his voice low.
"That must be where the Master Plan Digimon are at." Commandramon chimes in, everyone turning to him.
"Commandramon, could you please tell us what the Master Plan is?" Erik asks, Commandramon nodding.
"Well...Our Empire found a new leader to rule over us, and they had made a plan to unleash an ultra powerful Digimon onto the cities...To completely destroy it." Commandramon explains, everyone gasping quietly.
"Who's the new leader supposed to be?" Lopmon asks. "And who's the ultra powerful Digimon?"
"I wouldn't know, Armormon is actually the only one who knows the identities of both Digimon." Commandramon responds.
"Aw man, but me and Lily already took him out!" Taeka groans, facepalming. "Now we'll never be able to figure it out!"
"It's ok, as long as we can figure out where the two megas are at, we can still save the city." Axel says. Axel scrolls back and forth on the map, whispering to himself.
"Nows, let's see...It seems like the area they're in is around an hour away from us..." Axel speaks to himself. "And the only big building...That can easily hide a Digimon...Thats around there...Is..." He opens up a tab, typing...Until the name of a building pops up...
"Fieldson's Laboratory. It's a high-security lab, seems like the perfect place to hide any secret plans." Axel says.
"They must've taken over the lab then..." Cora says.
"Yeah, and if we can get inside that lab, and take out those two mega Digimon...Then we can clean up and take out any other Digimon that lurk anywhere else..." Axel states. "And finally save this city."
"Sweet, we finally got the perfect plan then!" Taeka says. "Thank you, Axel." Axel smiles.
"If the place is over an hour away, we might as well get going right now." Blaine says. Everyone scatters to different directions, as Axel stares at his computer screen for a moment. He looks at some of the dots on the map, and for some reason, sees a couple of them disappear.
'Hm? Why are some of them going away?' Axel thinks to himself. He quickly shakes it off, closing his computer and getting ready as well. By now, everyone was getting ready, except for one person, who sat looking down at the ground.
"Taeka, you ready to beat up some bad Digimon?!" Dracomon excitedly says, but his face falls when he looks at her. "Taeka, are you alright?" Taeka is silent for a moment, before sighing.
"...You remember what Hackmon said to us? Before we left?" Taeka asks, Dracomon cocking his head, confused. "He said after this fight...That'd we have to say goodbye to eachother. Does this mean...We'll never see each other again?"
"What?! No! Well..." Dracomon tried to protest, but couldn't find the right words to speak, only looking away nervously. An awkward silence forms between the two for a moment, before Dracomon shakes his head, his face serious.
"You know what? No! I don't care what Hackmon said!" Dracomon says, Taeka turning to him. "I'm not saying goodbye to you, and I'm not leaving you! Even if all the others return back to the Digital World, I want us to stay together...Forever."
"Really? Wow, Dracomon..." Taeka wipes some tears off that were close to forming in her eyes, a new determined smile on her face. "Then let's promise to always stick together, alright buddy?"
"...I promise." The two smile, embracing each other tightly.
"Hey, you two coming?" Blaine suddenly calls from the front door, interrupting their moment. The two let go of each other, hurriedly running to the door.
"Heh, yeah...Sorry to make you all wait."
Sometime later...
The group had spent over an hour walking, tired but happy to finally see the gigantic lab come into view, as they walked down an empty dirt path that had led them out of the city. The lab was huge, reaching many stories into the sky, with a big, metal fence that was equally as high. Oddly enough though, there was no one around.
"Is it just me...Or does this place seem strangely empty?" Cora asks.
"I know, it seems a bit too convenient for such a high-security lab." Ryudamon adds.
"This could be a trap guys, let's be careful..." Taeka says, as everyone cooks around them, cautiously stepping forward. Axel looked down at the tracker on his Digivice, showing how close the two mega Digimon were to them.
"...Maybe we should split up then." Axel says. "If there's two megas, and we split into two groups, we can take them out much faster." Everyone nods in agreement with this plan. "Three go after the leader, which is farther into the lab, and the rest go after the ultra powerful Digimon."
"If you all don't mind, I'll stay back here." Commandramon says. "And keep a look out."
"Ooh, I wanna go find the leader!" Taeka adds. "I wanna be the one to kick his butt!"
"I'll go after the ultra powerful Digimon." Erik says. "I can't let them hurt anyone."
"I'll go with Taeka." Blaine adds.
"I wanna help Erik." Cora adds.
"I'll stick with Taeka and Blaine." Axel adds.
"Then I'm with Erik and Cora!" Lily chimes in.
"Alright, everyone..." Taeka says, everyone nodding confidently. "See you all on the other side."
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Taeka, Blaine and Axel, walked silently down a long hallway, their footsteps softly echoing on the metallic floorings. Axel kept his eyes fixated on the Digimon tracker, as they got closer and closer to the Digimon.
"We'll reach them. Any second now." Axel says, lowering his voice.
"Hey, maybe we should sneak up on them from behind!" Taeka says, pounding her fists together.
"Yeah, like a sneak attack!" Dracomon adds.
...Click! Suddenly then, what sounded like a loudspeaker clicked, echoing through the hall. Everyone stopped, turning their attention to a speaking on the side of the ceiling.
"...I'm afraid that's not gonna happen." A robotic voice speaks in a mocking tone, over the loudspeaker...
Suddenly, two heavy doors slam down, trapping everyone in a small space.
"What the?! How did you..." Taeka stutters in shock.
"I hear everything. But hey, don't you worry. You're all safe in this little space here. You'll be getting off easy compared to the others...Especially when they run into him." The voice mocks, shocking everyone to their core.
"Oh no...This was a trap!" Axel whimpers.
"Erik and the others are in danger..." Blaine says. "We gotta get outta here!" The Digimon try attacking the walls, but do nothing, the blasts simply bouncing right off.
"Come on, guys...We gotta digivolve!" Dracomon says.
...But nothing happens.
"Hey, why aren't you guys digivolving?!" Taeka asks.
"I...I don't know. It's not working for some reason!" Dracomon says. Everyone's eyes fill with worry, as they look around, in complete and utter panic.
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Erik, Lily and Cora all stumbled down a pitch black hallway, barely even able to see anything in front of them.
"Man...I can't see a thing in here!" Cora says. Lily and Lopmon feel the sides of the walls, until they feel what felt like an opened door.
"Hey, I think there's another room over here!" Lily says. They all follow her voice, until they walked into another room, which was also dark, but the echoes indicated that it was a pretty big room.
"Alright..." Erik feels the walls, looking for a light switch. "Now let's see if we can fight the-"
Click! In an unexpected turn, the lights suddenly switch on, now revealing the huge room that stretched many stories, and many feet wide. Surprisingly, it was mostly empty...

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