Heart of Axel | Chapter 32

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Heart of Axel | Chapter 32
"The names Doumon." The Digimon stands up tall, eyeing Mummymon and Antylamon. "Apologies if I freaked you out, I just noticed two new faces that looked like you needed help." Doumon speaks in a calm tone. "If you two are hungry, I know a place where we can get some free food, if you'd like the help." Antylamon and Mummymon look at each other for a moment, nodding in agreement.
"That'd be really helpful, thank you." Antylamon says, Doumon nodding in response, motioning for them to follow her.
"Wait...How could you tell we were new here?" Mummymon asks, as the three tread through some thick bushes.
"I'm always watching what's going on around here." Doumon responds. "Besides, you two stick out here like a sore thumb, especially you." She says, motioning to Mummymon.
"I've never seen your kind before at all. Where'd you two even come from, anyway?" She asks.
"Oh, we're Digidestined Digimon!" Mummymon blurts out. We got here because of our partners." Antylamon glares at Mummymon for this sudden confession.
"...You're Digidestined?" Doumon suddenly stops, the two holding their breath as she's silent and still for a moment.
"...I can definitely trust you two. Come on, we're almost there." Doumon continues walking, Mummymon and Antylamon sighing in relief, as the three finally reach a clearing...
"These are the Crooked Fields." The three look at the vast field, which looked to be farmland, with a field of crops on one side, and an orchard full of trees on the other.
"This is pretty much where all the food for the town comes from." Doumon states. "All these Digimon, including me, work here to keep the food supply running." Everyone looks around the fields, seeing various Digimon working in the fields. "I live out here, but I've already finished my work, so I'm taking you to my house for some fruits I've picked today. Come." Doumon leads the two down the field, to a more secluded path...Before finally reaching Doumon's house, a small, wooden cottage. Doumon opens the door, leading them inside. The first thing they're greeted with is a small kitchen, with a lot of scratched up wooden furniture, with buckets of fruits stacked up by the walls.
"Coronamon, I'm home. I've brought guests." Doumon calls, and in seconds, they can hear quick, rapid footsteps coming towards them.

"Yay!! You're back! I-" A little Digimon comes sprinting into the room excitedly,immediately coming to a halt when he sees Antylamon and Mummymon

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"Yay!! You're back! I-" A little Digimon comes sprinting into the room excitedly,
immediately coming to a halt when he sees Antylamon and Mummymon. "Whoooa, NEW DIGIMON!! Who are you two?!" Coronamon's eyes sparkle, hopping up and down in excitement.
"New Digimon that are now a part of this army. They say they're Digidestined Digimon." Doumon calmly responds.
"WHAT?! REALLY?!" Coronamon gasps loudly, squealing with joy. "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH YES!! Can I talk to them?!"
"In a few minutes. These two are hungry and need to eat first." Doumon says.
"WHAT?! Awww, come on!" Coronamon whimpers, giving them big, pleading eyes.
"Just give us a bit, Coronamon. For now, just go outside and run around for a bit. I'll call you when we're done." Doumon responds.
"Aw, alright!" In a flash, Coronamon dashes outside to a back door, leaving just as fast as he entered.
"...Wow, he's hyper." Antylamon says. "Who is he?"
"Coronamon." Doumon repsonds. "I took him in a while back after finding him abandoned in the woods. He said he was abandoned by his other masters, so I'm taking care of him now. He's always saying he wants to be a Digidestined himself, actually." Antylamon and Mummymon look surprised by this statement.
"Woah, why'd he get abandoned by his other masters?" Antylamon asks.
"I don't know, most likely because of how hyper he is." Doumon says, looking towards the back door and the backyard for a moment. "He is a bit of a handful for me sometimes. He's scratched up a lot of the furniture in here as you can tell. I've been able to manage through, I've found ways to control his energy." Antylamon and Mummymon nod in response.
"Enough about him, though, I'd like to ask you two something..." Doumon says, eyeing the two as they look curiously.
"...How'd you two exactly end up in Laylamon's army in the first place? It doesn't make much sense to me considering you're both supposed to be good Digimon." The two look at each other cautiously for a moment, before nodding to each other.
"Well...We ended up coming here with our friends and partners to actually defeat Laylamon. "Antylamon states. "We're trying to defeat all the demon lords to prevent them from becoming Ogudomon and destroying the Digital World." Antylamon continues, Doumon raising her eyebrows in surprise.
"Wow, that's a pretty big task to take on." Doumon states.
"Yeah. Well, we came here to try and defeat Laylamon multiple times, but she got fed up with us, and ended up kidnapping me and Mummymon." Antylamon states. "She also took of the human partners in our group, Blaine, as well."
"Weird, why'd she take one of the humans?" Doumon asks.
"Don't know, I think she said something about him being her new pet." Antylamon responds, Doumon thinking with a perplexed look on her face.
"Hmm...I don't know if I'll be able to help somehow, but do you need any help escaping this place?" Doumon asks.
"Nah, I think we're fine for now." Antylamon responds. "We're just pretending to go along with this place for now, to see if we can get some information we can use against Laylamon."
"Ooh! OOH!" You need information?! I know something that might help!!" Coronamon suddenly and loudly pops up, surprising everyone.
"Coronamon, I thought I told you to stay outside?" Doumon says sternly.
"It's fine, we're done eating now anyways." Antylamon states. "So, what's the information you have?"
"It's something I heard the ShadowWereGarurumon talking about yesterday!!" Coronamon states excitedly. "I don't know if it's true, but it might help!! You all ready for it?!"
"My those WereGarurumon sure love to gossip." Doumon says. "Alright, what is it?"
"Alright, so...There's a rumor that Laylamon actually doesn't wanna form Ogudomon!" Coronamon states, everyone looking at each other with surprised expressions.
"Yeah! I don't know if it's true or not, but I think it has something to do with Barbamon being super ugly?" Coronamon says, varying expressions on everyone's faces.
"Whoa, really?!" A voice suddenly pops up from behind everyone, surprising them.
"Keramon? How'd you know we were here?" Antylamon asks.
"Oh, I was following you guys, I hope you don't mind!" Keramon responds, smiling.
"Uhh, is this Digimon a friend of yours?" Doumon asks, head turned with concern.
"Uh, sort've. We just met him today, but he's been helping us out with a lot of chores." Antylamon says.
"If that rumor about Laylamon is true, I wonder how the other demon lords would feel about that?" Keramon asks, thinking.
"Either way, if it turns out that rumor is true, then Laylamon might not be as big of a threat as you two originally thought." Doumon says, Antylamon and Mummymon looking at each other with cocked heads.
"You think we should try and learn more about that rumor before we do anything else?" Mummymon asks.
"Yeah...I think, that'd be...Best...Ugh" Antylamon winces, rubbing her head in pain.
"You ok?" Doumon asks.
"Yeah, I just...I'm usually in my rookie form, and it's kind've hard for me to stay in this form without my partner for so long..." Antylamon grumbles. "It's pretty easy for Mummymon, but not as much for me..."
"We have a spare room upstairs you can rest in if you want." Doumon says.
"Yeah...That'd be nice right now, thanks..." Antylamon stands up as she follows Doumon up some stairs.
"Ooh! Ooh! Then can I show you some of my fighting skills?!" Coronamon says, pointing to Mummymon. "I've got a lot of super cool moves I wanna show you!!"
"Really? Uh, sure, I'd love to!" Mummymon agrees as he stands up, following Coronamon out to the backyard.
Meanwhile, with Blaine...
Blaine sat on Laylamon's huge lap, being lightly restrained by one of her arms as the other was being used to apply lipstick on her, carefully looking into her vanity mirror
on a desk.
"God, someone get out of here..." Blaine quietly hisses under his breath.
"Hm? What'd you say?" Laylamon asks.
"Nothing." Blaine grumbles in response.
"Hey! Lady Laylamon!" Demidevimon flies into the room in a rush. "The outside walls have some damage to them as well, you want anyone to go fix them right now?" Laylamon groans in response, rolling her eyes.
"Go tell the ShadowWereGarurumon to fix them by midnight." Laylamon sternly responds.
"On it!" Demidevimon flies out of the room, as fast as he left. Laylamon sighs, setting her lipstick down on the desk.
"Ugh, nothing is going right for me lately." Laylamon huffs. "All my stuff is just breaking down, the other demon lords won't stop bugging me...And look at my hair!" Laylamon pouts, running her free hair through her hair. "Ugh, so lifeless! I think all the stress is getting to it..."
"The other...demon lords..." Blaine thinks to himself for a moment. "Wait, which demon lords are bugging you?" He asks.
"All of them! Well, actually, it's mostly just Barbamon and Daemon..." She says. "They're constantly reminding me that me and the others will have to form Ogudomon the second Lucemon awakens, and I just...Ugh..." Laylamon groans again, resting her hand on her forehead.
'Before...Lucemon awakens?' Blaine thinks to himself. 'If one of the demon lords is still asleep...We still have enough time then.'
"...Honestly..." Laylamon sighs, pausing for a moment. "Honestly...I don't even wanna form Ogudomon with them." She states, Blaine looking up at her with a shocked expression.
"Whoa, seriously?!"
"Yes! Ugh, do you know how hideous I'd be if I formed with all of those freaks?!" Laylamon says. "God, I cannot stand to lose my beauty to them, especially Barbamon and Daemon! Has Barbamon ever looked at himself in a mirror before?! At least Daemon is always wearing that cloak that covers his face..." Laylamon pauses for a moment, as Blaine sits still, with a shocked expression.
"...Ugh, it's so much better to just stay here and manipulate all these Digimon to do my bidding." She mumbles, staying silent for a moment before picking up a hair brush on the desk.
"...I guess for now I'll just fix this. Can't let anyone else see me looking this stressed!" Laylamon says as she starts brushing her hair.
'...Wait a minute...' Blaine thinks for a moment, taking in everything Laylamon just said. 'If she doesn't actually wanna form Ogudomon...Does that mean she's technically...
...Not a threat to us?'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Taeka runs through the forest holding the knocked out Dracomon, not even looking where she was going, as she ran with tears falling out of her eyes. She continued running until she tripped on a plant, falling to the ground, coincidentally right next to the group.
"Taeka! Are you-"
"I CAN'T DO THIS!!" Taeka yells, as Erik tries to help her, who looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
"I...I just can't...Do this on my own." Taeka whimpers, her voice feeling weak. "It happened again...This time faster then ever. I've been defeated...Again..." Everyone quietly listens to Taeka's venting, feeling more sorrow then ever before.
"I just...I'm not strong enough. I don't have the courage to do this on my own. I'm not as strong as I think I am...Especially without you guys..." Taeka slowly sinks to the ground, sobbing quietly as everyone else also sunk their heads low, Erik looking back and forth at the group with worry in his face.
'Man, everyone's so bummed out...And I don't know what to do about it...' Erik looks at the little Paomon, who was sleeping on his shoulder. 'I wish Paomon could still fight. Taeka definitely needs some help right now. If only...There was...Someone...Else...' Thoughts raced through Erik's head as he tried to think of anybody that could help them out...
...When something clicked in his head.
"Guys...If we need help..." Erik states, everyone looking up to him attentively.
"...What if we find Axel?"
"Axel? Isn't that the name of..." Cora states.
"...The Dark King." Ryudamon finishes. Everyone's looks of worry turn to concern, looking back and forth at each other.
"EEP!!" A sudden squeak appeared from the forest bushes, everyone cautiously turning towards the location of the sound.
"Hey, whoever it is, don't be afraid to come out. We won't hurt you!" Erik calls to the voice, as a smaller Digimon slowly reveals itself, its hands behind its back.
"ToyAgumon? Wait, didn't you used to be ExTyrannomon, Axel's partner Digimon?" Cora asks, ToyAgumon slowly nodding his head yes.
"Wait a minute...Have you been following us this whole time?" Erik asks, ToyAgumon nodding his head yes again. Erik slowly walks to ToyAgumon, kneeling down to his level to notice his more upset expression.
"...You must miss Axel, don't you?" Erik says, ToyAgumon not answering, only turning away nervously.
"It's ok to admit it. He is your partner, so there's nothing to embarrassed about." Erik calmly states, ToyAgumon silent for a bit before he turns back around to look at Erik.
"...Of course I miss him. I don't know if I still trust him though, after everything he did as the Dark King!" ToyAgumon whimpers.
"And how do we even know if he's gonna wanna help us out or not?" Cora asks, an unsure expression. Erik looks back up at her, a serious expression.
"...Remember what MasterTyrannomon said about Axel possibly being controlled by a dark power?" Erik says. "That if we defeated him, that whatever power was controlling him would finally be gone? If that's the case, then he shouldn't be evil anymore, and maybe he won't mind helping us out now. He might even know a bit more about the demon lords as well." Everyone thought in silence for a moment, looking back and forth between each other.
"...Either way, it's worth a shot. That is, if we have a way to go back to our world temporarily." Erik says.
"Well, if you do..." ToyAgumon puts his hands out, holding one teleportation cube in each hand. "You're gonna need these. I was gonna do the same myself, but I wouldn't know how to find him." ToyAgumon says, Erik grabbing both of the cubes.
"If you can find Axel, just make sure to bring him back here and have him apologize to me, alright?" ToyAgumon says. "That is, if he really is sorry."
"I will, thanks so much ToyAgumon." Erik says, smiling at him and standing up, looking at the group. "I don't mind going by myself...If that's alright with you guys?" Erik looks between the group, a serious expression.
"...Yeah. I want him in the group." Lily says quietly, breaking the silence.
"...If he can help us, then I guess it's fine with me." Cora adds.
"...Same for me." Ryudamon says.
"...Taeka?" Erik looks at her, who still clutched Dracomon, still looking upset. "Since you're the leader of this group, I wanna make sure I have your approval too." Taeka looked down, thinking for a long moment.
"...Yeah. I'll take any help at this moment." Taeka responds weakly, Erik nodding in response.
"...Alright." Erik looks at one of the cubes, ready to press the button, but hesitating.
"Taeka, can I talk to you about one more thing before I leave? Alone?" Erik motions towards the forest bushes, Taeka slowly getting up and following him until they're far enough away from the others.
"What is it?" Taeka mumbles.
"Taeka...You seriously gotta relax yourself." Erik says, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard right now, being the only one right now who can fight. But you gotta take a deep breath and slow yourself down for a bit. Try and remember where all your strength comes from in the first place, alright?" Taeka looks up at Erik with a confused look, thinking for a moment before letting out a sigh.
"Uh...Alright." Taeka weakly responds, Erik smiling back in response as he slowly hold up one cube, stepping away from her.
"...Thanks. I'll be back soon." Erik says, pressing the button on the cube...And disappearing in thin air.
...Erik and Paomon were gone from reality, not feeling their bodies for a moment before finally coming to be, their bodies landing roughly on top of a dirt path.
"Ow! Ugh..." Erik grumbled, rubbing his back as he slowly stood up. They appeared to be on top of a mountain that overlooked the cities, seeing the tall skyscrapers in the distance.
"Wow, we really are back in my world..." Erik says, his eyes sparkling as he stares at the city lights. 'I wish I could go find my mom and tell her I'm ok, but...I'm on an important mission here.'
"Hey, Erik! Look!" Erik looks down at his partner, who now had digivolved to Xiaomon.
"Whoa. Did that cube somehow speed up your Digivolution or something?" Erik asks.
"I think so, but that doesn't matter! Look!" Xiaomon excitedly points to the left, where Erik finally sees a short dirt path, that leads to a small waste dump.
"And listen!" The two listen in silence, until they hear a soft, sobbing noise coming from inside the dump area.
"...That must be Axel." Erik says. "Come on, let's go." Erik walks down the path, Xiaomon happily following as they walk through the dump entrance. They look around at the mounds of trash, until they finally spot him...
...Axel. He was sobbing and sniffling, sitting on the dirty ground and leaning on an old shed, applying some bandages to one of his eyes. Erik looks at him for a moment, with worry in his eyes as he cautiously approaches Axel.
"...Hey." Erik calmly speaks to him, spooking Axel as he looks up at him with a shocked look, before looking back down.
"...What are you even doing here?" Axel grumbles.
"I wanted to find you. What are you even doing out here, anyway?" Erik asks.
"I live here. I don't know why it'd matter to you though." Axel sternly responds.
"What?! Out in this dump?!" Erik looks down at Axel in disbelief. "You don't have a real house, or a family?"
"Yes. I don't have any family, and this is my home. It's how it's always been for me." Axel sighs, before finally finishing applying the bandages. "Maybe this is what I deserve for everything I did to the Digital World though." Axel sighs again, looking down at the ground. "I'm supposed to be a Digidestined, but all I do is hurt people." Axel takes his Digivice out of his pocket, staring at it. "I'm useless." Erik is silent for a moment, visibly looking upset at the words Axel spoke before trying to think of something to say.
"Come on, that's not true." Erik sits on the ground next to Axel, Xiaomon sitting on his lap. "You're clearly going through a lot right now. Would you mind telling me everything you can? You know, about your life, and how you ended up this way?" Erik asks. Axel stares at the ground, silent for a long moment, before wiping some tears off his face, giving a long sigh.
"Well... I've kind've always been...Alone, like this. I've never had any parents, and I've always grown up in a bunch of different foster homes. None of them ever treated me right, though. Every single foster home I was in always neglected me. Told me I was never good enough to get adopted, never good enough to do any good in life. Would always hit or attack me and tell me that everything was my fault." Axel paused, starting to choke up as Erik continued to listen. Axel then pointed to the bandages on his face.
"This was the worst injury I've gotten. It was a long time ago, but one of my former foster moms attacked my eye with a pair of scissors. Even to this day, I can still barely see out of my eye. That's why it's always covered. And...
...A few years ago, I just decided I had enough of the abuse, and ran away, and eventually started living out here. Ever since then, I've just been barely living off of whatever I find here, including this computer that somehow zapped me into the Digital World." He motions towards an old computer that rested in the dirt. Axel then pauses again, now starting to feel tears sliding down his cheeks.
"...I started to hate all the people that exist in this world for all the things they've said to me. But now, after everything I did as the Dark King, I'm starting to think they were all right about me..." Axel sobs quietly, as Erik comfortingly rests one hand on Axel's shoulder, opening the other arm as Axel quickly embraces him, sobbing into his chest.
"I've always...Just felt...So alone..." Axel sobs.
"It's ok, you're not alone anymore." Erik says, calming stroking Axel's back. "I'm gonna help you through this." The two stay embraced for a long, quiet moment before finally letting go, Axel wiping some tears from his face. "How...Would you even help me?" Axel asks.
"I do a lot of charity work, and one of the places I help out at is at a foster home." Erik says. "I know the foster moms who work there pretty well, and they're all very kind. I know they'll take you in, and help you finally find a home for yourself...
...Well, after we save the Digital World, of course."
"The Digital World...Wait a minute, did you just come back here because you needed my help?" Axel asks.
"Well, honestly, yeah, but after hearing all that you've gone through, I wanna help you out as well." Erik says, giving a lighthearted smile. "Your partner ToyAgumon is with my group right now. If you two are able to make up...Will you both join our team, and help us take down the demon lords?" Erik asks. Axel looks away for a moment, thinking, before he finally wipes all the tears off his face.
"Yeah...I'll do that. After everything I did as the Dark King, it's the least I can do." Axel smiles weakly, Erik smiling back as the two stand up, Erik holding out the other cube.
"...You ready to go back now?" Erik asks, Axel nodding his head yes as the two, Xiaomon hopping into Erik's arms, stand close to each other...As Erik presses the button, disappearing once again.
...When the three finally came to be, they landed softly on the grass, noticing right away that they were in the same dark forest Erik and the group was in. They stood up, hearing the soft voices of the group speaking a short distance away. Axel rubbed one arm, looking nervous.
"Hey, don't worry, I'll come with you and help introduce you, alright?" Erik comforts Axel, raising one arm out to him, Axel taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Alright...Let's do this."

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