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Yusrah's past.

Her mother shook her head and laughed "Stop joking around," She stated giving a fierce look "I am serious Khadija!" Her father thundered making her whole body tremble.

A knot formed on her stomach,she could feel the sinking feeling in her stomach,it was just like the world was coming to an end.

"She can't be pregnant!" Her mother said back "How can you joke with this? It is not funny." She stated hissing under her breath.

"Ask your daughter by  yourself,after all you are the one who is responsible for her upbringing." Her father said as he sat down on the couch "We are both responsible for her upbringing." She said raising her voice more than usual.

"Stop talking to me anyhow Khadijah!" He said getting angry "Control your anger!" She said back.

Yusrah felt like her worst nightmare came true,her parents that have been living in peace are fighting because of her.

"Stop!" She said closing her eyes tightly.

"Yes,I am pregnant!"

"What?" Her mother asked confused "How?" Tears slipped from her eyes.

"Mama,believe me it wasn't intentional....I....I"

She stopped when she felt a slap across her face,she didn't care about the slap and tried talking again "I...I wasn't in my sen...."

"Who is the father?" The question she dreaded came.

"I don't know."

A long dreading silence followed by,she looked up with her tears stricken face and all she could see is pale faces of her family.Her two sisters were looking at her with tears and her two brothers were standing clueless of what is happening.

She felt like the worst person on earth.The intensity of what she has done is too much to process at once,her family's reputation has gone down the drain just because of "One night".

"I...I was not in my sen..."

She was cut off again.

"Take this girl somewhere else,just out of my sight!" Her father thundered and she felt like her breath caught up in her throat,it was as if she was deprived of oxygen,it felt like the air have stopped blowing on her.She felt suffocated as she looked into her father's eyes.

She saw anger.Pure anger,his smiling face is now void of smile.

She trembled as she tried to talk again but her mother shook her head at her "Yusrah just go."

She stiffly walked to their room as tears well up in her eyes.

She sat down on the bed with tears shamelessly striking down from her eyes.She carried her phone and dialed Yasmin's number.

"Yusrah!" She shouted excitedly "Who is that guy?" Yusrah questioned with her voice husky from sleep "Which guy?"

"Stop acting all clueless Yasmin, I know what happened the other day.You guys intoxicated me and that guy,you made me take him to the room.You planned it all right?" She questioned disgusted that they were once her friends.

"Excuse me, I am not the one who forced you two to bed,you took yourselves so stop blaming me for your mistake." Yasmin hissed under her breath and Yusrah sigh "I didn't call to have a fight.Allah have seen everything and HE will be the one to judge us on the day of resurrection.I called to ask who the hell is that guy?!"

"I don't know him." She heard Yasmin's voice and she felt like laughing "How can you not?" She questioned daring her.

"Look,I really don't know him.He accompanied his friend." She stated "Where is the friend then? You know him right?"

"They had an accident because they were driving in drunken state that day,two died and one is alive but severely ill. I don't know where you will find that guy,wait! Why are you even looking for him?" She questioned in alert.

"None of your business.Good bye bad friends." She hanged up the call as she block her number.Her tears came back as she slam her head to pillow.

She doesn't know what to do,not at all.

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