The mask shard | Prologue: Part 2

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"Heeeey, Axel! It's time to wake up!"

"Ugh, wha-"

Axel slowly opened his eyes and saw ExTyrannomon staring right at him, which startled him.

"Whoa!" Axel quickly sat up. 'I guess this confirms everything that happened last night wasn't a dream...' He thought to himself.

"Oh, are you ok Axel?! Do you need some water or something?!"

"No, I'm good. You just surprised me is all..." Axel said, slowly getting up.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just really excited is all! I'll try not to do that again..."

Axel rubbed his forehead, looking around the wooded area. So, uh, we were supposed to go to, uh...Skye Mountains, right?"

"Yup, that's the place! The sooner we get there, the better!" ExTyrannomon runs into his hut, grabbing a handful of food. "Is it ok if I put these in your bag, Axel? I don't want you to starve to death!" Axel slipped his backpack off, laying it on the ground. "Yeah, of course..." Axel helps ExTyrannomon stuff the backpack full of food, followed by the little Digimon quickly slinging a bucket of water with a sash attached to it on his back. "Ok, we're now ready! Let's go that way!" ExTyrannomon points to a random direction and starts excitedly walking that way, Axel following close behind.

Sometime later...

Axel and ExTyrannomon were now walking down a dirt road, in silence, the little Digimon thinking of something to say.

"So, uhhhhh...Axel, what's the human world like? I've never been there before, but I've always wanted to go!" ExTyrannomon asked. Axel had to think for a moment. "Well, uh... It, uh... Has a lot of...buildings? And it does have, uh... you know, trees, and uh...water. Oh, and of course, tons of humans as well."

"Oh, cool. So it's just like the Digital World, but with less Digimon and more humans?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so..."

"That's nice, I can't wait to go there!" ExTyrannomon says, keeping his pace. "Ooh, do you have any other nice human friends I can meet too?!" Axel slows down a little. "No, not really..." He says, his voice quiet.

"Oh, you don't have any human friends?" ExTyrannomon says, sounding worried, but he quickly perks up. "It's ok, I don't really have any friends either! It's a good thing I came along them, isn't it?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so..."

The two notice two different paths in the road, and stop. "Which way?" Axel asks. ExTyrannomon looks back and forth between each path, almost looking confused. "Uhhhhhh....That way?" He points to the path on the right. "Are you sure, ExTyrannomon? That's not the first time you weren't sure about where we were going..." Axel's asks. "Yeah! It's just, uh...I haven't been to those mountains in a while! Heheh, we'll get there, I promise!"

"Yeah, I hope so..." Axel mumbles to himself.

Many hours later...

For the past few hours now, ExTyrannomon kept looking more and more confused about which directions he was supposed to go in, which Axel kept noticing more and more. Finally, Axel had enough, and stopped in his tracks.

"ExTyrannomon, you don't know where you're going, do you?" ExTyrannomon froze. "Whaaaaat?! O-Of course I do! What do you mean by-"

"ExTyrannomon, for the past few hours you've had absolutely no idea where to go. You keep guessing where to go instead of just going a certain direction. Just admit you have no idea where Skye Mountains is!"

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