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Alhaji Abdul-aziz walked around the parlor letting out a frustrated sigh after each second,he looked around the empty house which was quite as usual just that this time the quietness is more intense.

Yusuf took her away.

He rubbed his nose as he let his legs take a step forward,he didn't stop until he reached the room and he put his hand on the door knob and twist it carefully,like a thief who is afraid of being caught.

His eyes came in contact with the sewing machine and then they darted to the clothes scattered around,he let out a sigh as he turned to leave but then a book caught his attention.

He tentatively walked as if he was scared of walking,he knelt down and carried the old book on his hand,he opened it slowly as if having a fight with his conscience to open it or not.


That is what is inside,it was her styles which she drew and he have to agree that she is good at it.He felt tears stinging his eyes as he remembered her words "I gave up my passion and dream for you,but what have you done for me?"

The words rang in his ears and he tightly clutched his eyes shot.

He have lost them.His family.

He stood up and touched the sewing machine with his hands,he walked out not able to stay any longer and he walked into her room.

The room still had her scent,the one she have carried for years,the scent which stays with him,the same one which give him peace.He let out a sigh closing his eyes as he relish the scent.

"Call him and tell him to bring her back." He heard and turned around to face Warisha.

"She is a soft woman,she will forgive you.Your two children will also forgive you." She stated and he closely stared at her "Why are you doing all this?" He questioned.

"Rectifying my mistake."

She stated with tears stinging her eyes,she stared at him as she smile softly "You should do that too."

He shook his head as he turned around "They won't forgive me." Today,a grown up man like Alhaji Abdul-aziz is crying,he wiped his tears "I have caused them a lot of pain." He stated with guilt eating him up.

She lounged forward and stood in front of him "You have done one good thing,you saved Yusuf from my wrath."

"You mean by adding more to his pain." He stated shaking his head.

"I will not leave until I make sure you have set everything right with them." She stated and tears rolled down her eyes,she didn't achieve anything at the end.

Instead she lost everything.Her marriage,her love and even her happiness.

She just got pain and a divorce letter because of her stubbornness.She lost love and also the money.

"Just leave."


Yusuf is distracting her.

That is one main thing Yusrah was so sure of in an early Saturday morning,he was hugging her from behind and his face was on her shoulder,to top it all he was laughing at his own joke which she didn't even listen to.

She tried to maintain her cool and continue stirring the egg which she have scrambled on the pan,but to no avail.

Finally letting out a huff,she removed his hands from tummy and turned around to face him,she shove their proximity at the back of her mind as she pushed him back "Woooh!" He stated nearly loosing his balance and she shook her head laughing a little "If you are not going to help,then sit on the counter and stop distracting me." She stated turning back to the pan as she continued stirring the egg.

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