Night at the dojo: Blaine meets Ryudamon | Chapter 4

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Later that night...

It was the middle of the night, a kid named Blaine was rustling around in his bed trying to fall back asleep, but he couldn't. After a moment or so he finally gave up, sitting up in his bed, thinking. 'It's kinda late, should I...?' He thought to himself, looking at a clock by his bed.

1:16 AM.

'Eh, screw it. It's summer break, I have all the time in the world. I might as well.' Blaine got out of his bed quietly, navigating himself through the darkness. He quickly slipped on a sweatshirt, grabbing his katana, and quietly sneaking out the house.

Sometime later...

After a few minutes of walking, Blaine had arrived at a small community center. Whenever Blaine couldn't sleep, he sometimes walked over to the center, sneaking into the dojo to practice his sword fighting with his katana, despite the place being closed. He had a membership there, so he didn't really think he was doing anything wrong.

Blaine was about to walk into the back door, but heard some rustling in the bushes behind him. 'Eh, probably just a squirrel.' He thought, brushing it off and walking through the door.

After a moment or so, a Digimon pops its head out of the bushes, looking around.

After a moment or so, a Digimon pops its head out of the bushes, looking around

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'Good, I don't think he saw me...' The Digimon thought to himself.

"...Huh?" The Digimon pulled out a Digivice.

A small glow of light was beginning to form in the Digivice

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A small glow of light was beginning to form in the Digivice. 'It's glowing! Does that mean he's...' The Digimon stared at the back door for a moment, thinking. After a moment, he starts to form a plan.

"HYAH!!" Blaine strikes a training dummy with his sword hard, the loud clanging noise echoing in the dark dojo that was only lit up by a small flickering lightbulb. Blaine was trying to practice new moves and tricks, spinning gracefully while focusing on the blade.

"You're pretty good, kid" Blaine freezes when he hears another voice. He looks to the back entrance and sees a small figure. He couldn't make out what they looked like in the darkness, but they almost looked like they had a...Tail?

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