At your service | Chapter 31

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"WAAAUUUGHH!! I...MISS...ANTYLAMON!!" Lily sobs loudly, clutching onto Gummymon. The group was resting now in front of the Bakemon house. Feelings of tension and hopelessness was rising in the group, as Lily, Cora, and Ryudamon were now separated from their partners, who were now held captive by Laylamon. This, also adding onto the fact that Erik's partner was still at the fresh stage, made one thing clear...
...Taeka and Dracomon were the only ones that could save their friends now, and defeat Laylamon once and for all.
"I don't even understand..." Taeka mumbles, worry on her face. "I thought I made a good plan this time, how'd it all go so wrong?"
"It went fine, it was just that Wingdramon was too big to go unnoticed." Ryudamon weakly responds, laying down on the grass, looking tired. "And now Blaine's gone...And I can't do anything..." Taeka and Erik worried looked back at forth at the group, not knowing what to say or do.
"Taeka, I hate to say this, but..." Erik says, putting one hand on her shoulder. "But until I can get Paomon to digivolve back to Labramon...You're gonna be on your own with this fight."
"Well, I'm ready to fight Laylamon on our own!" Dracomon says enthusiastically. "What about you, Taeka?" Despite Dracomon's cheery attitude, Taeka couldn't find the positivity in the situation, only slumping her head down with worry.
'I wish I was ready, but...' Taeka thinks. 'This is so much different then any other times we've fought. Some of my friends are gone, and the ones that are here can't fight alongside me...' Any courage she had before was starting to be replaced with thoughts of worry. 'And everything I've done so far hasn't worked, I...
...I don't know what to do.'
Meanwhile, with Mummymon and Antylamon...
Mummymon and Antylamon were locked and thrown into a small room the entire night, somehow able to keep their ultimate forms.
"...Antylamon, what should we do? We gotta get outta here, but I can't find any way out..." Mummymon whimpers. Antylamon is silent, thinking for a moment.
"...Actually-" But before Antylamon can answer, the door suddenly squeaks open, an unfamiliar Digimon walking into the room.

Actually-" But before Antylamon can answer, the door suddenly squeaks open, an unfamiliar Digimon walking into the room

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"Who...Are you?" Mummymon asks.
"Crescemon." The Digimon speaks in a rushed, serious tone. "And I have no time for chit chat, Laylamon wanted me to bring the new servants to her right away."
"B-but, I...I don't..." Mummymon stammered nervously, as Crescemon grabbed ahold of his neck with her blade, pulling him towards her.
"You think I'm playing around right now, boy?" Crescemon snarls, glaring at him.
"Just...Take us Laylamon." Antylamon says. Crescemon stays motionless for a moment, before letting go of Mummymon, leading them out of the room, into a smaller room where Laylamon stood waiting.
"Lady Laylamon..." Crescemon bows lightly. "I have brought you the new servants." Laylamon looks down at the two, barely lifting an eyebrow.
"...Good. You may leave now, Crescemon." Laylamon says as Crescemon lifts herself back up, leaving and closing the door. Mummymon looks up at her nervously, while Antylamon tries to keep a calm expression.
"Wha...Where's Blaine?" Mummymon stutters nervously.
"Blaine? Is that the child's name?" Laylamon taps on clawed finger on her chin, thinking. "...Hmm, how hideous. I'll have to change that later." Laylamon looks down at the two, her face serious.
"...Anyhow, that doesn't matter. Since you two are now living here, you're going to be working and doing all sorts of jobs for me from now on, alright?"
"Um, I..." Mummymon stuttered nervously, but is quickly ignored.
"You and your friends damaged the sides of this tower pretty badly. I want you two to go out there and fix those walls. Keramon will be out there too to show you both what to do, so you both can get going now."
"I...I don't know if I...Want to..." Mummymon still stutters nervously, Laylamon narrowing her eyes at him in annoyance.
"...Don't look so nervous. You two are lucky I've given you this chance, let alone let you and your former friends live." She says, her voice radiating impatience.
"We'll get it done lady Laylamon, don't worry." Antylamon says, her voice cutting through the rising tension.
"...Atleast you're obedient." Laylamon says, eyeing Antylamon. "Well, go now, you two don't have all day!" Laylamon shoos the two out of the room, Antylamon confidently walking outside as Mummymon nervously followed. They walked to the side of the tower, finding the broken gap in the walls, and seeing bricks and buckets of glue and paint on the ground. The two look around, but see no signs of another Digimon.

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