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Yusrah's Present.

Yusrah was beyond exhausted as she slump on the couch,she let out a yawn being reminded of her pending sleep.She rubbed her heavy eyes as she stared at Yusuf who walked out also yawning "Good morning," She stated smiling at him.

"Morning." He replied as he walked to her and sit beside her.Yazeed ran out happily smiling "Good morning Baba! How do I look?" He asked twirling jumpily making Yusrah roll her eyes at his enthusiasm.

Yusuf scrutinize him as he clapped his hands "You look like a super hero,champ.This school uniform suits you." Yusuf stated making Yazeed smile widely.

"Finally, I am going to school!" He stated jumping and they both laugh.

Yusrah just smiled at him,she also cannot believe that he is starting school.It have alway been Yazeed's dream to start schooling and finally his wish have come true.

"Well,yes!" She exclaimed as she side hug him "I will just go and get your lunch box so we can get going.We don't want you to be late on the first day." Yusrah stood up as she made her way to the kitchen.

Yazeed kept jumping around and repeating "I am going to school." Till Yusrah felt like removing her ears because she was fed up on hearing it.

They all made their way to the car and hopped on.

In 5 minutes,they reached the school and Yazeed's excitement just increased,they accompanied him to his class.Yusrah's eyes full up with tears as she watch him sit down on his chair happily.


She waved at him smiling while he happily wave back at her.

"Don't be stubborn,be good!" Yusuf stated and Yazeed nod his head like a good boy.

They made their way back home with smiles on their faces "Are you crying?" He asked and she laughed "No,they are tears of happiness.Yazeed have always wanted to go to school,now that he has finally started school,it made me emotional." She stated wiping off the tears that started rolling,Yusuf smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes "Stop being a cry baby." He teased which made her playfully eye him.

They reached the house and she rubbed her eyes "Making Yazeed ready is war! I don't know how to manage this every morning." She stated "I am very sure you can manage your it,you are a super woman and I am here to help you." He stated.

Yusrah smiled at him "Thank you for being supportive." She stated and he just gave her his cute smile which made her heart beat.

He held her hand and kissed it making her smile shyly,he dragged her and made her sit in the couch "I want you to continue your university———,"

He didn't even finish when Yusrah jumped in "Really?!" She jumped happily clapping her hands,everyone know that she wanted to continue her studies,it is still not too late for that!

"Let me finish," He laughed "You can write JAMB again this year,so that we start processing for your admission."He stated.

Yusrah was overwhelmed,it was like a feeling of euphoria,her heart was full of joy and she couldn't but back her excitement,she stared at Yusuf who was smiling cheekily at her.Her heart filled with his love at that instant,the happiness she felt overcloud her soul as tears escape from her eyes.

She threw her arms at him happily and tightly hugged him "Thank you Yusuf!" She shouted as she tighten her hug more.

"If I will get this hug after giving good news,then I should give you good new often." He stated in her ears,Yusrah let go of him as she punched his chest.

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