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Iman sneaked into the room startling Yusrah "My dear sister in law is a scaredy cat." She stated laughing and Yusrah just roll her eyes "I am not in the mood," She stated and Iman chuckled "You will be after seeing what is happening downstairs." That made her have Yusrah's attention.

"Yazeed is teaching Ya Yusuf one cartoon dance." She stated laughing hysterically and Yusrah started laughing even before reaching the door and peeking,they went and stood by the railing which have a clear view of the parlor to watch the free show early in the morning.

Yazeed will do a step then Yusuf will do as he did,and just know that all Yazeed do is jump around like a monkey in the name of dance step,Yusuf being Yusuf is following his instructions as if he is some sort of a professional dancer.

Yusrah's eyes darted to mama who was hyping them and even taking a video of them while laughing.That made Yusrah more amused than she already was.Her mother in law is a very quite person who doesn't poke her nose into what does not concern her,she is not like other mother in laws and that is why living with her doesn't intimidate Yusrah.She is a very simple person.

So,seeing her also moving her head in a dancing manner as she take a video of her son and grandson dancing have come as a huge surprise to Yusrah.

She smiled as she watch them dance happily while taking breaks to dance.

"Wow! This scene should just freeze,I wanna watch it forever." Iman stated still laughing and Yusrah nodded her head "Me too."

They decided to let them have their moment and went back to the room "You love him,don't you?" Iman questioned as they settle down and Yusrah just stared at her "Who?" She question even despite knowing the answer.

"I can see it,I am never wrong when it comes to love.You love Ya Yusuf." She stated and Yusrah just smiled as an idea piqued in her.

"You always talk about love.What about you? I mean tell me about your love life." She stated looking into her eyes and Iman just smiled.

"I have gone through a thousand love stories." She stated "In the books you read?" Yusrah questioned totally amused with the way Iman changed the topic.Iman let out a little sigh of relieve thinking that Yusrah have let the topic slide but Yusrah knows better.

"Yes." She stated nodding her head "I want to become an author one day,to contribute in adding another love story to the world of readers." She stated smiling fondly "Before writing a love story,you should also have one." Yusrah stated.

Iman let out a chuckle "You are so clever,you still bought me back to the topic I dodged." She stated and Yusrah roll her eyes playfully "The fact that you dodged it made me more curious.I am very sure their is something we don't know." Yusrah replied smiling a bit.

"You know that I work right?" She questioned and Yusrah nod her head,Yusuf told her yesterday night.They always use the night time to get to know each other before sleeping and it is helping a lot.

"It is our manager,Fahad."

Iman stated with her eyes cast down and a shy smile spreading on her face "Give me details!" Yusrah stated over excited as she lounge closer to Iman.If their is anyone who deserve happiness in this world,then Iman should be a part of them.

"He actually proposed just before your wedding,in-fact he said he wants to meet my family.I want everything to settle down first." She stated and Yusrah smack her "Everything have settled down,just tell him to come.Ya ilahi I can't wait for your wedding!" Yusrah squealed and Iman just giggle cutely.

"How did the love start?" Yusrah questioned and Iman eye her "You are one heck of a curious person." She stated and Yusrah totally agreed just to make her go on.

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