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Yusrah snuggled more as a smile graced her lips,her eyes involuntary flew open and a gasp was the first thing that left her mouth.

The scene in front of her was as such that it left her shocked,she let her mouth hang open and her eyes scrutinize the situation.

She and Yusuf were on the same bed,yes yesterday they decided to sleep in the same room,give Iman and Yazeed one room then Mama the other since the house have only 3 bedrooms.

But then,she doesn't understand why she is in Yusuf's arms,she doesn't understand how they cuddled up,she gulped down the lump in her throat as she closed her eyes to calm down her erratic beating heart,she felt like thrusting her hands into her chest and shushing down her heart,

She tried to move but Yusuf held her more tightly,that is when she realized that she is entangled,her gaze wandered to her hand that was resting on Yusuf's shoulder,then they wandered to his hand which on her holding her closely,she realized that her head is resting on his chest and she could listen to his heartbeat.

For a moment,she forgot about all her tension and inched more closer to listen to his heart beat,turns out it is not only her heart that have got no chill,Yusuf's too.

She giggle a little at her mischief as she continued to intently listen,for a reason it gave her peace and she closed her eyes relishing the sound.

She finally let out a sigh and put her head on his other hand which made her come face to face with him,his eyes were closed making his eyelashes rest delicately on his chin.She stared at his handsome face as a smile made its way to her lips,she contemplated on touching his face or not but her hand reached his face nevertheless.She touched his cheeks with her fingers then started drawing eyebrow,imagining her finger as the pencil on his eyebrow.His eyebrow will be perfect for makeup.

She smiled still staring at him,she never got the chance to stare at him this closely,she won't let this one in a million opportunity slip away from her.

She inched more closer as if she is going to enter his body,she liked the closeness.

She continued staring at him wanting to memorize all his features in her mind.

"You always complain that I stare too much,you are doing it also now."

Yusrah giggled at her craziness,so she is hearing his honey like voice too ringing in her ears.

What on earth is Yusuf doing to her?

She smiled widely as she stared at his eyelashes again,she saw his eyes blinking and she furrow her eyebrows when he opened his eyes.Her eyes went wide as she fling herself to the other side of the bed.

"You are done staring already? I was enjoying the undivided attention." He stated in a teasing tone and Yusrah felt her cheeks growing hot in embarrassment,she put her face in her palms trying to hide her little embarrassing smile from him.

She turned to the edge of the bed and kept her legs down while turning her back at him,she couldn't stare at him.

He caught her staring.

She shivered when he sneaked his hands to her waist and kept his face near her ears "Good morning,habibty."

Before she could react he have already closed the bathrooms door,she let her smile spread on her face as she stared at the bathroom's door.

"Good morning,habiby." She stated laughing at the way the name sounded coming out from her mouth,as she walked out of the room with her heart wildly beating for one person.



Yusrah gulped down the remaining yam into her throat as she sipped the remaining pap,she ran to the parlor and smiled at Mama and Iman "Bye,see you in the evening." She stated smiling as she walk out.

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