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Yusuf's past.

He blankly zoned his friends out,they were discussing about football and his thoughts were on a whirlwind,he have gone to the computer department several times wishing to get a glimpse of her.Even if it is just a glimpse,even if it is just like the way air passes.

"Please stop sighing like that,this is like the 50th one in 1 minute," Tahir nudged him and he sigh again "Tell me what is wrong," Tahir turned his whole attention to him "Nothing," Yusuf answered as he bought out his phone acting like he got distracted by it and Tahir shrugged as he jumped into the conversation again.

"Their is football match today," Hafiz stated excitedly,Yusuf used that as his que to leave the place,am going to the backside garden to rest,come and meet me there before the lecture,all of them nodded their head and he entered his car zooming off.

He sat down as he let out another sigh.What it is like to have a normal family?

He doesn't even know that for crying out loud,growing up in a house which your parents are not in love with each other is so heartbreaking.

His mother and father had a forced marriage and they never loved each other till today,it has been years but still no improvement,just two children which his father calls mistakes.

They are just mistakes and nothing more.

He closed his eyes as he lifted his head now facing the sky with his eyes still closed as he breath in and out,he wants to feel loved,he wants to be called something apart from a mistake.

"Hey life saver," Abruptly he opened his eyes and sat up,a girl wearing the lightest blue gown stood before him beaming with an omo blue veil wrapped carelessly on her head,she had a hardcover on her hand hugging it with both her hands like she is hugging a baby.


He beamed at her as she sat down beside him letting out a sigh "It feels good to see you again," She smiled and Yusuf's heart lost a beat "Same," He scratch his eyebrow nervously and she cutely gave him a tight lipped smile "Lectures are just sooooo annoying,seriously being in 100level sucks," She whined stomping her feet as she face palm herself "Being in the whole university does," He chuckled shrugging his shoulders.

"So what are you doing here?" He casually asked "I kind of saw you coming here from our lecture theatre so I ran here after the lecture to meet you," She explained and for the second time his heart lost a beat before coming back to thumping loudly.

"I have been wanting to meet you but you were nowhere to be seen inside the whole school," He sigh as he look at her "I have been busy with lectures," He nod his head in understanding.

"Ahm I wanted to actually thank you again for the other day,seriously you did so much for me so thank you very much," She smiled as she looked at her legs.

"I have always gotten what I needed but never what I wanted,you gave me what I wanted that day,the care and concern I have yearned for my whole life.So thank you for that,you never know how your smallest act will mean the world to someone,to you it is just an act of goodness but to that person it is like a dream come true." He nodded his head agreeing with her words.

How can someone be so calm and reserved? How can someone be this wise and smart? How can someone like her go deep into things?

"How old are you?" Yusuf found himself asking "I am going to be 18 in the next two months," She answered with a glint of happiness in her eyes.

"Do you have lecture?" He asked praying for the answer to be NO.

"Oh yes I have," Oh shoot noooooo.

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