House of the Bakemon | Chapter 19

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(Taeka cover art is NOT made by me!! Made by crxsioli on Deviantart!)
"I can't believe this..." Blaine grumbles as everyone walks down a dirt path in a dark forest. "The Dark Kings just a...Kid! A kid!! And he doesn't even look any older then us..."
"I know..." Cora adds. "It just...Doesn't make any..."
"Taeka, I thought you said that one Digimon called Belphemon was the Dark King?" Dracomon asked, confused.
"Well Vademon mentioned his name, and I thought he sounded pretty important..." Taeka says, trying to think.
"Maybe Belphemons his Digimon partner?" Erik says. "I mean, it'd make more sense as to why he's in the Digital World in the first place, plus it could explain why he has so much power here..."
"Yeah, that would explain a lot..." Taeka tries thinking again, looking down at her Digivice. "Hmm, I wonder if my Digivice would know anything about..." Taeka pulls out her Digivice...
'Belphemon: Mega level, Virus. One of the seven great Demon Lords. MUST NOT AWAKEN.'
...But Belphemon barely had any information, unlike all other Digimon they'd seen before, and was also lacking a picture of itself.
"Ummm, guys? Look up Belphemon on your Digivices..." Taeka says, worry in her voice. "This guys a Mega..."
"What the? This Digimon barely has any information on it..." Cora says. "Must not awaken...And who are the seven great Demon Lords supposed to be?"
"This isn't good...This guy has a super powerful Digimon on his side that we barely know anything about..." Erik worriedly says.
"We should probably find that egg as soon as possible then..." Taeka says. "Maybe then we'll have a new armor Digivolution that's strong enough..."
"Yeah, but don't even know where we're going anymore..." Cora says. And she was right. They were in the forest that was on the map, but they couldn't find any more paths that lead to the house. The path they were walking on now lead to a dead end, and the dark colored trees blocking the sunlight made it darker and harder to see ahead of them.
"Aghh, where the heck is it?!" Taeka grumbles, unfolding the map impatiently.
From the bushes, everyone could hear footsteps coming towards them. Everyone stopped cautiously, waiting...Until they saw a familiar face pop out of the bushes.
"Dokugumon? What are you doing all the way out here?" Erik asks.
"I take walks out here sometimes, what of it?" Dokugumon huffs. "...Besides, I should be asking you guys the same thing."
"Were looking for a house that's supposed to be out here." Lopmon says. "It apparently has another one of those Digi-eggs like the ones back at the Giga House."
"Oh, you guys must be looking for the Bakemon house." Dokugumon turns around, motioning to some bushes. "The house is hidden behind those bushes a ways. Just be careful though, those Bakemon keep their house hidden for a reason."
"Oh, thank you my love! I promise we won't let you down~" BlackGabumon swoons dramatically.
"Tch, whatever weirdo." Dokugumon huffs, walking away.
"Dude, you should totally ask her out on a date when we're done with all this Dark king stuff." Cora teases.
"That sounds like a good way to get murdered." Blaine mumbles sarcastically.
"Come on guys, let's just get to the Bakemon house already!" Taeka excitedly hops over the bushes, everyone following close behind. They have to push through some more bushes, but they eventually reach a small clearing...With the house. It looked pretty old and worn out, and it was at least three stories tall.
"Ok, I think if we just walk in there carefully and explain what's going on, then I think we should be fine." Erik says.
"Yeah, but we should also be prepared to Digivolve in case they don't listen." Cora adds. Everyone nods in agreement as Taeka cautiously opens the front door, making a loud creaking sound as it slowly opens.
The big entrance room looked just as old as the outside of the house did...
...But the much more noticeable thing was the big group of ghost Digimon, a type of Digimon that Cora and BlackGabumon were pretty familiar with...All turning around to face everyone, with blank looks on their faces.
'Bakemon: Champion level, Virus. Ghost Digimon from the Dark Area who's real face is hidden underneath it's cloth. Main attack is Dark Claw, where it slashes at the opponent.'
"Whoa, uh...We're not here to start any trouble..." Taeka says, cautiously putting her hands out.
"...Too late for that." A deep voice cuts through the air, but it didn't come from any of the Bakemon. Everyone looked around, confused, until an unfamiliar Digimon lands in front of everyone, making a loud thump as he landed on the floor.

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