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Yusuf's past.

So this is how heart break feels like?

Feeling so low,not enough,low confidence,self esteem.Nothing amaze Yusuf anymore,absolutely nothing.

Yusuf pulled the duvet on himself and sunk inside,his eyes felt so heavy but he still opened them to see the light of another day,another day of tears.

If you will ask Yusuf what love is.He will tell you that it is a very great feeling but he will emphasize the way it hurt for you.It hurts alot.

He let out a groan as he yanked the duvet away from his body,he sat up and shivered when his legs got in contact with the cold tiles.Every single day,it feels like his feeling are becoming more intense and it breaks his heart more.

He doesn't deserve all this.After all the pain he endured,he doesn't deserve this kind of betrayal again.

Tears rolled down from his eyes and he felt miserable,a miserable young man who only cry all day long.Many of his friends have laughed at him for crying over a girl but he just shook his head,they really were never in love.

Truly in love.

But he was,he loved Warisha truly,he still do and maybe he will forever love her.

His heart felt so heavy,the emotions were weighing him down.

He lied down again smiling at the ceiling "Life is so hard." He said to the thin air passing "Life is really hard." He chuckled sadly.

"Why does love hurt alot? Why?"

No answer.

"Because true love is now rare,finding it is also hard."

He turned and Iman stood infront of him "Stop making yourself miserable."

"I can't help it Iman." He voiced out.

"Do you think true love exist?" He asked.

"I believe it does exist,but Ya Yusuf,it come with a price,with trials,with tears,with disappointments,with happiness,with sadness and every single thing."

"I think Warisha truly love you but she let you go. I don't understand why she did that but she will surely regret it sooner or later because the love you had for her was so true,so pure,so delicate."

Yusuf rubbed his eyes "Despite everything, I am glad we met."

Even a pin drop would be heard because it was so silent,Iman sat there looking at him in awe,she couldn't even believe her ears,yes he learned a lesson from the heart break,but being glad of meeting someone who breaks your heart is way out of her league.She cannot find a piece of her soft hard to understand this.

"When am going to fall in love,I wish the guy loves me exactly the way you loved Warisha.The love,concern and care,every single thing.That love was the purest form of love I have ever seen."

Yusuf chuckled as he rubbed his temples "You will,if you find an idiot like me." He joked bitterly.

"Baba is getting a second wife today." She voiced out and Yusuf chuckled.

"I don't even care anymore Iman." He stated and she held his hand "Mama cares."

Yusuf abruptly stood up,his mother must be heartbroken right now.

"She is trying to hide it but it hurts her alot. I don't like seeing her like that Ya Yusuf." Iman wiped her tears.

"I don't like seeing both of you heartbroken,you two are my strength,please don't let your heart make you weak." She begged and Yusuf wiped her tears.

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