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Fear was engulfing her heart and she could feel the tears stinging her eyes begging for freedom to flow but all she know is that she cannot let them flow today,she was feeling uneasy and her heartbeat accelerated when she saw her mother coming inside the room with a frown on her face.

Her mother looked at her and hissed silently underneath her breath "He said you should come." And that was it she went out even before she could reply her.

Looking at her four years old son who was jumping on the bed she stood up with a smile on her face and then sat on the bed dragging his hand so that he can come closer to her and she adjusted him on her laps "You have to be a good boy okay,am going to the hospital for an injection," his face showed his disdain for injection and she just chuckled thanking God that she have at least this lie to make him sit back at home silently without making a fuss "So I will go and come back quickly,you should be a good boy and no tantrums okay?" And he quickly nod his head "Okay."

She softly kissed his cheeks then walked out of the room with a worried look as she entered her father's parlor.

She sat down on the floor uncomfortably "Good day Abba." The old man looked at her and rolled his eyes "You know that this is the 10th man you are meeting right?" Ofcourse she knew but why was he rubbing it on her face? it is not like she have any other choice does she?

"Yes." She curtly replied even though she hates having that conversation but she knows better than ignoring her father,he is looking for the tiniest mistake she would make so that he will be able  to throw her out of the house for good.

He looked annoyed but still maintained his present demeanor "Good get going before you make a bad impression,punctuality is really important incase you don't know." She lightly exhaled in and out as she nod her head and stood up to go out.

She knows that she cannot say no to whatever her father say, but it is still early,the lunch date is by 2:00pm then why is she going by 1:00pm? When the restaurant is just 3 minutes away from the house,she let out a breath of exasperation as she silently prayed that everything goes right this time around,she doesn't have the strength to face all her parents tantrums yet again.

Deep down she knows that it is not ending well but she still held onto the last string of hope she had left praying that it doesn't break into pieces.

Her mother came out and sneakily walked to her "Don't tell him about that son of yours okay?" She said looking around to ensure that nobody was looking at her.

She felt pained that she was being asked to hide her son just to get a suitor for herself,it is not the poor boy's mistake for crying out loud,her family need to understand that "I cannot start a relationship based on a lie." That was her reply and her mother eyed her before she stormed away not before mumbling "I guess you are still not tired of all this."

She walked to the restaurant and ordered a drink and meat pie for herself thanking God that her father gave her some money the day before if not she would have looked like a fool sitting there for one hour without ordering anything.

After one and a half dreadful lonely hours a handsome guy walked in with a blue kaftan,he had a very cute smile that she couldn't help but smile back when he waved at her.

"Am sorry for making you wait,the traffic is so bad today." He said with a very tight smile and she smiled back shaking her head negatively "No it is okay actually I didn't wait for a long time." That was a total lie but their is a hint of truthfulness in her words,their was a time her dad made her come 2 hours earlier and the guy was one hour late so she doesn't mind his 30 minutes at all.

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