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Yusrah's Past.

Early update for harryhudie because she finds all chapters short😂❤️.

Feeling nauseous yet again,she fought the urge to vomit out the remnants of food remaining in her stomach,she sat down on the bed as she held her throbbing head "Ya Yusrah," Zahra called and she turned her head to her direction "Don't you think you should go to the hospital?" She asked and Yusrah shook her head "Am totally fine." She replied "I have a class in 2 hours, I need to go to school." She stated.

"Skipping a class won't bring the world to an end,come on you are so sick." Zahra stubbornly replied "You like school way too much,you are not the one that bought school to this world are you?" She asked laughing "Your love for school is too much." Yusrah rolled her eyes feeling annoyed as she eyed Zahra.

"Mango park." Zahra said twisting her lips and Yusrah smacked her shoulder "Stop joking around with me," She warned with a hint of smile on her face "Sorry ma'am." Zahra saluted walking out.

Yusrah's smile withered as soon as Zahra went out,she gulped down a lump in her throat as she stood up and walked to the mirror.

She saw herself.


Just that this time,she is a girl filled with lies,filled with secrets.She is a girl filled with pain and regret.

She entered the bathroom to take her bath and immediately after turning on the shower her tears started falling.Crying won't change a thing but she doesn't have a choice.

She disappointed her beloved father,he have so much trust snd faith in her,but she broke it.

And her mother.God!!

That woman tried her very best to see that she have good morals,all down to drain? Because of one night?

Yusrah cleared her tears and took her bath.

After taking her bath she got ready and slung her bag ready for school.

She walked out and met her mother in the parlor "Mama,am ready." She stated with her eyes cast down "Your father will come out in seconds,he went in the ease himself." Her mother said smiling and Yusrah nod her head.

Her mother and father.

They are her world,she doesn't want them to ever find out what she did.Their whole world will crumble.

Their hearts will be broken.

Tears stung in her eyes but she cast them down,she held her bag tightly fighting the urge to let out a scream,fighting the urge to tell them everything.Fighting the urge to ask for their forgiveness.

"Please forgive me."

She said in-audibly staring at her mother who was on a phone call.

"I am sorry"

Tears rolled down her eyes but she wiped them almost way too quickly.Her father came out and he gave her a bright smile.

This smile.

This heart melting smile.

She doesn't want it to ever fade from his face.

This proud smile.

This satisfying smile.

She wants it forever on his face.

The kind of smile that spark with happiness,that glitter with mirth and love,the smile that makes the saddest person smile back.

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