Dark Tower | Chapter 16

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The kids all waved goodbye to the Giga House Digimon, feeling a new sense of encouragement now that they had a new way to Digivolve: Armor Digivolution.

However, they all still had these thoughts racing through their heads: Where was the Dark King, how would they find him and defeat him...And why couldn't the Digimon Digivolve to their regular forms? It seemed that the more and more they walked, the more questions they all had racing through their heads.

Now, the group all walked along a dirt path, still deep inside of the woods. They had no idea where they were going, or what they were doing. They just kept...Walking. Nobody could keep track of how long they were walking for, but they were definitely walking for atleast an hour.

"Hmmmmm...." Taeka suddenly stopped, seeing a fork in the dirt path. She looked back and forth between both paths, trying to decide which one to go to.

"Um....That way?" Taeka pointed to the left path, but sounded a little unsure.

"Taeka...We know you have no idea where you're going." Lily says.

"Whaaaat? O-Of course I do! Um..." Taeka stuttered, trying to keep a positive front, but everyone knew Lily was right."

"Hmm..." Lily tried to think for a moment, looking down at the green and white egg she was holding that she still had from the Giga house.

"Taeka, it's fine if you don't know where you're going." Erik says. "None of us have been to the Digital World before, so it's completely understandable if you don't know."

"Urgh..." Taeka grumbled, ruffling her hair in annoyance. "Shouldn't the Digimon know where to go anyways?!" Taeka turns around, staring straight at Dracomon.

"Dracomon! Which path do we go to?!" Taeka asks, sounding annoyed.

"What?! I-I don't know!" Dracomon stutters. "I don't even know what forest were in!"

"We may live in the Digital World, but that doesn't mean we know every part of it..." Ryudamon adds.

"Urgh, fine, we'll go that way then!" Taeka angrily grumbles, pointing and walking down a random path. Everyone followed behind, an awkward silence in the group.


"...Erik, what are you thinking about?" Labramon asked. He noticed that Erik was staring closely at his Digivice's screen, clearly in thought.

"I was just thinking about why you guys can't Digivolve..." Erik says. "I mean it's just weird, our Digivices seem to work just fine, but you guys still can't Digivolve for some reason..."

"But I can still Digivolve!" BlackGabumon chimes in.

"Yeah, that's what makes this even more confusing..." Erik says. "It's like something is preventing the rest of us from Digivolving normally somehow..."

"Yeah, but atleast you guys have that cool armor Digivolution now." Cora says, smiling at Erik. "I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of you guys now, heheh." Erik couldn't help but smile at this.

"I'd rather just figure out how we can Digivolve normally again." Blaine adds. "I wanna be able to figure out how I can get Ryudamon to the ultimate level."

"Yeah true, but for now we'll just have to get used to the armor evolutions, and hope we don't run into anyone too powerful..." Erik responds.

Everyone continues talking among themselves about Digivolution, except for Taeka, who had her head slumped down.

"...Dracomon? Uh, I'm sorry for yelling at you..." Taeka mumbles. "I just feel a little stressed out right now...I feel like I'm supposed to be leading everyone into our next mission or whatever, but I have no idea what to actually do..."

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